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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Project: Genetic Control and Population Biology of Wheat and Barley Root Pathogens in Direct-Seeded Cropping Systems

Location: Root Disease and Biological Control Research

Project Number: 5348-22000-013-06
Project Type: Specific Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jul 27, 2004
End Date: Jul 06, 2009

The objective of this cooperative research is to identify and characterize soilborne pathogens of wheat and barley, such as Rhizoctonia, Gaeumannomyces, Pythium and /or Fusarium, which cause root and crown rot diseases; to identify the effects of cropping system on root pathogen population size and diversity; to utilize the approaches of precision farming to enhance understanding of root diseases epidemiology; to identify useful wheat and barley germplasm with performance against root pathogens; and to insert pathogen defense genes into wheat and barley using conventional and molecular approaches.

Root and crown rot diseases will be identified and characterized through a combination of laboratory, greenhouse and field studies. The ecology of root pathogens and effects of cropping system on pathogen population size and diversity and disease epidemiology will be determined using classical plant pathology methods together with the tools of molecular biology and precision farming. Wheat and barley germplasm will be screened for resistance or tolerance to root pathogens in the field and greenhouse. Practical root disease control will be accomplished through a combination of site-specific farming practices, biological and chemical treatments, and resistant varieties. Plants will be transformed with molecular techniques. Documents SCA with Washington State University. Replacing 5348-22000-012-03S (exp. 9/04) and 5348-22000-012-13S(6/07).


Project Team
Weller, David
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  Plant Diseases (303)
Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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