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Bat Houses

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you can obtain quick answers to most of your questions by reading the flyers below:

Criteria For Successful Bat Houses

Tips Attracting Bats



Welcome to BCI's Bat House Program

Americas bats are an essential part of a healthy environment. Nevertheless, many bat species are in alarming decline, largely because of unwarranted human fear and persecution and the loss of natural roosts.

You can help by putting up a bat house. You'll benefit directly from having fewer yard pests and will enjoy learning about bats and sharing your knowledge with friends and neighbors. Few efforts on behalf of wildlife ar more fun or rewarding than helping bats!

People all over the world have discovered the benefits and wonder of using bat houses to attract bats to their own backyards. We hope you will join them by providing new homes for these gentle and fascinating mammals with a voracious appetite for troublesome insects.

Commonly asked questions about bats and bat houses, what to do if you get wasps in your bat house, and how to find out more information!
Information about buying, building, and installing your bat house, diagrams for installing bat houses, and much more...
What is a BCI certified bat house? Who builds BCI certified bat houses?
Information on LARGE bat houses designed to install in communities or associated with exclusions of large bat colonies.
What about bats that do not use standard bat houses? Information about artificial hollow trees, bat baffles, bat bark, and bat caves.
Download archived issues of the Bat House Researcher