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Office of Apprenticeship,
U.S. Department of Labor
Benefits for Program Sponsors


A well-planned administered apprenticeship program will:

  • Attract adequate numbers of highly qualified applicants.
  • Reduce absenteeism.
  • Reduce turnover.
  • Increase productivity.
  • Reduce cost of training.
  • Facilitate compliance with Federal and State Equal Employment Opportunity requirements.
  • Ensure availability of related technical instruction.
  • Enhance problem-solving ability of craftworkers.
  • Ensure versatility of craftworkers.
  • Address industry's need to remain competitive by investing in the development and continuous upgrade of the skills of its workforce.

Technical Assistance

The Office of Apprenticeship field staff, located in 83 offices across the country in 50 states and State Apprenticeship Agency staff provide technical assistance to potential and existing program sponsors and apprentices. Some of the technical assistance provided to potential and current program sponsors can include the identification of training needs, the development of apprenticeship standards, development of an apprentice recordkeeping system, identification of related instruction sources, and coordination of needed program sponsor services with other Federal employment and training programs (e.g., WIA, Job Corps, Veterans Affairs, School-to-Registered Apprenticeship). Technical assistance is also provided to those program sponsors who are required to adopt an Affirmative Action Plan and Selection Procedures.

Financial (Resources)

Federal and State vocational education resources may pay a portion of the related technical instruction and/or instructors of related technical instruction. Contact the Apprenticeship Registration Agency or your State Vocational Educational agency for further information.

Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 13, 2009