The Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation

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2009 Truman Scholar

Warren Seay
  • Southern Methodist University

  • State:


  • Majors:

    Poltical Science

  • Degrees Sought:

    Ed(M), JD

  • Career Goal:

    Risk and Prevention; Law and Social Change

  • Email:

Warren, is a Ray and Nancy Ann Hunt Leadership Scholar at Southern Methodist University where he majors in Political Science. Warren serves as a Big Brother in the north Texas area and has earned Big Brother of the Year honors. An Institute for Responsible Citizenship Scholar, Warren is dedicated to eliminating the achievement gap that exists for our country’s most vulnerable students. He has been an intern for the U.S. Department of Labor and was actively involved in the 2008 elections. In his spare time, Warren enjoys horseback riding and watching “Big Brother” and “Run’s House.”
  • 712 Jackson Place, NW Washington, DC 20006
  • Phone: (202) 395-4831 Fax: (202) 395-6995
  • Email: