16 C.F.R. Part 300

Table of Contents

300.1 Terms defined.
300.2 General requirement.
300.3 Required label information.
300.4 Registered identification number.
300.5 Required label and method of affixing.
300.6 Labels to be avoided.
300.7 English language requirement.
300.8 Use of fiber trademark and generic names.
300.9 Abbreviations, ditto marks, and asterisks.
300.10 Arrangement of label information.
300.11 Improper methods of labeling.
300.12 Labeling of pairs or products containing two or more units.
300.13 Name or other identification required to appear on labels.
300.14 Substitute label requirement.
300.15 Labeling of containers or packaging of wool products.
300.16 Ornamentation.
300.17 Use of the term "all" or "100%".
300.18 Use of name of specialty fiber.
300.19 Use of terms "mohair" and "cashmere".
300.20 Use of the terms "virgin" or "new".
300.21 Marking of samples, swatches, or specimens.
300.22 Sectional disclosure of content.
300.23 Linings, paddings, stiffening, trimmings and facings.
300.24 Representations as to fiber content.
300.25 Country where wool products are processed or manufactured.
300.25a Country of origin in mail order advertising.
300.26 Pile fabrics and products composed thereof.
300.27 Wool products containing superimposed or added fibers.
300.28 Undetermined quantities of reclaimed fibers.
300.29 Garments or products composed of or containing miscellaneous clothscraps.
300.30 Deceptive labeling in general.
300.31 Maintenance of records.
300.32 Form of separate guaranty.
300.33 Continuing guaranty filed with Federal Trade Commission.
300.34 Reference to existing guaranty on labels not permitted.
300.35 Hearings under section 4(d) of the act.
16 C.F.R. 303.7 Generic Fiber Names
Application for Registered Identification Number [TEXT]  [PDF]
Continuing Guaranty Form  [TEXT]   [PDF]


§ 300.1 - Terms defined.

(a) The term Act means the Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939 (approved October 14, 1940, Public No. 850, 76th Congress, Third Session, 54 Stat. 1128, 15 U.S.C. 68 et. seq. as amended by Pub. L. 96 - 242, 94 Stat. 344).

(b) The terms rule, rules, regulations and rules and regulations mean the rules and regulations prescribed by the Commission pursuant to the Act.

(c) The term ornamentation means any fibers or yarns imparting a visibly discernible pattern or design to a yarn or fabric.

(d) The term fiber trademark means a word or words used by a person to identify a particular fiber produced or sold by him and to distinguish it from fibers of the same generic class produced or sold by others. Such term shall not include any trademark, product mark, house mark, trade name or other name which does not identify a particular fiber.

(e) The terms required information or information required mean such information as is required to be disclosed on the required stamp, tag, label or other means of identification under the Act and regulations.

(f) The definitions of terms contained in section 2 of the Act shall be applicable also to such terms when used in rules promulgated under the Act.

(g) The term United States means the several States, the District of Columbia, and the territories and possessions of the United States.

(h) The terms mail order catalog and mail order promotional material mean any materials, used in the direct sale or direct offering for sale of wool products, that are disseminated to ultimate consumers in print or by electronic means, other than by broadcast, and that solicit ultimate consumers to purchase such wool products by mail, telephone, electronic mail, or some other method without examining the actual product purchased.

(i) The terms label, labels, labeled, and labeling mean the stamp, tag, label, or other means of identification, or authorized substitute therefore, required to be on or affixed to wool products by the Act or Regulations and on which the information required is to appear.

(j) The terms invoice and invoice or other paper mean an account, order, memorandum, list, or catalog, which is issued to a purchaser, consignee, bailee, correspondent, agent, or any other person, in writing or in some other form capable of being read and preserved in a tangible form, in connection with the marketing or handling of any textile fiber product transported or delivered to such person.

(k) The term trimmings has the meaning set forth in § 303.12 of this Chapter, as follows:

§ 303.12 - Trimmings of household textile articles.

(a) Trimmings incorporated in articles of wearing apparel and other household textile articles may, among other forms of trim, include: (1) Rick-rack, tape, belting, binding, braid, labels (either required or non-required), collars, cuffs, wrist bands, leg bands, waist bands, gussets, gores, welts, and findings, including superimposed garters in hosiery, and elastic materials and threads inserted in or added to the basic product or garment in minor proportion for holding, reinforcing or similar structural purposes; (2) decorative trim, whether applied by embroidery, overlay, applique, or attachment; and (3) decorative patterns or designs which are an integral part of the fabric out of which the household textile article is made: Provided, That such decorative trim or decorative pattern or design, as specified in paragraphs (a) (2) and (3) of this section, does not exceed 15 percent of the surface area of the household textile article. If no representation is made as to the fiber content of the decorative trim or decoration, as provided for in paragraphs (a) (2) and (3) of this section, the fiber content designation of the basic fabric shall be followed by the statement "exclusive of decoration."

(b) The term findings may also include elastic material which constitutes a part of the basic fabric or material out of which the household textile article is made, where such elastic material does not exceed 20 percent of the surface area of the household textile article: Provided, That the required information as to fiber content of products subject to this paragraph is followed by the statement "exclusive of elastic."

§ 300.2 - General Requirement.

Each and every wool product subject to the act shall be marked by a stamp, tag, label, or other means of identification, in conformity with the requirements of the act and the rules and regulations thereunder.

§ 300.3 - Required Label information.

(a) The marking of wool products under the Act shall be in the form of a stamp, tag, label or other means of identification, showing and displaying upon the product the required information legibly, conspicuously, and nondeceptively. The information required to be shown and displayed upon the product in the stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification, shall be that which is required by the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, including the following:

(1) The fiber content of the product specified in section 4(a)(2)(A) of the Act. The generic names and percentages by weight of the constituent fibers present in the wool product, exclusive of permissive ornamentation, shall appear on such label with any percentage of fiber or fibers designated as "other fiber" or "other fibers" as provided by section 4(a)(2)(A)(5) of the Act appearing last.

(2) The maximum percentage of the total weight of the wool product of any nonfibrous loading, filling or adulterating matter as prescribed by section 4(a)(2)(B) of the Act.

(3) The name or registered identification number issued by the Commission of the manufacturer of the wool product or the name or registered identification number of one or more persons subject to section 3 of the Act with respect to such wool product.

(4) The name of the country where the wool product was processed or manufactured.

(b) In disclosing the constituent fibers in information required by the Act and Regulations in this Part or in any non-required information, no fiber present in the amount of less than 5 percent shall be designated by its generic name or fiber trademark but shall be designated as "other fiber," except that the percentage of wool or recycled wool shall always be stated, in accordance with Section 4(a)(2)(A) of the Act. When more than one of such fibers, other than wool or recycled wool, are present in amounts of less than 5 percent, they shall be designated in the aggregate as "other fibers." Provided, however, that nothing in this section shall prevent the disclosure of any fiber present in the product which has a clearly established and definite functional significance when present in the amount stated, as for example: "98% wool 2% nylon."

§ 300.4 - Registered Identification Number.

(a) A registered identification number assigned by the Federal Trade Commission under and in accordance with the provisions of this section may be used upon the stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification required under the Act to be affixed to a wool product, as and for the name of the person to whom such number has been assigned.

(b) Any manufacturer of a wool product or person subject to section 3 of the Act with respect to such wool product, residing in the United States, may apply to the Federal Trade Commission for a registered identification number for use by the applicant on the stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification required under the Act.

(c) Registered identification numbers shall be used only by the person or firm to whom they are issued, and such numbers are not transferable or assignable. Registered identification numbers shall be subject to cancellation whenever any such number was procured or has been used improperly or contrary to the requirements of the Acts administered by the Federal Trade Commission, and Regulations in this Part, or when otherwise deemed necessary in the public interest. Registered identification numbers shall be subject to cancellation if the Commission fails to receive prompt notification of any change in name, business address, or legal business status of a person or firm to whom a registered identification number has been assigned, by application duly executed in the form set out in paragraph (e) of this section, reflecting the current name, business address, and legal business status of the person or firm.

(d) Registered identification numbers assigned under this section may be used on labels required in labeling products subject to the provisions of the Fur Products Labeling Act and Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, and numbers previously assigned by the Commission under such Acts may be used as and for the required name in labeling under this Act. When so used by the person or firm to whom assigned, the use of the numbers shall be construed as identifying and binding the applicant as fully and in all respects as though assigned under the specific Act for which it is used.

(e) The form to apply for a registered identification number or to update information pertaining to an existing number is available upon request from the Division of Enforcement, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC  20580. The form is also on the Internet at and then click on Business Guidance, and then TExtile, Wool & Fur Matters, or click here:

FTC form 31 [TEXT]  [PDF]

§ 300.5 - Required Label and Method of Affixing.

(a) A label is required to be affixed to each wool product and, where required, to its package or container in a secure manner. Such label shall be conspicuous and shall be of such durability as to remain attached to the product and its package throughout any distribution, sale, resale and until sold and delivered to the ultimate consumer.

(b) Each wool product with a neck must have a label disclosing the country of origin affixed to the inside center of the neck midway between the shoulder seams or in close proximity to another label affixed to the inside center of the neck. The fiber content and RN or name of the company may be disclosed on the same label as the country of origin or on another conspicuous and readily accessible label or labels on the inside or outside of the garment. On all other wool products, the required information shall be disclosed on a conspicuous and readily accessible label or labels on the inside or outside of the product. The country of origin disclosure must always appear on the front side of the label. Other required information may appear either on the front side or the reverse side of a label, provided that the information is conspicuous and readily accessible.

(c) In the case of hosiery products, this section does not require affixing a label to each hosiery product contained in a package if, (1) such hosiery products are intended for sale to the ultimate consumer in such package, (2) such package has affixed to it a label bearing the required information for the hosiery products contained in the package, and (3) the information on the label affixed to the package is equally applicable to each wool product contained therein.

§ 300.6 - Labels To Be Avoided.

Stamps, tags, labels, or other marks of identification, which are insecurely attached, or which in the course of offering the product for sale, selling, reselling, transporting, marketing, or handling incident thereto are likely to become detached, indistinct, obliterated, illegible, mutilated, inaccessible, or inconspicuous, shall not be used.

§ 300.7 - English Language Requirement.

All words, statements and other information required by or under authority of the Act and the rules and regulations thereunder to appear on the stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification, shall appear in the English language. If the product bears any stamp, tag, label, or mark of identification which contains any of the required information in a language other than English, all of the required information shall appear both in such other language and in the English language.

§ 300.8 - Use of Fiber Trademark and Generic Names.

(a) Except where another name is required or permitted under the Act or regulations, the respective common generic name of the fiber shall be used when naming fibers in the required information; as for example, "wool," "recycled wool," "cotton," "rayon," "silk," "linen," "acetate," "nylon," "polyester."

(b) The generic names of manufactured fibers as heretofore or hereafter established in 303.7 of this part (Rule 7) of the regulations promulgated under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act (72 Stat. 1717; 15 U.S.C. 70) shall be used in setting forth the required fiber content information as to wool products.

(c) A non-deceptive fiber trademark may be used on a label in conjunction with the generic name of the fiber to which it relates. Where such a trademark is placed on a label in conjunction with the required information, the generic name of the fiber must appear in immediate conjunction therewith, and such trademark and generic name must appear in type or lettering of equal size and conspicuousness.

(d) Where a generic name or a fiber trademark is used on any label, whether required or nonrequired, a full and complete fiber content disclosure with percentages shall be made on such label in accordance with the Act and regulations.

(e) If a fiber trademark is not used in the required information, but is used elsewhere on the label as nonrequired information, the generic name of the fiber shall accompany the fiber trademark in legible and conspicuous type or lettering the first time the trademark is used.

(f) No fiber trademark or generic name or word, coined word, symbol or depiction which connotes or implies any fiber trademark or generic name shall be used on any label or elsewhere on the product in such a manner as to be false, deceptive, or misleading as to fiber content, or to indicate directly or indirectly that a wool product is composed wholly or in part of a particular fiber, when such is not the case.

(g) The term "fur fiber" may be used to describe the hair or fur fiber or mixtures thereof of any animal or animals other than the sheep, lamb, Angora goat, Cashmere goat, camel, alpaca, llama and vicuna. If the name, symbol, or depiction of any animal producing the hair or fur fiber is used on the stamp, tag, label, or other means of identification applied or affixed to the wool product, the percentage by weight of such hair or fur fiber in the total fiber weight of the wool product shall be separately stated in the required fiber content disclosure: Provided, That no such name, symbol or depiction shall be used where such hair or fur fiber is present in the amount of less than five per centum of the total fiber weight. No such name, symbol or depiction shall be used in such a way as to imply in any manner that a wool product contains the fur or hair of an animal when the hair or fur fiber of such animal is not present in the product in the amount of five per centum or more of the total fiber weight. The following are examples of fiber content disclosures under this paragraph:

60% Wool
40% Fur Fiber
or 60% Wool
30% Fur Fiber
10% Angora Rabbit
or 100% Cashgora Hair or 100% Paco-Vicuna Hair

§ 300.9 - Abbreviations, Ditto Marks, and Asterisks.

(a) In disclosing required information, words or terms shall not be designated by ditto marks or appear in footnotes referred to by asterisks or other symbols in required information, and shall not be abbreviated.

(b) Where the generic name of a textile fiber is required to appear in immediate conjunction with a fiber trademark, a disclosure of the generic name by means of a footnote, to which reference is made by use of an asterisk or other symbol placed next to the fiber trademark, shall not be sufficient in itself to constitute compliance with the Act and regulations.

§ 300.10 - Disclosure of information on labels.

(a) Subject to the provisions of § 300.5(b), the required information may appear on any label or labels attached to the product, including the care label required by 16 CFR Part 423, provided all the pertinent requirements of the Act and Regulations in this Part are met and so long as the combination of required information and non-required information is not misleading. All parts of the required information shall be set forth in such a manner as to be clearly legible, conspicuous, and readily accessible to the prospective purchaser. All parts of the required fiber content information shall appear in type or lettering of equal size and conspicuousness.

(b) Subject to the provisions of § 300.8, any non-required information or representations placed on the product shall not minimize, detract from, or conflict with required information and shall not be false, deceptive, or misleading.

§ 300.11 - Improper Methods of Labeling.

The stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification required under the act, or the required information contained therein, shall not be minimized, rendered obscure or inconspicuous, or be so placed as likely to be unnoticed or unseen by purchasers and purchaser-consumers when the product is offered or displayed for sale or sold to purchasers or the consuming public, by reason of, among others:

(a) Small or indistinct type.

(b) Failure to use letters and numerals of equal size and conspicuousness in naming all fibers and percentages of such fibers as required by the act.

(c) Insufficient background contrast.

(d) Crowding, intermingling, or obscuring with designs, vignettes, or other written, printed or graphic matter.

§ 300.12 - Labeling of Pairs or Products Containing Two or More Units.

(a) Where a wool product consists of two or more parts, units, or items of different fiber content, a separate label containing the required information shall be affixed to each of such parts, units, or items showing the required information as to such part, unit, or item, provided that where such parts, units, or items, are marketed or handled as a single product or ensemble and are sold and delivered to the ultimate consumer as a single product or ensemble, the required information may be set out on a single label in such a manner as to separately show the fiber composition of each part, unit, or item.

(b) Where garments, wearing apparel, or other wool products are marketed or handled in pairs or ensembles of the same fiber content, only one unit of the pair or ensemble need be labeled with the required information when sold and delivered to the ultimate consumer.

(c) Where parts or units of wool products of the types referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section are sold separately, such parts or units shall be labeled with the information required by the Act and regulations.

§ 300.13 - Name or Other Identification Required to Appear on Labels.

(a) The name required by the Act to be used on labels shall be the name under which the manufacturer of the wool product or other person subject to section 3 of the Act with respect to such product is doing business. Trade names, trade marks or other names which do not constitute the name under which such person is doing business shall not be used for required identification purposes.

(b) Registered identification numbers, as provided for in 300.4 of this part (Rule 4), may be used for identification purposes in lieu of the required name.

§ 300.14 - Substitute Label Requirement.

When necessary to avoid deception, the name of any person other than the manufacturer of the product appearing on the stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification affixed to such product shall be accompanied by appropriate words showing that the product was not manufactured by such person; as for example:

Manufactured for: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Distributed by: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

§ 300.15 - Labeling of Containers or Packaging of Wool Products.

When wool products are marketed and delivered in a package which is intended to remain unbroken and intact until after delivery to the ultimate consumer, each wool product in the package, except hosiery, and the package shall be labeled with the required information. If the package is transparent to the extent it allows for a clear reading of the required information on the wool product, the package is not required to be labeled.

§ 300.16 - Ornamentation.

(a) Where the wool product contains fiber ornamentation not exceeding 5 percent of the total fiber weight of the product and the stated percentages of fiber content of the product are exclusive of such ornamentation, the stamp, tag, label, or other means of identification shall contain a phrase or statement showing such fact; as for example:

"50% Wool
25% Recycled Wool
25% Cotton
Exclusive of Ornamentation"

The fiber content of such ornamentation may be disclosed where the percentage of the ornamentation in relation to the total fiber weight of the principal fiber or blend of fibers is shown; as for example:

"70% Recycled Wool
30% Acetate
Exclusive of 4% Metallic Ornamentation"

(b) Where the fiber ornamentation exceeds five per centum it shall be included in the statement of required percentages of fiber content.

(c) Where the ornamentation constitutes a distinct section of the product, sectional disclosure may be made in accordance with 300.22 of this part (Rule 22).

§ 300.17 - Use of the Term "All" or "100%."

Where the fabric or product to which the stamp, tag, label, or mark of identification applies is composed wholly of one kind of fiber, either the word "all" or the term "100%" may be used with the correct fiber name; as for example "100% Wool," "All Wool," "100% Recycled Wool," "All Recycled Wool." If any such product is composed wholly of one fiber with the exception of fiber ornamentation not exceeding 5%, such term "all" or "100%" as qualifying the name of the fiber may be used, provided it is immediately followed by the phrase "exclusive of ornamentation," or by a phrase of like meaning; such as, for example:

"All Wool -- Exclusive of Ornamentation"
"100% Wool -- Exclusive of Ornamentation".

§ 300.18 - Use of Name of Specialty Fiber.

(a) In setting forth the required fiber content of a product containing any of the specialty fibers named in Section 2(b) of the Act, the name of the specialty fiber present may be used in lieu of the word "wool," provided the percentage of each named specialty fiber is given, and provided further that the name of the specialty fiber so used is qualified by the word "recycled" when the fiber referred to is "recycled wool" as defined in the Act. The following are examples of fiber content designation permitted under this rule:

55% Alpaca -- 45% Camel Hair

50% Recycled Camel Hair -- 50% Wool

60% Recycled Alpaca -- 40% Rayon

35% Recycled Llama -- 35% Recycled Vicuna -- 30% Cotton

60% Cotton -- 40% Recycled Llama.

(b) Where an election is made to use the name of a specialty fiber in lieu of the word "wool" in describing such specialty fiber, such name shall be used at any time reference is made to the specialty fiber either in required or nonrequired information. The name of the specialty fiber or any word, coined word, symbol or depiction connoting or implying the presence of such specialty fiber shall not be used in nonrequired information on the required label or on any secondary or auxiliary label attached to the wool product if the name of such specialty fiber does not appear in the required fiber content disclosure.

§ 300.19 - Use of Terms "Mohair" and "Cashmere."

(a) In setting forth the required fiber content of a product containing hair of the Angora goat known as mohair or containing hair or fleece of the Cashmere goat known as cashmere, the term "mohair" or "cashmere," respectively, may be used for such fiber in lieu of the word "wool," provided the respective percentage of each such fiber designated as "mohair" or "cashmere" is given, and provided further that such term "mohair" or "cashmere" where used is qualified by the word "recycled" when the fiber referred to is "recycled wool" as defined in the Act. The following are examples of fiber content designations permitted under this rule:

50% Mohair -- 50% Wool

60% Recycled Mohair -- 40% Cashmere

60% Cotton -- 40% Recycled Cashmere.

(b) Where an election is made to use the term "mohair" or "cashmere" in lieu of the term "wool" as permitted by this section, the appropriate designation of "mohair" or "cashmere" shall be used at any time reference is made to such fiber in either required or nonrequired information. The term "mohair" or "cashmere" or any words, coined words, symbols or depictions connoting or implying the presence of such fibers shall not be used in nonrequired information on the required label or on any secondary or auxiliary label attached to the wool product if the term "mohair" or "cashmere" as the case may be does not appear in the required fiber content disclosure.

§ 300.20 - Use of the Terms "Virgin" or "New."

The terms "virgin" or "new" as descriptive of a wool product, or any fiber or part thereof, shall not be used when the product or part so described is not composed wholly of new or virgin fiber which has never been reclaimed from any spun, woven, knitted, felted, braided, bonded, or otherwise manufactured or used product.

§ 300.21 - Marking of Samples, Swatches or Specimens.

Where samples, swatches or specimens of wool products subject to the act were used to promote or effect sales of such wool products in commerce, said samples, swatches and specimens, as well as the products themselves, shall be labeled or marked to show their respective fiber contents and other information required by law.

§ 300.22 - Sectional Disclosure of Content.

(a) Permissive. Where a wool product is composed of two or more sections which are of different fiber composition, the required information as to fiber content may be separated on the same label in such manner as to show the fiber composition of each section.

(b) Mandatory. The disclosure as above provided shall be made in all instances where such form of marking is necessary to avoid deception.

§ 300.23 - Linings, Paddings, Stiffening, Trimmings and Facings.

(a) In labeling or marking garments or articles of apparel which are wool products, the fiber content of any linings, paddings, stiffening, trimmings or facings of such garments or articles of apparel shall be given and shall be set forth separately and distinctly in the stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification of the products:

(1) If such linings, trimmings or facings contain, purport to contain or are represented as containing wool, or recycled wool; or

(2) If such linings are metallically coated, or coated or laminated with any substance for warmth, or if such linings are composed of pile fabrics, or any fabrics incorporated for warmth or represented directly or by implication as being incorporated for warmth, which articles the Commission finds constitute a class of articles which is customarily accompanied by express or implied representations of fiber content; or

(3) If any express or implied representations of fiber content of any of such linings, paddings, stiffening, trimmings or facings are customarily made.

(b) In the case of garments which contain interlinings, the fiber content of such interlinings shall be set forth separately and distinctly as part of the required information on the stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification of such garment. For purposes of this paragraph (b) the term "interlining" means any fabric or fibers incorporated into a garment or article of wearing apparel as a layer between an outershell and an inner lining.

(c) In the case of wool products which are not garments or articles of apparel, but which contain linings, paddings, stiffening, trimmings, or facings, the stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification of the product shall show the fiber content of such linings, paddings, stiffening, trimmings or facings, set forth separately and distinctly in such stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification.

(d) Wool products which are or have been manufactured for sale or sold for use as linings, interlinings, paddings, stiffening, trimmings or facings, but not contained in a garment, article of apparel, or other product, shall be labeled or marked with the required information as in the case of other wool products.

§ 300.24 - Representations as to Fiber Content.

(a) Words, coined words, symbols, or depictions which constitute or imply the name or designation of a fiber which is not present in the product shall not appear on labels. Any word or coined word which is phonetically similar to the name or designation of a fiber or which is only a slight variation in spelling from the name or designation of a fiber shall not be used in such a manner as to represent or imply that such fiber is present in the product when the fiber is not present as represented.

(b) Where a word, coined word, symbol or depiction which connotes or implies the presence of a fiber is used on any label, whether required or nonrequired, a full and complete fiber content disclosure with percentages shall be made on such label in accordance with the Act and regulations.

§ 300.25 - Country where wool products are processed or manufactured.

(a) In addition to the other information required by the Act and Regulations:

(1) Each imported wool product shall be labeled with the name of the country where such imported product was processed or manufactured;

(2) Each wool product completely made in the United States of materials that were made in the United States shall be labeled using the term "Made in U.S.A." or some other clear and equivalent term.

(3) Each wool product made in the United States, either in whole or in part of imported materials, shall contain a label disclosing these facts; for example: "Made in USA of imported fabric" or "Knitted in USA of imported yarn" and

(4) Each wool product partially manufactured in a foreign country and partially manufactured in the United States shall contain on a label the following information:

(i) The manufacturing process in the foreign country and in the USA; for example:

"Imported cloth, finished in USA"
"Sewn in USA of imported components"
"Made in [foreign country], finished in USA"
"Scarf made in USA of fabric made in China"
"Comforter Filled, Sewn and Finished in the U.S. With Shell Made in China"
"Made in [foreign country]/fabric made in USA"
Knit in USA, assembed in [foreign country]."

(ii) When the U.S. Customs Service requires an origin label on the unfinished product, the manufacturing processes as required in paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section or the name of the foreign country required by Customs, for example:

"Made in [foreign country]"

(b) For the purpose of determining whether a product should be marked under paragraphs (a) (2), (3), or (4) of this section, a manufacturer needs to consider the origin of only those materials that are covered under the Act and that are one step removed from that manufacturing process. For example, a yarn manufacturer must identify fiber if it is imported, a cloth manufacturer must identify imported yarn and a household product manufacturer must identify imported cloth or imported yarn for household products made directly from yarn, or imported fiber used as filling for warmth.

(c) The term country means the political entity known as a nation. Except for the United States, colonies, possessions or protectorates outside the boundaries of the mother country shall be considered separate countries, and the name thereof shall be deemed acceptable in designating the country where the wool product was processed or manufactured unless the Commission shall otherwise direct.

(d) The country where the imported wool product was principally made shall be considered to be the country where such wool product was processed or manufactured. Further work or material added to the wool product in another country must effect a basic change in form in order to render such other country the place where such wool product was processed or manufactured.

(e) The English name of the country where the imported wool product was processed or manufactured shall be used. The adjectival form of the name of the country will be accepted as the name of the country where the wool product was processed or manufactured, provided the adjectival form of the name does not appear with such other words so as to refer to a kind of species of product. Variant spellings which clearly indicate the English name of the country, such as Brasil for Brazil and Italie for Italy, are acceptable. Abbreviations which unmistakenly indicate the name of a country, such as Gt. Britain for Great Britain, are acceptable.

(f) Nothing in this Rule shall be construed as limiting in any way the information required to be disclosed on labels under the provisions of any Tariff Act of the United States or regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.

§ 300.25a - Country of Origin in Mail Order Advertising.

When a wool product is advertised in any mail order catalog or mail order promotional material, the description of such product shall contain a clear and conspicuous statement that the product was either made in U.S.A., imported, or both. Other words or phrases with the same meaning may be used. The statement of origin required by this section shall not be inconsistent with the origin labeling of the product being advertised.

§ 300.26 - Pile Fabrics and Products Composed Thereof.

The fiber content of pile fabrics or products made thereof may be stated in the label or mark of identification in such segregated form as will show the fiber content of the face or pile and of the back or base, with the percentages of the respective fibers as they exist in the face or pile and in the back or base: Provided, That in such disclosure the respective percentages of the face and the back be given in such manner as will show the ratio between the face and the back. Examples of the form of marking pile fabrics as to fiber content provided for in this section are as follows:

100% Wool Pile
100% Cotton Back
(Back constitutes 60% of fabric and pile 40%)

Pile -- 60% Recycled Wool, 40% Wool
Back -- 70% Cotton, 30% Rayon
(Pile constitutes 60% of fabric and back 40%).

§ 300.27 - Wool Products Containing Superimposed or Added Fibers.

Where a wool product is made wholly of one fiber or a blend of fibers with the exception of an additional fiber in minor proportion superimposed or added in certain separate and distinct areas or sections for reinforcing or other useful purposes, the product may be designated according to the fiber content of the principal fiber or blend of fibers, with an excepting naming the superimposed or added fiber, giving the percentage thereof in relation to the total fiber weight of the principal fiber or blend of fibers, and indicating the area or section which contains the superimposed or added fiber. An example of this type of fiber content disclosure, as applied to products having reinforcing fibers added to a particular area or section, is as follows:

"55% Recycled Wool
45% Rayon
Except 5% Nylon added to toe and heel"

§ 300.28 - Undetermined Quantities of Reclaimed Fibers.

(a) Where a wool product is composed in part of various man-made fibers recovered from textile products containing underdetermined qualities of such fibers, the percentage content of the respective fibers recovered from such products may be disclosed on the required stamp, tag, or label, in aggregate form as "man-made fibers" followed by the naming of such fibers in the order of their predominance by weight, as for example:

"60% Wool
40% Man-made fibers
Acetate Nylon"

(b) Where a wool product is composed in part of wool, or recycled wool and in part of unknown and, for practical purposes, undeterminable non-woolen fibers reclaimed from any spun, woven, knitted, felted, braided, bonded or otherwise manufactured or used product, the required fiber content disclosure may, when truthfully applicable, in lieu of the fiber content disclosure otherwise required by the Act and regulations, set forth (1) the percentages of wool or recycled wool, and (2) the generic names and the percentages of all other fibers whose presence is known or practically ascertainable and (3) the percentage of the unknown and undeterminable reclaimed fibers, designating such reclaimed fibers as "unknown reclaimed fibers" or "undetermined reclaimed fibers," as for example:

75% Recycled Wool -- 25% Unknown Reclaimed Fibers.

35% recycled Wool -- 30% Acetate -- 15% Cotton -- 20% Undetermined Reclaimed Fibers.

In making the required fiber content disclosure any fibers referred to as "unknown reclaimed fibers" or "undetermined reclaimed fibers" shall be listed last.

(c) The terms "unknown recycled fibers" and "undetermined recycled fibers" may be used in describing the unknown and undeterminable reclaimed fibers referred to in paragraph (b) of this rule in lieu of the terms specified therein, provided, however, That the same standard is used in determining the applicability of the term "recycled" as is used in defining "recycled wool" in section 2(c) of the Act.

(d) For purposes of this rule undetermined or unascertained amounts of wool or recycled wool may be classified and designated as recycled wool.

(e) Nothing contained in this rule shall excuse a full and accurate disclosure of fiber content with correct percentages if the same is known or practically ascertainable, or permit a deviation from the requirements of section 4(a)(2)(A) of the Act with respect to products not labeled under the provisions of this rule or permit a higher classification of wool or recycled wool than that provided by Section 2 of the Act.

§ 300.29 - Garments or Products Composed of or Containing Miscellaneous Cloth Scraps.

(a) For wool products which consist of, or are made from, miscellaneous cloth scraps comprising manufacturing by-products and containing various fibers of undetermined percentages, the following form of disclosure as to fiber content of such wool products, where truthfully applicable and with appropriate percentage figure inserted, may be used in the stamp, tag, label, or mark of identification of such product:

(1) Where the product contains chiefly cotton as well as woolen fibers in the minimum percentage designated for recycled wool:

Made of Miscellaneous Cloth Scraps Composed Chiefly of Cotton With Minimum of -- -- % Recycled Wool.

(2) Where the product contains chiefly rayon as well as woolen fibers in the minimum percentage designated for recycled wool:

Made of Miscellaneous Cloth Scraps Composed Chiefly of Rayon With Minimum of -- -- % Recycled Wool.

(3) Where the product is composed chiefly of a mixture of cotton and rayon as well as woolen fibers in the minimum percentage designated for recycled wool:

Made of Miscellaneous Cloth Scraps Composed Chiefly of Cotton and Rayon With Minimum of -- -- % Recycled Wool.

(4) Where the product contains chiefly woolen fibers with the balance of undetermined mixtures of cotton, rayon or other non-woolen fibers:

Made of Miscellaneous Cloth Scraps Containing Cotton, Rayon and Other Non-Woolen Fibers, With Minimum of -- -- % Recycled Wool.

(b) Where the cotton or rayon content or the non-woolen fiber content mentioned in such forms of disclosure is not known to comprise as much as 50% of the fiber content of the product, the word "chiefly" in the respective form of disclosure specified in this section shall be omitted.

(c) The words "Contents are" may be used in the above-mentioned forms of marking in lieu of the words "Made of" where appropriate to the nature of the product.

(d) For purposes of this rule, undetermined or unascertained amounts of wool or recycled wool which may be contained in the product may be classified and designated as recycled wool.

§ 300.30 - Deceptive labeling in general.

Products subject to the act shall not bear, nor have used in connection therewith, any stamp, tag, label, mark or representation which is false, misleading or deceptive in any respect.

§ 300.31 - Maintenance of records.

(a) Pursuant to the provisions of section 6 of the Act, every manufacturer of a wool product subject to the Act, irrespective of whether any guaranty has been given or received, shall maintain records showing the information required by the Act and Regulations with respect to all such wool products made by such manufacturer. Such records shall show:

(1) The fiber content of the product specified in section 4(a)(2)(A) of the Act.

(2) The maximum percentage of the total weight of the wool product of any non-fibrous loading, filling or adulterating matter as prescribed by section 4(a)(2)(B) of the Act.

(3) The name, or registered identification number issued by the Commission, of the manufacturer of the wool product or the name or registered identification number of one or more persons subject to section 3 of the Act with respect to such wool product.

(4) The name of the country where the wool product was processed or manufactured as prescribed by sections 300.25a and/or .25b.

(b) Any person substituting labels shall keep such records as will show the information on the label removed and the name or names of the person or persons from whom the wool product was received.

(c) The purpose of these records is to permit a determination that the requirements of the Act and Regulations have been met and to establish a traceable line of continuity from raw material through processing to finished product. The records shall be preserved for at least three years.

§ 300.32 - Form of separate guaranty.

(a) The following are suggested forms of separate guaranties under section 9 of the Act which may be used by a guarantor residing in the United States on or as part of an invoice or other paper relating to the marketing or handling of any wool products listed and designated therein and showing the date of such invoice or other paper and the signature and address of the guarantor:

(1) General form.

We guarantee that the wool products specified herein are not misbranded under the provisions of the Wool Products Labeling Act and rules and regulations thereunder.

(2) Guaranty based on guaranty.

Based upon a guaranty received, we guarantee that the wool products specified herein are not misbranded under the provisions of the Wool Products Labeling Act and rules and regulations thereunder.

Note: The printed name and address on the invoice or other paper will suffice to meet the signature and address requirements.

(b) The mere disclosure of required information including the fiber content of wool products on a label or on an invoice or other paper relating to its marketing or handling shall not be considered a form of separate guaranty.

§ 300.33 - Continuing guaranty filed with Federal Trade Commission.

(a)(1) Under section 9 of the Act any person residing in the United States and marketing or handling wool products may file a continuing guaranty with the Federal Trade Commission.

(2) When filed with the Commission a continuing guaranty shall be fully executed in duplicate. Forms for use in preparing continuing guaranties will be supplied by the Commission upon request.

(3) Continuing guaranties filed with the Commission shall continue in effect until revoked. The guarantor shall promptly report any change in business status to the Commission.

(b) The prescribed form for a continuing guaranty is available upon request from the Division of Enforcement, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580. The form is also on the Internet at and then click on Business Guidance, and then Textile, Wool & Fur Matters, or click here:

FTC form 31-A [TEXT]  [PDF]

(c) Any person who has a continuing guaranty on file with the Commission may, during the effective dates of the guaranty, give notice of such fact by setting forth on the invoice or other paper covering the marketing or handling of the product guaranteed the following:

Continuing Guaranty under the Wool Products Labeling Act filed with the Federal Trade Commission.

(d) Any person who falsely represents that he has a continuing guaranty on file with the Federal Trade Commission shall be deemed to have furnished a false guaranty under section 9(b) of the Act.

§ 300.34 - Reference to Existing Guaranty on Labels not Permitted.

No representation or suggestion that a wool product is guaranteed under the act by the Government, or any branch thereof shall be made on or in the stamp, tag, label, or other mark of identification, applied or affixed to wool products.

