# 250; Project No. P059106; "Pay on the Go: Consumers and Contactless Payment"
The Federal Trade Commission and the Technology Law and Public Policy Clinic at the University of Washington Will Host a Town Hall Meeting on July 24, 2008, to Explore the Growth of Contactless Payment Systems and Their Implications for Consumer Protection Policy

Public Comments

  1. Augustinowicz, Walt (8/12/2008) #535926-00010
  2. Bernard (5/12/2008) #535926-00001
  3. BITS/Financial Services Roundtable (Carlson, John) (8/12/2008) #535926-00011
  4. Consumer Federation of America (Grant, Susan) (6/20/2008) #535926-00007
  5. Consumers Union of U.S., Inc. (Hillebrand, Gail) (6/20/2008) #535926-00008
  6. Fu, Kevin (6/5/2008) #535926-00005
  7. Greenberg, David (5/12/2008) #535926-00002
  8. Greene, Morton (7/11/2008) #535926-00009
  9. King, Jennifer (6/18/2008) #535926-00006
  10. Moorman, Dave (6/5/2008) #535926-00004


Last Modified: Wednesday, 20-Aug-2008 14:32:00 EDT