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ETA News Release: [April 22, 2005]
Contact Name: Mike Volpe or David James
Phone Number: 202-693-3984 or 202-693-4676

U.S. Labor Department Announces $15 Million Grant Competition for Youth Offender Projects
WASHINGTON - U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today announced that approximately $15 million will be competitively awarded for Responsible Reintegration of Youthful Offender projects. The grant program is designed to address the specific workforce challenges of youth offenders and will use strategies that prepare them for new and increasing job opportunities in high-growth, high-demand industries.

"For their sake and society's, we want to help these young people get on a lawful path to a productive life as good citizens," said Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao. "These grants will fund remedial education, job training, job placement, apprenticeships, internships and other work-based learning opportunities which could turn these young peoples' lives around."

A competitive Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA) appears in today's edition of the Federal Register. The competition for grants will remain open until Monday, May 23, 2005, with awards to follow. The SGA will seek projects that are consistent with both the President's High Growth Job Training Initiative and DOL's Youth Vision.

Grants awarded through this competition can be used to implement a variety of approaches -- occupational training, on-the-job training, apprenticeships, internships and other work-based learning opportunities -- to help youth offenders enter high-growth, high-demand industries.

Funded projects may also focus on job placement, reading and math remediation to assist youth offenders in education and training programs; efforts to help youth offenders already employed upgrade to skilled positions, and efforts to help youth offenders enter community and four-year colleges.

For more information on this grant competition, please visit or check the Federal Register. For more information on the Department of Labor's employment and training programs, including the President's High Growth Job Training Initiative, please visit  


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Created: October 23, 2006
Updated: January 13, 2009