§ 300.35 - Hearings Under Section 4(d) of the Act.

Hearings under section 4(d) of the act will be held when deemed by the Commission to be in the public interest. Interested persons may file applications for such hearings. Such applications shall be filed in quadruplicate and shall contain a detailed technical description of the class or classes of articles or products regarding which applicant requests a determination and announcement by the Commission concerning express or implied representations of fiber content of articles or concerning insignificant or inconsequential textile content of products.

From 16 C.F.R. 303.7, of the the Rules and Regulations Under
the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act.

§ 303.7 Generic names and definitions for manufactured fibers.

Pursuant to the provisions of section 7(c) of the Act, the Commission hereby establishes the generic names for manufactured fibers, together with their respective definitions, set forth in this section and the generic names for manufactured fibers, together with their respective definitions, set forth in International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 2076: 1989, "Textiles -- Man- made fibres -- Generic names." This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd St., 13th floor, New York, N.Y. 10036. Copies may be inspected at the Federal Trade Commission, Room 130, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC, or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol St., NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC.

(a) Acrylic. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is any long chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent by weight of acrylonitrile units

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(b) Modacrylic. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is any long chain synthetic polymer composed of less than 85 percent but at least 35 percent by weight of acrylonitrile units

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except fibers qualifying under paragraph (j)(2) of this section and fibers qualifying under paragraph (q) of this section.

(c) Polyester. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is any long chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85% by weight of an ester of a substituted aromatic carboxylic acid, including but not restricted to substituted terephthalate units,

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and para substituted hydroxy-benzoate units,

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(d) Rayon. A manufactured fiber composed of regenerated cellulose, as well as manufactured fibers composed of regenerated cellulose in which substituents have replaced not more than 15 percent of the hydrogens of the hydroxyl groups. Where the fiber is composed of cellulose precipitated from an organic solution in which no substitution of the hydroxyl groups takes place and no chemical intermediates are formed, the term lyocell may be used as a generic description of the fiber.

(e) Acetate. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is cellulose acetate. Where not less than 92 percent of the hydroxyl groups are acetylated, the term triacetate may be used as a generic description of the fiber.

(f) Saran. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is any long chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 80 percent by weight of vinylidene chloride units (—CH2—CCl2—).

(g) Azlon. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is composed of any regenerated naturally occurring proteins.

(h) Nytril. A manufactured fiber containing at least 85 percent of a long chain polymer of vinylidene dinitrile (—CH2—C(CN)2—) where the vinylidene dinitrile content is no less than every other unit in the polymer chain.

(i) Nylon. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a long-chain synthetic polyamide in which less than 85 percent of the amide

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linkages are attached directly to two aromatic rings.

(j) Rubber. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is comprised of natural or synthetic rubber, including the following categories:

(1) A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a hydrocarbon such as natural rubber, polyisoprene, polybutadiene, copolymers of dienes and hydrocarbons, or amorphous (noncrystalline) polyolefins.

(2) A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a copolymer of acrylonitrile and a diene (such as butadiene) composed of not more than 50 percent but at least 10 percent by weight of acrylonitrile units

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The term lastrile may be used as a generic description for fibers falling within this category.

(3) A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a polychloroprene or a copolymer of chloroprene in which at least 35 percent by weight of the fiber-forming substance is composed of chloroprene units

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(k) Spandex. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a long chain synthetic polymer comprised of at least 85 percent of a segmented polyurethane.

(l) Vinal. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is any long chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 50 percent by weight of vinyl alcohol units (—CH2—CHOH—), and in which the total of the vinyl alcohol units and any one or more of the various acetal units is at least 85 percent by weight of the fiber.

(m) Olefin. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is any long chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent by weight of ethylene, propylene, or other olefin units, except amorphous (noncrystalline) polyolefins qualifying under paragraph (j)(1) of this section.

(n) Vinyon. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is any long chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent by weight of vinyl chloride units (—CH2—CHCl—).

(o) Metallic. A manufactured fiber composed of metal, plastic-coated metal, metal-coated plastic, or a core completely covered by metal.

(p) Glass. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is glass.

(q) Anidex. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is any long chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 50 percent by weight of one or more esters of a monohydric alcohol and acrylic acid, CH2=CH—COOH.

(r) Novoloid. A manufactured fiber containing at least 85 percent by weight of a cross-linked novolac.

(s) Aramid. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a long-chain synthetic polyamide in which at least 85 percent of the amide

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linkages are attached directly to two aromatic rings.

(t) Sulfar. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a long chain synthetic polysulfide in which at least 85% of the sulfide (—S—) linkages are attached directly to two (2) aromatic rings.

(u) PBI. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a long chain aromatic polymer having reoccurring imidazole groups as an integral part of the polymer chain.

(v) Elastoester. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a long-chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 50% by weight of aliphatic polyether and at least 35% by weight of polyester, as defined in § 303.7(c).

(w) Melamine. A manufactured fiber in which the fiber-forming substance is a synthetic polymer composed of at least 50% by weight of a cross- linked melamine polymer.

(x) Fluoropolymer. A manufactured fiber containing at least 95% of a long-chain polymer synthesized from aliphatic fluorocarbon monomers.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 24-Jul-2007 12:12:00 EDT