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U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

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 ETA New Releases

ETA News Release: [May 16, 2008]
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Jennifer Kaplan
Terry Shawn
 U.S. Department of Labor announces $20 million competition for  demonstration projects to assist dislocated workers

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration today announced a competition for approximately $20 million in funding to build the skills and employment options for workers either already or at risk of becoming dislocated. State workforce agencies will compete to design demonstration projects targeting these workers.

Proposals may fall into four categories: “Entrepreneurship Opportunities for Dislocated Workers” programs will help individuals launch small businesses. “Getting Ahead of the Curve: Raising Educational/Skill Levels of Workers in Declining Industries” projects will develop strategies to upgrade the career skills of workers who are likely to face unemployment. “Innovative Adult Learning Models for Dislocated Workers” projects will identify new and innovative ways to train unemployed workers. Efforts aimed at “Preventing Dislocations of TANF Recipients Moving Into Entry Level Jobs Subject to Economic Churn” will help former TANF recipients maintain employment and enter or advance within high-growth industries.  (“TANF” stands for “Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.”)

Each state workforce agency may submit only a single application under one of these categories. To deliver services with sufficient depth, each application must detail partnerships that include employers, education and training providers, and faith-based, community and philanthropic organizations.

“The programs that state workforce agencies devise will let workers vulnerable to joblessness take greater ownership of their careers,” said acting Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training Brent R. Orrell. “The four categories outlined in this announcement offer state workforce agencies an opportunity to tailor programs that address their particular workforce needs.”

Applicants must address the specific requirements of their chosen category as outlined in the solicitation for grant applications that appears in today’s Federal Register and also can be found online at This competition will close June 13, 2008.

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