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The following data sets are available for download and analysis.  They cover various aspects of global change and the Earth system.

  Atmospheric data
item  NASA's Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) is a great place to start getting data you want for your projects and analysis. Much of the data NASA produces is available from their Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs). Not all of the data available from the DAACs is available on-line, so check out their web sites for a full list of the data they hold. Some of the global change related data sets NASA maintains online include:

TOMS ozone image Ozone data from the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) instruments.
These are the data that first alerted us to the "hole" in the ozone layer over the Antarctic.  This data also may be obtained from the Goddard DAAC.
Surface solar energy data set Surface Solar Energy data set.
From the Langley DAAC.  This Surface Solar Energy (SSE) data set is a by-product of the World Climate Research Program / Surface Radiation Budget (WCRP/SRB) satellite-derived global shortwave data set.

item  NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) has data covering Earth science and global change, including model output.  Some data sets available from GISS include:

Global and regional cloud cover data Global and Regional Cloud Cover data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP).
These data also are available from the Langley DAAC.
Global surface temperature analysis data Monthly Global Surface Temperature Analysis data.
CO2 climate change data Doubled CO2 Equilibrium Climate Change data from an atmospheric model (GISS SI95).
Coupled atmosphere-ocean model simulations Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model: 1995 IPCC Simulations.
These are the data that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) used to make their statements regarding the projected magnitude of climate change.  The actual data is available from this site..
item Where can I get basic climate data such as monthly or annual temperature, pressure or rainfall?

item  Data on carbon dioxide levels are available from the DoE's Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center   These data include:

Anthropogenic CO2 emissions, 1751-1998 Global, National, & Regional Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions from 1751-1999.
Regional divisions and country codes are also available.

  Ocean data
Global sea level data from TOPEX/Poseidon project Global Sea Level Data and Images from the TOPEX/Poseidon project.
These data help scientists determine the onset and strength of El Niño events.  The data also are available from the Physical Oceanography DAAC at JPL.
Long-term trends in sea level around the world Long-Term trends in sea levels around the world.  From the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL).  The PSMSL also has monthly and mean annual sea level values from hundreds of stations worldwide.
item  I'd like hydrologic data and information for streams, rivers or lakes. Where can I find this?
item  Where can I find more data and information about the oceans and sea level?
item  NASA JPL's Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) has much more ocean data for your research.
item  The National Oceanographic Data Center also has lots of ocean data you can use.

  Geologic data
Global earthquake data Regional Earthquake Data from the USGS.
Obtain historic earthquake data from 2100 BC to the present from several databases.  This is provided by the National Earthquake Information Center of the World Data Center (WDC) for Seismology.
Mineral resources spatial data Mineral Resourses On-line Spatial Data from the USGS.
Obtain geologic, lithologic, geochemical, geophysical, and mineral deposit data. Via the on-line tool, users may generate national, state or global maps that illustrate the spatial distribution of the data.  This is provided by the Spatial Data Delivery Project (SDDP).
item  Where can I find maps, aerial and satellite photos, Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) or Digital Line Graphs (DLGs)?

  Other interesting data
Historical population data Historical population data.
From the U.S. Census Bureau, these data include total population, births and deaths, and economic information.
Wolf sunspot numbers data set The Wolf Sunspot numbers data set.
These are the number of sunspots occuring each year since about 1875, and are available from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC).
The data are in the file ndp014.umb.


If you can't find a data set you need on this list, you can search the GCMD database or
E-mail your question to the GCMD Staff .

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