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Parma, Idaho Worksite
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Parma, Idaho Worksite
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 Snake River Valley



The Horticultural Crops Research Unit Worksite in Parma, Idaho was established in 2001 to support Idaho’s expanding grape and wine industry. The worksite is located in southwestern Idaho in the Snake River Valley. 


The worksite has two laboratories:


  • Krista Shellie’s research focuses on viticultural production and the impact of cultural practices such as water management and cultivar selection on vine physiology, yield, and fruit quality. 


  • Jungmin Lee’s laboratory develops and validates methods for measuring fruit and wine quality and examines the effects of environmental factors on fruit and wine quality from a food chemistry standpoint. 



For more information on research at the Parma worksite, follow the links below.


Viticultural Production

Food Chemistry





Last Modified: 10/05/2007
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