#157 File No. P054507 Agency Information Collection Activities; Tobacco Reports: Information Requests to the Cigarette and Smokeless Tobacco Industries

Public Comments

  1. Tobacco Free Kansas Coalition, Inc. (05/05/05)
  2. B. Sachau (05/18/05)
  3. California Department of Health Services, Tobacco Co ntrol Section (07/07/05)
  4. Georgia State University - Institute of Public Health (07/07/05)
  5. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC (07/08/05)
  6. Action Council Against Tobacco/Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai, India) et al (a joint submission of forty four (44) public health organizations) (07/08/05)
  7. National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) (07/08/05)
  8. Philip Morris USA Inc. (07/08/05)
  9. San Luis Obispo County Tobacco Control Coaltion (07/22/05)

Last Modified: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2007 16:53:00 EDT