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News Release

ETA News Release: [August 27, 2003]
Contact Name: Ed Frank
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676

Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao Announces $6.8 Million National Emergency Grant for Texas Workers
Grant Will Provide Transition Services For Military Spouses and Civilian Personnel

  WASHINGTON - U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today announced a National Emergency Grant of $6.8 million that will aid 663 military spouses and 200 civilian Department of Defense personnel who qualify as dislocated workers. An initial amount of $1 million will be awarded immediately.

"The President and I are committed to helping the spouses of our brave men and women in uniform to access the job and skills training they need to provide for their families. We want to provide these military spouses with training in high demand occupations so they can have more options in finding jobs now and in the future," Chao said.

The grant to the Central Texas Workforce Board will fund outreach and recruitment, assessment, counseling, job search assistance, job development, supportive services such as child care and transportation, and training targeted to the workforce needs of employers in the area. Occupations in demand include accountant, auto body repair, computer technician, electrician, LPN and RN, medical lab technician, physical therapy assistant, radiology technician and respiratory therapist.

National Emergency Grants are part of the secretary's discretionary fund. A grant is awarded after a state or local workforce investment board submits a request and the grant guidelines have been met.

"Helping American workers who have lost their jobs remains a top priority for this Administration," said Chao.

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Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 13, 2009