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HEASARC: Observatories

EXOSAT Bibliography

artist concept of EXOSAT in space

* Publication list from ADS

The EXOSAT publication list is the result of a query to the ADS service using the keyword EXOSAT. Note : the following 3 links are not section 508 compliant.

* The Best of EXOSAT Express

During the EXOSAT lifetime reports and updates on the mission were published on the EXOSAT Express. The journal contained news relevant to the operations but also a series of articles on calibration. In 1992 the Best of EXOSAT Express was created by the HEASARC selecting all articles relevant to the operation, calibration and instruments. The Best of EXOSAT Express is gradually being scanned and put on-line.
More recent articles on EXOSAT calibration appeared on the HEASARC
Legacy Journal .

* Useful EXOSAT References

  • Instrumentation :
    • Low Energy: De Korte et al. 1981, Sp. Sci. Rev 30, 495.
    • Medium Energy: Turner et al. 1981, Sp. Sci. Rev 30, 513.
    • Gas Scintillation (GSPC): Peacock et al. 1981, Sp. Sci. Rev 30, 525.

  • Science highlights: See X-ray Astronomy with EXOSAT
    a special issue of Mem. S. A. It. 1988, Vol 59, no.1-2.

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Last modified: Thursday, 26-Jun-2003 13:48:32 EDT