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You are here: Methods > Field methods
Field inventory and monitoring
Repeated observation or sampling at a site, on a scheduled or event basis, for study and analysis. In general, this category excludes sampling programs in which materials are obtained in the field and brought back to a laboratory for study and analysis.
Acoustic methods (30 items)
Borehole logging (5 items)
CTD measurement (1 items)
Ecosystem monitoring (71 items)
Electromagnetic surveying (10 items)
Handheld field spectroscopy (1 items)
Seismic methods (41 items)
Stream-gage measurement (110 items)
Telemetry (10 items)
Tiltmeter measurement (5 items)
Video monitoring (6 items)
Vocalization methods (1 items)
Animal and plant census (3 items)
Optical methods (3 items)
Gravimeter measurement (3 items)
Magnetometer measurement (1 items)
Tomography (1 items)

Ocean current measurement (1 items)
Ocean monitoring (29 items)
Volcano monitoring (11 items)
Weather monitoring (40 items)
Precipitation measurement (10 items)
Related topics:

Results 1 - 321 of 321 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Earth tides and volcano monitoring [New Window]
Article in the May 28, 1998 issue of Volcano Watch describing of correlation of earth tides to volcanic eruptions and value in monitoring underground magma movement with deformation measurement instruments including tiltmeters and strainmeters.
River inventory and monitoring [New Window]
Links to science programs on upper Midwest river inventory and monitoring with links to databases on macroinvertebrates, fisheries, vegetation, water quality, bathymetry, floodplain forest, wildlife, sediment, contaminants and nutrients.
Volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park [New Window]
Describes volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park including an update of recent volcanic activity, real-time data, and link to volcano monitoring techniques information.
Hydroacoustic current meters for the measurement of discharge in shallow streams and rivers [New Window]
Description and illustrations of hydroacoustic current meters for measuring the discharge in streams and rivers with links to wading discharge measurements, project progress and plans and references.
Cascades Volcano Observatory - Mount St. Helens real-time hydrologic monitoring [New Window]
Real-time and historic data from gaging stations for water and mudflow detection in the Mount St. Helens, WA vicinity with data tables and plots, interactive location map and station descriptions.
Grand Canyon studies: using ocean-research techniques to study a river system [New Window]
Brief review of studies with sidescan sonar on sediment in the Grand Canyon as part of research on the changes brought about by the Glen Canyon Dam and the results gathered from a 1996-controlled flood experiment with links to related information.
International Program at the Earth Resources Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center - environmental monitoring and information systems [New Window]
Overview of the environmental monitoring component of the international program at the EROS Data Center using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, with links to data, partners, publications, and workshops.
Maine river ice monitoring system [New Window]
The USGS in Augusta, Maine monitors river and ice conditions in areas of ice accumulation on the Kennebec River near Augusta providing real-time river stage data and real-time pictures of ice conditions at this location.
North Dakota River Basin map for current streamflow conditions [New Window]
Links by geographic area in North Dakota or by gaging station number to hydrographs, downloadable data, and site description of streamflow stations.
PDF Relations among geology, physiography, land use, and stream habitat conditions in the Buffalo and Current River systems, Missouri and Arkansas [New Window]
USGS develops geophysical methods to improve remediation monitoring and site characterization [New Window]
Short news article describing the use of electrical resistivity tomography to improve imaging of tracer flow in ground water.
Volcano video and television surveillance monitoring systems [New Window]
Visual monitoring of volcanoes by closed-circuit television and video monitoring for a permanent video record of events using slow-scan television which permits continuous surveillance at a distance for remote volcanoes or in times of danger.
PDF A science strategy to support management decisions related to hypoxia in the northern Gulf Of Mexico and excess nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin [New Window]
The report describes a strategy for monitoring, modeling, and research activities to support management decisions to improve water-quality conditions in the Mississippi River Basin, reduce hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and improve conditions for
PDF A volcano rekindled; the renewed eruption of Mount St. Helens, 2004-2006 [New Window]
Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative [New Window]
Homepage for the Dept. of the Interior's Initiative coordinated by the USGS, for amphibian (frogs, toads, salamanders and newts) monitoring, research, and conservation. Links to National Atlas for Amphibian Distribution, photos, and interactive map serve
Biological resource status and trends: Field recording methods [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on field recording methods
PDF Buck Island Reef National Monument Sea Turtle Research Program: Sea turtle nesting research & monitoring protocols manual [New Window]
Manual for research program on the nesting habits of sea turtles of the Virgin Islands, with descriptions of species, nesting behavior, observation methods, record keeping, tagging, and tissue sample collection. (PDF file, 121 pp.)
Climate-Driven Ocean Changes Affect Estuaries [New Window]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--Pacific Ocean cooling triggers phytoplankton blooms in San Francisco Bay.
Construction and installation of dendrometer bands for periodic tree-growth measurements [New Window]
Use and function of dendrometer bands to make short-term repeated measurements of tree-stem growth. Photo illustrations of procedures and equipment.
Duration and current conditions graphs for selected Pennsylvania sites [New Window]
Plots of streamflow averages and ground water depths for selected hydrologic sites in Pennsylvania.
Field guide to amphibian larvae and eggs of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa [New Window]
Field guide to identify amphibian species from the larvae and eggs. Available to download in Adobe PDF or UMESC format.
Field guide to the reptiles and amphibians of coastal Southern California [New Window]
Field guide to identify the reptiles and amphibians of coastal Southern California with glossary and map.
Field methods: capture and marking of pintails [New Window]
Method of tracking pintail ducks by capturing with rocket nets or swim-in traps and attaching telemetry devices that allow satellite tracking. Includes video of rocket nets.
PDF Field techniques for estimating water fluxes between surface water and ground water [New Window]
A guide to measuring the flow of water across the ground water surface water interface, with an overview of available methods and details of specific methods to use.
Fish passage through dams in large temperate floodplain rivers: an annotated bibliography [New Window]
Report describes an electronic database of annotated citations relevant to fish passage through dams. Document may be searched using the search form or downloaded as an Endnote, Microsoft Word, or WordPerfect
Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program [New Window]
Geographic Analysis and Monitoring Program (GAM) conducts studies about land surface change, environmental and human health, fire and urban ecology, and natural hazards to help decision-makers in land-use planning and land management.
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) earthquakes: HVO seismic network [New Window]
Description of the seismic monitoring of the active Hawaiian volcanoes with information on the network, instrumentation, and recording stations with links to related information.
Hudson River salt front data [New Window]
Tide stage, specific conductance, water temperature, and freshwater inflow at selected Hudson River (New York) gages updated every 4-hours to measure the effects of freshwater withdrawals and upstream movement of the salt front.
PDF Introduction to potential fields: Gravity [New Window]
Explanation of the Earth's gravitational field, emphasizing how USGS scientists measure gravity and portray these measurements on maps. Explains terminology of gravity anomaly maps and their relationship to the rock types and other geologic features.
PDF Introduction to potential fields: Magnetics [New Window]
Explanation of the Earth's magnetic field and how USGS measures it. Defines magnetic anomaly, induced and remanent magnetism in rocks, and describes magnetic anomaly maps.
Leetown Science Center current research projects [New Window]
Links to information and data on current research projects in fish health and aquatic ecology at the Center.
Mauna Loa current activity [New Window]
Current activity of Mauna Loa Volcano with news, GPS data, electronic tiltmeter data, and current seismicity plus links to long term monitoring.
Methow River Basin [New Window]
Description of studies conducted to evaluate the surface water, ground water, water interactions, and water quality of Methow River Basin in Washington. With links to related science topics, datasets, maps, project summaries, and news.
Missouri River streamflow-gaging station, Bismarck, North Dakota [New Window]
Description of the North Dakota stream-gaging program using a Missouri River streamflow-gaging station in Bismarck, North Dakota as an example explaining how and why the USGS collects stream data with photos and directions for visiting the station.
Monitoring data of the Long Valley caldera and Mono-Inyo Craters volcanic chain, California [New Window]
Describes the monitoring effort and provides real-time data of the current restless activity of the caldera, including earthquakes, ground deformation, and release of volcanic gas and plus link to volcano monitoring techniques.
Monitoring grizzly bear populations using DNA [New Window]
Description of project monitoring the status of Greater Glacier National Park Area's grizzly bear and black bear populations using genetic techniques on DNA from bear hair or scats without handling bears, with photos and discussion of methods.
Most recent updates for U.S. volcanoes [New Window]
Short descriptions of recent volcanic activity in the US.
Natural and human drivers of biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem [New Window]
This study reconstructs past interactions among ecosystem factors, native species, and human land use in the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem to provide a context for future management to sustain both ecological and human communities.
New Jersey ground-water level observation wells [New Window]
Site for ground water level data and additional information for New Jersey wells in the most important aquifers in New Jersey. Links to well stations are grouped by county and township giving access to hydrographs and data.
New York state current studies and research [New Window]
Links to summaries of USGS studies and research on water resources in the state of New York arranged by project number.
North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP) [New Window]
The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program (NAAMP) is a long-term monitoring program designed to track the status and trends of frog and toad populations with links to data access, protocol, and how to volunteer as an observer.
Northern Appalachian Field Lab, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
Description of scientific focus and research at the Northern Appalachian Field Lab on mining land use impacts and mediation, aquatic ecology, effects of dam removal, and invasive plant and animal species.
Office of the Delaware River Master (ODRM) [New Window]
This web site is intended to provide the user with general information on the Office of the Delaware River Master and with timely access to the data and information collected and disseminated by the Office.
P-wave data from the Indian subcontinent [New Window]
Compilation of P-wave data from the Indian subcontinent Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profiles that used refraction and reflection techniques to provide an estimate of crustal thickness across the subcontinent.
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center monitoring program [New Window]
Entry to biomonitoring projects studying the status and trends of the nation's environmental resources and programs studying amphibians and birds. Links to long-term programs, resources and references, and related links.
