File No. 012 3240
In the Matter of Microsoft Corporation.

Public Comments

  1. Catavault (September 9, 2002) [PDF 571KB]
  2. Rotenberg, Marc (Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)) (September 9, 2002) [PDF 449KB]
  3. Foldes, Paul G. (Foldes & Associates) (September 9, 2002) [PDF 1MB]
  4. Killian, Linda R. (August 8, 2002) [PDF 65KB]
  5. Liebeler, Lars H. (Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA)) (September 9, 2002) [PDF 71KB]
  6. Mahler, Jason (Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) (September 9, 2002) [PDF 354KB]
  7. Willey, Howard (August 14, 2002)
  8. Webb, Timothy John (August 21, 2002) [PDF 83KB]
  9. Zuck, Jonathan (Association for Competitive Technology) [PDF KB]

Last Modified: Wednesday, 20-Jun-2007 16:53:00 EDT