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Introduction to Environmental Management Systems Training

Introduction to EMS 101
Course Description
This course provides an overview of environmental management systems (EMS) and how EMS can support environmental improvements at facilities that are subject to environmental regulations. It also presents information regarding the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) involvement in supporting EMS efforts at facilities regulated under a number of environmental statutes, including the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). This training course will take about 1 hour to complete.

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This web-based EMS training course contains four modules, including this introduction. Each web page contains directions that help you navigate through the course. Arrows on the bottom of each page control movement from page to page. "Main messages" pop up throughout the module to reinforce the learning objectives for the course. Short quizzes at the end of each module are included to test your knowledge of the materials covered in the course. Links to Key Terms and Key References are available at the bottom of each page; you can click on these links to obtain more information.

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Intended Audience
The intended audience for this web-based EMS training course includes anyone looking for an overview of EMS. EPA Headquarters and regional staff, state regulators, facility representatives, and the public all can benefit from this course.

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Viewing the Course
Viewing of this course is optimized if you your browser resolution is 800 x 600. When you enter the course, simply scroll down (about 1 inch) until you can see the entire window for the course on your computer monitor. You must have Macromedia® FlashT Player installed on your machine to view the course. If you do not have FlashT on your computer, you can download Flash Exit EPA , install the free program, and begin again. Note: For most current web-browsers, Macromedia® FlashT Player is integrated into the software. If you cannot download the free Macromedia® FlashT Player, you may view the text version of this course (see the link provided below)

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Navigating the Course
You can navigate to the start of any scene by using the scene number provided on the bottom of each screen. To move forward through the course, use the Forward arrow --&gt at the bottom of the screen; to move backward through the course, use the Back arrow &lt--. Whenever you click on a link within the program, close the newly opened browser window (by selecting "close" or "X" in upper right corner of the window) to return to the course. Note: Selecting a link outside of the primary frame of the training will cause you to lose your place in the module. The "Back" arrow will return you to the beginning of the module. An exception to this applies for the three links immediately below the module (Key Terms, Key References, and Feedback on This Course). If you click on these links you can return directly to your place in the module, by simply closing the newly opened window.

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Text Version
This course is also available in a text-only format. Text-Only Version || Flash Version

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Print Individual Pages
From your web browser, select File | Page Setup. Then, increase the bottom margin to 5.5". Be sure that you indicate whether you wish to print only the current page or the entire document.

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We are interested in your feedback on this EMS training, and we welcome your comments and suggestions. You may send your comments by (1) accessing the course by clicking on the "Begin the course" link, and (2) subsequently clicking on the "Feedback on This Course" link.

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This web-based training course contains summaries and discussions of EPA statutory authorities, regulations, and policy and guidance. However, the course does not constitute an EPA statute, regulation, or policy or guidance document and does not substitute for, or in any way supplement any of these authorities or materials. This module is intended for training purposes only and should not be used in making enforcement decisions at a particular facility. Instead, parties engaged or interested in information about EMS or RCRA implementation should consult EPA's statutes, regulations, and policy and guidance documents directly, including documents regarding federal and state EMS programs, guidance, and goals. For more information view the reference page.

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