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  ETA News Release: [October 10, 2007]
Contact Name: Jennifer Coxe and Matthew Faraci
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676 (202) 693-5052

 U.S. Department of Labor announces $250,000 grant to assist  south central Pennsylvania in strategic regional economic  development

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a $250,000 Regional Innovation Grant to assist in Lancaster, Pa.’s plans for regional economic development.  Plans include the development of partnerships to prepare workers affected by layoffs in the candy-making industry for high-demand career paths.

“Relationships like those being developed by the region’s workforce investment boards and their partners have the potential to drive regional economies, create jobs and help dislocated workers get back to work quickly in growing industries,” said Assistant Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training Emily Stover DeRocco.

Three south central Pennsylvania workforce investment boards will use the grant to bring together more than a dozen industry partnerships in south central Pennsylvania, including the area’s food and plastics manufacturers, and logistics, transportation and information technology consortia. These industry partners will work with Lancaster Prospers, the local economic development collaborative, along with the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, and the region’s educational institutions to design curricula matched to career pathways.

Project goals will include integrating dislocated workers into high growth industries and establishing a pipeline of skilled workers for the region’s rapidly growing packaging industry.

The region identified for this project primarily includes activities in the counties of Berks, Dauphin, Lancaster and York, as well as contributions from Adams, Cumberland, Franklin, Juanita and Perry Counties.  When implemented, the plan will utilize a strategic approach to working with the packaging industry by preparing skilled workers for careers in the food processing, pharmaceutical and medical products sectors.

Regional Innovation Grants are drawn from National Emergency Grant funds to assist state workforce agencies and local workforce investment boards, as well as their key partners, in the design and development of comprehensive and strategic regional plans focused on talent development that is aligned with the demands of the 21st century economy.

National Emergency Grants are part of the secretary of labor’s discretionary fund and are awarded based on a state’s ability to meet specific guidelines. For more information on National Emergency Grants, please visit


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Created: October 12, 2007
Updated: January 13, 2009