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News Release

ETA News Release: [July 7, 2003]
Contact Name: Jeannine Lupton
Phone Number: 206-553-7620

U.S. Labor Dept. Announces Assistance for Intalco Aluminum Corp. Workers in Ferndale, Wash.

SEATTLE - The U.S. Department of Labor has certified approximately 144 Intalco Aluminum Corp. workers in Ferndale, Wash., as eligible to apply for assistance and benefits under the Trade Act of 1974.

The certification covers the period from May 14, 2002, to June 26, 2005. Workers laid off or reduced to part-time work during this time may be eligible for extra benefits and services.

The affected workers produce primary aluminum. The Labor Department found the company shifted production to facilities in Russia, Canada, Brazil and Venezuela, causing layoffs at the Ferndale facility.

After they are certified as eligible, workers may apply for benefits at a state employment service office. They may receive a broad range of reemployment and retraining services, including career counseling, job placement assistance, job search and relocation allowances and income support during long-term training.

Under the program, a group of three or more employees who believe they are affected by imports can petition the governor of their state for assistance. A union or company official, or a one-stop job service center also can petition on behalf of a firm's workers.


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Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 13, 2009