Database Fields

Browsing Searching Database Fields
The Collection Citation Content Type Definitions Subject Category Definitions
DOE Scientific User Facilities

Field = Title

Browse Yes - a browse option in the Browse pick list and the default browse.
Search Yes - a field in the Advanced Search pick list and included in the "Full Record" search.
Sort Yes - a sort option and the default sort. Titles sort alphabetically.
Display Yes - always displays as the first field in the records that are returned in the search results and in the collection citation.
Definition The collection title is the name assigned to the individual data collection.
  • Environmental Dose Reconstruction Data from the Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (CEDR)
  • Astrophysics Simulations from the ASC/Alliances Center for Astrophysical Thermonuclear Flashes

Field = Creator

Browse No - not a browse option because many collection citations do not have person's name or collaboration name for this field.
Search Yes - a field in the Advanced Search pick list. Key in a last name or any part of the name to search on. Terms entered are case insensitive. The Creator field is also included in the "Full Record" search.
Sort No - for the same reason that this field is not a browse option.
Display Yes - displays in the records that are returned in the search results and in the collection citation if the field has a value.
Definition Researcher(s) or Principal Investigator(s) responsible for the creation or obtaining of the collection as a whole. The name of a scientific collaboration may also be considered the collection's creator. Names of all the different researchers associated with individual items in the collection are not given in this field. Names of organizations (except for collaborations of people) are not given in this field. Creator names may or may not have an affiliation given in the same field.
  • SAGE Collaboration
  • Woosley, Stan (University of California, Santa Cruz)

Field = Sponsor

Browse Yes - a browse option in the Browse pick list. Behind the scenes, the DDE combines all values in both the Sponsor and non-DOE Other Sponsors fields and integrates them into one alphabetized list for browsing. The name of the option in the Browse pick list is simply Sponsor.
Search Yes - a field in the Advanced Search pick list. Any part of a sponsor organization name may be keyed in and then searched for in the Sponsor field. Behind the scenes, a Sponsor search looks for your word or phrase in both the main Sponsor field and in the Other Sponsors field. Both fields are included in the "Full Record" search.
Sort No - not a sort option.
Display Sponsor names do not display in the records that are returned in the search results, but both sponsor fields will display in the collection citation if they have values.
Definition DOE organization, typically a Program Office, that funded, either wholly or in part, the research which resulted in the overall data collection (such as ARM data, which is created, collected, and stored because of the ARM Program funded by the DOE Office of Science). Offices within a Program Office are not broken out in this field. If a DOE Program Office or other DOE funding entity is not specifically known, the value in this field will simply be USDOE
  • USDOE - Office of Science (SC)

Field = Other Sponsors

Browse Yes - a browse option in the Browse pick list. The DDE combines all entries in both the DOE Sponsor and non-DOE Other Sponsors fields and integrates them into one alphabetized list for browsing. The name of the option in the Browse pick list is simply Sponsor.
Search Yes - a field in Advanced Search pick list. Any part of an organization name may be keyed in then searched in the Sponsor field. Behind the scenes, a Sponsor field search looks for your word or phrase in both the main, Sponsor field and in the Other Sponsors field. Both fields are included in the "Full Record" search.
Sort No - not a sort option.
Display Sponsor names do NOT display in the list of records that are returned after a search., but both sponsor fields will display in the collection citation when both have values.
Definition Other agencies, organizations, or entities that, along with DOE, have provided funding for the data.
  • National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Energy Trust of Oregon; Eugene Water and Electric Board; Northwest Power and Conservation Council

Field = DOE Data Center

Browse Yes - included in the Browse picklist.
Search No - Use Browse option to see which data collections reside at specific DOE Data Centers. The DOE Data Center field is, however, included in the "Full Record" search. A list of the DOE Data Centers is also available as a separate page on this website.
Sort No
Display Yes - This field displays in the list of results that are returned after a search and in the collection citation....but ONLY for those collections actually maintained at or by the User Facility. If this field is blank for a particular record, it will not display at all.
Definition A designated center for receiving, processing, storing, analyzing, and disseminating data in primarily non-text formats. The center must be wholly or partially funded by DOE.
  • Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC)
  • National Nuclear Data Center (NNDC)

Field = DOE Scientific User Facility

Browse Yes - included in the Browse picklist.
Search No - Use Browse option to see which data collections reside at specific DOE Scientific User Facilities. The DOE Scientific User Facilities field is, however, included in the "Full Record" search. A list of the DOE Scientific User Facilities is also available as a separate page on this website.
Sort No
Display Yes - This field displays in the list of results that are returned after a search and in the collection citation....but ONLY for those collections actually maintained at or by the User Facility. If this field is blank for a particular record, it will not display at all.
Definition A designated, state-of-the-art facility or instrument funded by DOE but open to DOE and non-DOE researchers alike, based on a peer review of the science proposal. Typically gives scientists access to technologies and capabilities unobtainable elsewhere.
  • Spallation Neutron Source (SNS)
  • Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)

