The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

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 Privacy Statement

Thank you for visiting the Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation website and viewing our privacy policy. Our policy is simple. We will collect NO personal information about you during your visit to our website. We track only the number of visits to our site. No other information is collected or stored.

If You Send Us Personal Information:

If you send us personal information by mail, e-mail or telephone, we will use that information to respond properly to your request. We will use your personal information for no purpose other than the response made to your request. We provide other government agencies your personal information only if that agency is required to respond to your request, or if otherwise required by law. We do not furnish personal information to private nor commercial organizations.

Links to Other Websites:

Our website does furnish links to other sites, commercial and federal. Once you link to that site, you are subject to the privacy policy of that site.

Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA):

The PIA is a tool by which the Truman Foundation determines whether the Foundation's use and retention of personally identifiable information is appropriate. 

How The Truman Foundation Receives Data:
The Foundation receives personally identifiable information under the following circumstances:

  1. From the General Public:  Members of the General Public will sometimes send unsolicited personal information to the Foundation to request information on the application process.  This information is generally in the form of the person's name and address.  After responding to the inquiry, the personal information is security destroyed and no records retained.  The Foundation has a prominent web presence in order to minimize the amount of personal information sent to the Foundation by members of the general public.
  2. From Applicants:  The Foundation's application requires the name, address, date of birth,  telephone number, and email address of all prospective applicants.  The Foundation collects this information in order to be in contact with prospective applicants as well as to be able to check applicants against any exclusionary lists.  This data is collected in our on-line appilcation system.  Access to this system is restriced to present Foundation personnel.  This data is destroyed after one year if the applicant is not selected as a Scholar.
  3. From Scholars:  The Foundation retains the applications of all those students selected as Scholars.  This data remains on our secure sever and is accessible only to Foundation personnel.  Scholars are also asked to provide Social Security Numbers to facilitate payment of their Scholarship funds.  GSA, the office responsible for pyament of our funds, requires the number be provided.  The Social Secuirty Number is never added to the on-line record.  This number is only present on paper records transmitted to GSA and kept securely at the Foundation's offices.

When the Truman Foundation Shares Data:
Information on Applicants is shared only with those individuals who are either employed by the Truman Foundation or participating in the Truman Scholar selection process.  For those individuals who are assisting in the selection process, all copies of documents are removed by Foundation personnell and copies destroyed after they complete their servie to the Foundation.

The name, year, state of residence, and undergraduate institution are listed on the website for each Scholar.  The current year of Scholars also has an email address listed.  Scholars may elect to have their email changed to a Foundation account if they wish.  Information on Scholars is shared only with GSA for the purpose of accomplishement payment of scholarship monies.  Any other communication, including confirmation of award amount or monies pending, will only be done with the express consent of the Scholar.

A database of Scholar contact information is available to other Scholars through the use of a username and password assigned by the Foundation.  Scholars may elect to opt-out of this database at any time.

If There Are Questions:
Should you have questions about how the Truman Foundation uses your information, please feel free to contact the Foundation's Privacy Officer, Tara Yglesias.

  • 712 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20006
  • Phone: (202) 395-4831 Fax: (202) 395-6995
  • Email: