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Browsing Searching Database Fields
The Collection Citation Content Type Definitions Subject Category Definitions
DOE Scientific User Facilities

Browsing the Database

Highlight an option in the Browse picklist and click the submit button. Based on the option chosen, a title list of citations/data collections will display alphabetically. Links to either the collection citation in the database or to the data collection on its host site will be available under each title. If you wish to close the current list of titles and look at a different heading in the Browse option you are using, simply move the cursor to the new heading. Clicking it will close one list and open the new one.

For example: Highlight Content Type and click submit. On the DOE Data Explorer Browse List for Content Type page, click Scientific Images. A title list of every collection of scientific images in the database will display, with links underneath. To look at Numeric Files/Datasets, simply click it. The list of image collections will close, and a list of all numeric files or numeric datasets collections in the database will open.

The contents of the DOE Data Explorer database can be browsed six different ways.

[Note: Collections will display under a DOE Data Center name or Scientific User Facility name only if they reside on that organization's Web server and/or are made available by that organization. Whether data in a collection were generated at a User Facility or processed at a Data Center may not be noted in a citation if the data collection now is maintained elsewhere.]