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Laboratories for the 21st Century (Labs21) is designed to meet your needs as laboratory and high performance facility designers, engineers, owners, and facility managers. Co-sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),Exit Labs21 offers professionals worldwide an extraordinary opportunity for information exchange and education through three interactive components:

Why Laboratories and High Performance Facilities?

These facilities represent an ever-expanding growth opportunity for advanced, environmentally preferred, building technologies. The typical laboratory, for example, uses far more energy and water per square foot than the typical office building due to intensive ventilation requirements and other health and safety concerns. Because the requirements of laboratories and related high performance facilities differ so dramatically from those of other buildings, a clear need exists for an initiative exclusively targeting these facilities.

The primary guiding principle of the Labs21 approach is that improving the energy efficiency and environmental performance of these facilities requires examining the entire facility from a "whole building" perspective. Adopting this perspective allows owners to improve the efficiency of the entire facility, rather than focusing on specific building components. As Labs21 participants understand, improving the efficiency of individual components without examining their relation to the entire system can eliminate opportunities to make other more significant efficiency improvements.

If you have any questions about the Labs21 program, including how to become involved, please contact