Searching the Database

Browsing Searching Database Fields
The Collection Citation Content Type Definitions Subject Category Definitions
DOE Scientific User Facilities

Basic Search

The Basic Search is found on the home page of the DOE Data Explorer and other top level pages such as About and FAQS. You may type any word or phrase into the search box and select the submit button. Do not worry about upper or lower case rules, and do NOT put quotation marks around a phrase. The DOE Data Explorer searches the full record (every field) of every citation in the database and returns results that have a text string matching the word or phrase you queried. Because it is a "string" search, you could receive matches based on a whole word or a part of a word. For example, a search on nuclear will retrieve records with not only the word nuclear but also those with thermonuclear.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search allows you to use picklists and do fielded searches. By instructing the DOE Data Explorer to limit its search to the field that you choose from the Search picklist, you can narrow a search for more precise results. Fields that can be searched are:

Using the Sort Option

By default, the DOE Data Explorer sorts your retrieved citations into a title list. The list is alphabetical. Along with the title of each citation, you will also see the Creator/PI name if there is one, the name of a data center or user facility if the collection resides at either place, the main content type of the collection, and the citation's DOE Data Explorer number. For each title retrieved, the DOE Data Explorer gives you two links. The "Bibliographic Record" links you to the full citation where you can view key information about the data. The "Data Collection" link allows you to skip the full citation and link directly out to the data.

The other Sort option is by Content Type. For example if you search with the word nuclear, with the Title option from the Search picklist and then choose Content Type as your sort option, your results will display with: