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ETA News Release: [September 09, 2004]
Contact Name: Lorette Post
Phone Number: 202-693-3984

U.S. Secretary of Labor Awards $500,000 to Massachusetts Group To Partner With Faith-Based and Community Organizations
Part of National $5.8 Million Effort To Partner With Faith-Based and Community Organizations
WASHINGTON - U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today announced a $500,000 grant to the Metro North Regional Employment Board in Massachusetts to partner with local faith-based and community organizations to provide employment assistance to disadvantaged individuals.

"The President and I are committed to helping all Americans access the tools they need to enter the workforce and advance in their careers," said Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "These grants, totaling $5.8 million will help faith-based and community organizations reach some of the hardest-to-serve job seekers across the nation. Locally, the $500,000 awarded to the Metro North Regional Employment Board will help workers connect with the employment and training resources available at local One-Stop Career Centers across the nation."

The grant will expand employment opportunities for residents of twenty hard-to-serve communities in the North Boston area, focusing on individuals with low levels of literacy and English proficiency. Through eight existing partnerships between faith-based and community organizations and local One-Stop Career Centers, the focal point of the public workforce investment system, participants will receive an array of services. These include outreach, recruitment, adult literacy training, case management and job placement.

"The Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives wants to identify trusted institutions that provide valuable services but may not be partnering with government programs," said Brent Orrell, director of the Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. "This initiative will help foster stronger relationships between local faith-based and community organizations and the public workforce system."

The grantee plans to place 150 job seekers in banking, hospitality and health care positions with a retention rate of 75 percent after six months. At least 15 participating faith-based and community organizations will also increase their capacity to serve their communities as a result of the grant.

"Connecting faith-based and community organizations with the public workforce system will increase our ability to assist people who might not otherwise be served," said Emily Stover DeRocco, assistant secretary of labor for employment and training. "Working together, One-Stop Centers and local community organizations will close gaps in service and help us achieve our main goal-helping more Americans find good jobs with career ladders."

The Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (CFBCI) works to remove regulatory barriers and develop innovative programs to foster partnerships between DOL-funded programs and faith-based and community organizations. Through its collaboration with local Workforce Investment Boards, CFBCI provides underserved areas of the population with opportunities for career training and advancement.  


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Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 13, 2009