Field = Other Related Organizations

Browse No - not a Browse option
Search Yes - in the search picklist. Organizations (All Related) because the search looks in the DOE Data Center field, the DOE Scientific User Facility field, and the Other Related Organizations field for the requested word or phrase. The Other Related Organizations field is also part of the "Full Record" search.
Sort No
Display This field does NOT display in the list of results that are returned after a search, but it will show in the collection citation....ONLY for those records that actually have information in this field. If this field is blank for a particular record, it will not display at all.
Definition Any organization serving a role (creation, maintenance, providing accessibility, etc.) for a data collection, when the organization has not already been listed as a sponsor, data center, or user facility. The related organization may have been where the original research was conducted, may be hosting the data collection and yet not a designated data center or user facility, may be part of a larger network to which the collection has ties, etc.
  • University of California at San Diego (Center for Energy Research)
  • FluxNet

Field = Content Type

Browse Yes - included in the Browse picklist.
Search Yes - included in the Search picklist. It is also part of the "Full Record" search.
Sort Yes - Content types are listed alphabetically
Display Yes - always displayed in both the list of records returned as the result of a search and in the collection citation
Definition Content Type is a designation assigned by OSTI's DDE development team to each collection. It is based on the format or media of the majority of the non-text items in the collection. See the list of content types and the definition for each one.
  • Numeric Files/Datasets
  • Multimedia

Field = Subject Category

Browse Yes - included in the Browse picklist. Subject categories are listed alphabetically in the Browse option, rather than numerically by their two-digit code.
Search Yes - included in the Search picklist. Behind the scenes, the DDE combines the subject categories with the keywords that are assigned to each record. A search for a word that may be part of a subject category heading will also run against the keywords field. Both fields are also part of the "Full Record" search.
Sort No
Display No display of Subject Category in the list of records returned as the result of a search, but Subject Category always displays in the collection citation.
Definition Subject categories are applied to records entering OSTI's databases as a way of identifying for users the main scientific discipline or science subject area into which the content of a document or, in this case, data collection most nearly fits. By browsing Subject Category, a user can quickly and easily see all items in the DDE database that have to do with environmental science, for example. More than one subject category may apply to one data collection, when necessary. In that case, the title of the data collection will display under both subject categories and be retrieved under both. See the Subject Categories and their definitions.

Field = Keywords

Browse No
Search Yes - included in the Search picklist as Subject. Behind the scenes, the DDE combines the Keywords with the Subject Categories that are assigned to each record. A search for a word or phrase in the Subject field is run against both categories and keywords. Both fields are also part of the "Full Record" search.
Sort No
Display No display of Keywords in the list of records returned as the result of a search, but Keywords always display in the collection citation.
Definition "Uncontrolled" vocabulary. Subject terms that, according to the researcher or the inputting individual should be in the record to highlight key concepts, processes, materials, related project or programs, etc.
  • Gene markers; Genetic disorders; Sequences; Chromosomes; Human Genome; Microbial Genomics
  • Nanostructures; Catalysis; Catalysts; Carbon; Zinc Sulfides; Zinc Oxides; Gallium; Germanium; Silicon Oxides

Field = Description

Browse No
Search Only as part of the "Full Record" search.
Sort No
Display No display of Description in the list of records returned as the result of a search, but Description always displays in the collection citation.
Definition A brief description of the data collection. This may include background on the research project from which the data originated, size of the collection, timeline information, a list of contents to be found within the collection, etc.
Examples: ESPP is developing computational models that describe and predict the behavior of gene regulatory networks in microbes in response to the environmental conditions found in DOE waste sites. The research takes place within the Virtual Institute for Microbial Stress and Survival (VIMSS). ESPP data files are stored on one of the VIMSS file servers. They include data generated by project participants, as well as links to data stored either in BioFiles or in the Experimental Data Repository. A searchable information database, EIDR, provides links to the data files and information about the data, including design information about biomass production experiments, information about the lab analyses that generated the data, and links to more detailed information, displays, or analyses. EIDR contains more than 3000 data uploads. (Specialized Interface)

Field = DDE Number

Browse No
Search Only as part of the "Full Record" search.
Sort No
Display Yes - This field always displays as the last item in the list of results that are returned after a search and as the last item in the collection citation.
Definition A unique identifying number assigned to each record in the DOE Data Explorer database. System generated.
  • DDE00001
  • DDE00233