U. S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Retail Food Safety Branch
DRAFT: April 24, 2001
DRAFT: June 28, 2001

This document has been superceded by a more recent version. Below is an earlier version.

FDA's Recommended National
Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards

Appendix H

Standard No. 8 - Program Support and Resources

Table of Contents

Program Support and Resources
Standard 8 Worksheet

Do you have sufficient funds, staff, equipment, and resources necessary to meet the following Standards? Answer 'yes' or 'no' in each block. A 'no' answer requires an explanation. Use additional pages as needed. Disclosure and analysis only is required for Standards 1 through 7 and 9. Standard 8 requires a positive response to the three identified items. ****The row at the bottom for "other shared resources" provides a place for you to identify needs that may not be easily attached to a specific Standard (i.e. copy machines, data lines, etc.)

Standard # Funding Staffing Equipment Other resources needed
















  * ** ***



****Other shared resources


*Do you meet the full-time equivalent (FTE) staff to inspection ratio as required in Standard 8? **Do your inspectors have the equipment provided and available as required in Standard 8? ***Does your department have the equipment and supplies necessary to maintain the records and reports system that supports the program as required in Standard 8?

The requirements of Standard 8 are met.  _______Yes   ________No

Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards Table of Contents
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Last updated by dav/ear/cjm 2006-NOV-14