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Office of Environmental Management
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Office of Environmental Management

As the Office of Environmental Management fulfills its mission, waste and materials disposition plays a vital role in the cleanup of radioactive waste and the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production and nuclear energy research.

Hanford Buried Waste Savannah River Empty Canisters WIPP TRU Waste Hanford Waste Shipment

Waste and Materials Disposition Information

Disposal of waste frequently falls on the critical path of cleanup projects. Significant planning resources are spent to identify alternatives and find a path that is cost-effective and in the best interest of the Federal government. In many instances, waste disposition, (processing, treatment and disposal) is part of cleanup agreements and is of interest to stakeholders and requires the oversight of regulators.

Below is a collection of reports and links to various documents that provide information related to waste and material disposition. While most of these are directly related to the Department of Energy’s waste management activities, some links include information from the commercial sector. Some of the information provides an historical context for current waste disposition alternatives.

Waste Volume Related Databases

  Small Arrow The Central Internet Database (CID) Exit EM's web site site provides information about the implementation of the December 12, 1998 Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement Settlement Agreement between DOE and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC et. al. v. Richardson, No.97-936(SS)(AK)), which resulted in the development of the CID. The CID integrates waste management and cleanup data from multiple Department of Energy (DOE) data sources into a single database accessible through CID reports. CID information includes nationwide DOE data for Radioactive Waste, Contaminated Media, Spent Nuclear Fuel, and Facilities.
  Small Arrow For DOE/EM waste and material stream data: Waste Information Management System (WIMS) provided by Florida International University Exit EM
  Small Arrow For commercial LLW disposal information, Manifest Information Management System (MIMS) Exit EM
  Small Arrow Brokers and processors data base sponsored by the Southeast Compact Commission Exit EM
  Small Arrow International waste management data from the International Atomic Energy Agency Net-Enabled Waste Management Data Base (NEWMDB) Exit EM

Transuranic (TRU) Waste

Defined by the WIPP Land Withdrawal Act as "waste containing more than 100 nanocuries of alpha-emitting transuranic isotopes per gram of waste with half-lives greater than 20 years, except for (A) high-level radioactive waste, (B) waste that the Secretary of Energy has determined, with concurrence of the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, does not need the degree of isolation required by the disposal regulations, or (C) waste that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved for disposal on a case-by-case basis in accordance with part 61 of title 10 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)."

Contact-Handled TRU Waste at WIPP

  Small Arrow Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Web Site Exit EM's web site
  Small Arrow 06/30/2004 Revision of TRU ROD for BCL Adobe PDF Document
  Small Arrow 07/13/2001 Revision of TRU ROD
  Small Arrow 12/20/2000 Revision of TRU ROD
  Small Arrow 01/20/1998 TRU ROD for WMPEIS
  Small Arrow 01/16/1998 ROD for WIPP FSEIS
  Small Arrow Hanford Transuranic Waste
  Small Arrow 02/27/2008 Amendment to the Record of Decision for the Department of Energy's Waste Management Program: Treatment and Storage of Transuranic Waste Adobe PDF Document
  Small Arrow 02/27/2008 Supplement Analysis for the Treatment of Transuranic Waste at the Idaho National Laboratory Adobe PDF Document
  Small Arrow 02/27/08 Amendment to the Record of Decision for the Department of Energy’s Waste Management Program: Treatment and Storage Of Transuranic Waste Federal Register /Vol. 73, No. 46/Friday, March 7, 2008/Notices Adobe PDF Document

High-Level Waste

The highly radioactive material resulting from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, including liquid waste produced directly in reprocessing and any solid material derived from such liquid waste that contains fission products in sufficient concentrations; and other highly radioactive material that is determined, consistent with existing law, to require permanent isolation.

Savannah River High Level Waste

Spent Nuclear Fuel

Fuel that has been withdrawn from a nuclear reactor following irradiation, the constituent elements of which have not been separated by reprocessing. SNF may include: (1) intact, non-defective fuel assemblies or fuel rods; (2) failed fuel assemblies or fuel rods; (3) segments of fuel rods or pieces of fuel derived from spent fuel rods; and (4) various nonfuel components and structural parts of irradiated fuel assemblies.

Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel

  Small Arrow Management of Spent Nuclear Fuel
The Office of Environmental Management’s (EM) mission is to safely and efficiently manage its Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) and prepare it for disposal in a geologic repository.

Special Nuclear Materials

Defined under the Atomic Energy Act as plutonium, uranium-233, and uranium enriched in the isotopes uranium-233 or uranium-235; does not include source material.

Rocky Flats Spent Nuclear Material

  Small Arrow Special Nuclear Materials
The Office of Environmental Management (EM), in coordination with the National Nuclear Security Administration, is responsible for disposition of approximately 12.8 metric tons of surplus, non-pit, weapons-usable plutonium-239. EM is also responsible for disposition of about 21 metric tons of surplus highly enriched uranium (HEU) materials, which includes approximately 13.5 metric tons contained in spent nuclear fuel; and less than 1 metric ton of surplus uranium-233.
Small Arrow Consolidation of Surplus Plutonium at Savannah River Site
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has amended the Record of Decision (ROD) for the Storage and Disposition of Weapons-Usable Fissile Materials Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement. The revised decision will consolidate storage of surplus, non-pit weapons-usable plutonium from Hanford, LANL and LLNL at SRS, pending disposition.

Greater-Than-Class C Low-Level Radioactive Waste (GTCC LLW)

Greater-Than-Class C (GTCC) LLW is LLW in which the concentrations of radionuclides exceed the limits for Class C LLW established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in 10 CFR 61.55. GTCC LLW is generated in the commercial sector under NRC or Agreement State licensed activities.

The NRC has categorized LLW into four classes (A, B, C, and GTCC) based on the concentration of specific short-lived and long-lived radionuclides given in two tables in 10 CFR 61.55.

  Small Arrow GTCC LLW Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Exit EM's web site
On July 23, 2007, DOE published a Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an EIS for the disposal of GTCC LLW. The NOI is the first of a series of steps to prepare the EIS, which will be a primary component in the determination of how and where to dispose of GTCC LLW. The NOI identifies the proposed disposal alternatives for analysis in the EIS, reports on the inventory of waste to be analyzed in the EIS, and invites public comments on the scope of the EIS.

NDAA Section 3116 Waste Determinations

  Small Arrow Summaries of DOE/NRC Public Meeting
  Small Arrow Summaries of DOE/NRC Generic Technical Issue Discussions
  Small Arrow Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center Tank Farm Facility
  Small Arrow Salt Waste Disposal at the Savannah River Site
  Small Arrow Tank Farms at the Savannah River Site

Waste Management PEIS Reports and Records of Decision

  Small Arrow Overview
  Small Arrow 02/18/2000 Low-Level Waste and Mixed Low-Level Waste Record of Decision
  Small Arrow 12/05/1999 Preferred Alternatives
  Small Arrow 08/12/1999 High-Level Radioactive Waste Record of Decision

Historical Waste Volume Reference Reports

  Small Arrow South Carolina Energy Office Reading Room with electronic copies of DOE LLW Program Reports Exit EM
  Small Arrow 12/2000 LLW Disposal Capacity Report Version 2 Adobe PDF Document
  Small Arrow 07/1998 LLW Disposal Capacity Report Version 1

Last Updated 12/17/2008
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