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National Maps and Graphics


National Fish and Wildlife Contamination Program

Increased Monitoring by States

Slide 1

2004 Advisory Listing

Slide 2

Bioaccumulative Pollutants

Slide 3

Fish Consumption Advisories

Total Number, 2004

map of United States, showing fish consumption advisories for each state
Slide 4, with image

Fish Consumption Advisories

Percentage of Lake Acres/River Miles under Advisory, 2004

map of United States, showing fish advisories percentages for each state
Slide 5, with image

Fish Consumption Advisories

For Mercury, 2004

Note: The map on the following page depicts the presence and type of fish advisories issued by the states for mercury as of December 2004. Because only selected waterbodies are monitored, this map does not reflect the full extent of chemical contamination of fish tissues in each state or province.

Slide 6

Fish Consumption Advisories

For Mercury, 2004

map of United States, showing fish consumption advisories for mercury

Note: This map depicts the presence and type of fish advisories issued by the states for mercury as of December 2004. Because only selected waterbodies are monitored, this map does not reflect the full extent of chemical contamination of fish tissues in each state or province.

Slide 7, with image

Fish Consumption Advisories

Number of Safe Eating Guidelines, 2004

map of United States, showing Number of Safe Eating Guidelines by State
Slide 8, with image

Fish Consumption Advisories

Number of Safe Eating Guidelines, 2004

Slide 9

Fish Consumption Advisories

Number of Lake Acres Under Advisory for Various Pollutants, 2004

chart showing Lake Acres Under Advisory for Various Pollutants
Slide 10, with image

Fish Consumption Advisories

Number of River Miles Under Advisory for Various Pollutants, 2004

chart showing River Miles Under Advisory for Various Pollutants
Slide 11, with image

Fish Consumption Advisories

Percentage of River Miles and Lake Acres Under Advisory, 1993-2004

Percentage of River Miles and Lake Acres Under Advisory, 1993-2004

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Slide 12, with image