September 17, 1997


MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution List

FROM: Martha A. Krebs, Director
Office of Energy Research

SUBJECT: Department's Scientific and Technical Information Program Strategic Plan

In May 1997, I requested you or your designee to participate in developing a Department-wide Strategic Plan for the Scientific and Technical Information Program. I am pleased at this time to present that Plan to you. This document, developed by attendees of the June 24-25, 1997, meeting, represents the successful collaboration and consensus-building process to reach agreement on the Department's goals, strategies, and measures for scientific and technical information.

Scientific and technical information is a key deliverable of the Department's research and development (R&D) programs. The Department's R&D program managers have a responsibility to ensure that scientific and technical information is identified, processed, disseminated, and preserved in a manner in which the scientific community and the public can easily locate and use the information emanating from research and related endeavors. The Plan supplements existing policies and requirements for managing scientific and technical information by laying a framework for transitioning STI access and delivery into a distributed, electronic environment. Participants agreed to work collaboratively toward meeting the stated goals, with the primary goal being to provide timely and convenient access to the Department's scientific and technical information.

This Plan asserts specific activities with milestones. Working groups have already been formed, composed of program managers and scientific and technical information professionals from across the Departmental complex. I have challenged the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, which is coordinating and facilitating the various follow-on activities, to work vigorously toward meeting the identified goals in collaboration with all involved programs and sites. If you have any comments or suggestions about implementation of the STIP goals, please contact Dr. Walter Warnick, Director, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, at 301-903-7996 or R. Charles (Chuck) Morgan, Manager, at 423-576-1188.

Thank you for the contributions made by your office, and especially for the continuing participation of your staff in the efforts to follow.


Distribution List

Joseph Romm, EE-1
Patricia F. Godley, FE-1
Tara O'Toole, EH-1
Alvin L. Alm, EM-1
Victor H. Reis, DP-1
Elizabeth Smedley, CR-1
Frank Peters, FM-1
Eric Fygi, GC-1
Terry Lash, NE-1
Kenneth Baker, NN-1
Richard Hopf, HR-5
Marc Chupka, PO-1
Lake Barrett, RW-1
S. W. (Woody) Hall, HR-4
Manager, AL
Manager, OR
Manager, CH
Manager, NV
Manager, RL
Manager, OK
Manager, SR
Manager, FETC
Manager, ID
Manager, GFO
Manager, OH
Director, Ames Laboratory
Director, Argonne National Laboratory
Director, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Director, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Director, Idaho National Engineering and Environment Laboratory
Director, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Director, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Director, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Director, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Director, Sandia National Laboratory/Livermore
Director, Sandia National Laboratories
Director, Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
Director, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Director, Lockheed Martin Energy Systems
President, Fluor-Daniel Hanford, Inc.
President, Westinghouse Savannah River Co.
President, Bechtel Nevada
President, Bechtel Hanford, Inc.