Platte River Program, a USGS Place-Based Studies Program [New Window]
Site for the Platte River Program in Nebraska an area that is a critical staging area for migratory waterbirds of the Central Flyway. Includes links to color-infrared aerial photos, 1938 historic aerial photos, and Cottonwood Ranch research site.
Real-time precipitation data for Illinois [New Window]
Access to real-time precipitation data for Illinois.
Real-time water-quality monitoring and regression analysis to estimate nutrient and bacteria concentration in Kansas streams. [New Window]
Report on the use of regression equations from measurements made by water quality monitors and analytical results of manually collected samples estimating nutrient, bacteria, and other constituent concentrations to study streams in Kansas.
Remote video monitoring [New Window]
Links to remote video monitoring field stations with video and water level data, plus links to image processing software tools, processed video examples, and other uses of video descriptions.
River corridor habitat dynamics, Lower Missouri River [New Window]
Detailed description of The Lower Missouri River Corridor Habitat Dynamics Project studying river habitat in a heavily engineered river.
Seabed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS) [New Window]
Link to PDF fact sheet describing the SEABASS system that collects seabed images and sediment samples in coastal regions.
Seismic properties of North America and the surrounding ocean basins [New Window]
Presentation of maps of the seismic properties of North America and the surrounding ocean basins compiled from seismic refraction and reflection data, earthquake studies, and surface wave analyses showing crustal thickness and geologic provinces.
Solar-irradiance variations and regional precipitations in the western United States [New Window]
Study of the relationship of changes in total solar irradiance to changes in regional precipitation in the western United States as affected by water circulation in the Pacific Ocean.
Southeastern Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative [New Window]
Overview of the Southeastern Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative, annual report, field methods and protocols, statistical design and analysis, glossary, projects, and lists of frogs, toads and salamanders.
Southern Appalachian Field Branch, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
Cooperative research in the biological, geophysical, and social sciences with emphasis on upland ecosystems in the southern Appalachian Highlands.
The Parkfield Experiment - capturing what happens in an earthquake [New Window]
Fact sheet describing plans for a San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) by drilling into the fault to install instruments for long-term monitoring near the location of the magnitude 6 Parkfield earthquakes.
The U.S. Geological Survey Ocean Bottom Seismometer Facility [New Window]
The Ocean Bottom Seismometer facility provides technical support for a variety of scientific investigations ranging from deep crustal structure to gas hydrate and surface sediments.
The sea-floor mapping facility at the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Field Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts [New Window]
Fact sheet on the sea-floor mapping facility at Woods Hole describing state-of-the-art technology used to produce accurate geologic maps of the sea floor and reporting on its data-acquisition, data-processing, and archiving capabilities.
Upper Mississippi River fish and macroinvertebrate data [New Window]
Interactive databases providing detailed information on fish and macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity over time in pools of the upper Mississippi River basin.
Upper Wallkill River study [New Window]
Program to measure streamflow stage and discharge at four sites in the Upper Wallkill River Valley's Black Dirt Region and determine Total Suspended Solids (TSS) concentration data and estimate loads of TSS and sources of contaminants.
Use of remotely sensed image data to automatically map wind erosion vulnerability (eolian mapping) and rainfall mapping [New Window]
Links to remote sensing images monitoring wind erosion and rainfall in Arizona.
Using tiltmeters to measure volcano deformation [New Window]
Describes and illustrates how scientists use electronic tiltmeters measuring deformation on volcanoes.
Volcano Hazards Program, Long Valley Observatory [New Window]
Overview of the Long Valley Caldera with links to monitoring data including earthquakes and deformations, long-term outlook, volcano hazards in the area, USGS response plan, image gallery, monitoring and topical studies, publications and references.
Washington current streamflow conditions [New Window]
Links to real-time streamflow data, river and storm alerts, snowpack reports, weather data and seasonal runoff for the state of Washington.
Water Watch: current water resources conditions [New Window]
U.S. map of real-time streamflow compared to historical values with links to U.S. maps and data of surface water, ground water, precipitation, river conditions and floods and other information on current and past water resources conditions.
What is an Ocean Bottom Seismometer? [New Window]
Description and uses of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer; a self contained data-acquisition system which free falls to the ocean floor and records seismic data generated by airguns and earthquakes.
Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) [New Window]
Homepage of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory with links to information about the observatory at Yellowstone National Park, volcanic history, photo gallery, monitoring data, publications and products, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
30 day animations of US daily streamflow maps [New Window]
Animated WaterWatch streamflow maps showing daily highs and lows.
ANSS - Advanced National Seismic System [New Window]
Nationa network of seismic monitoring stations coordinated with a variety of regional organizations and academic institutions.
Advanced National Seismic System (seismic network) [New Window]
A program of studies with instruments to provide accurate and timely data and information on seismic events, including their effects on buildings and structures, employing modern monitoring methods and technologies.
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) [New Window]
Coverage, characteristics, and availability of AVHRR data from a broad-band scanner sensing in the visible, near-infrared, and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor characteristics [New Window]
Description of datasets of AVHRR data available from the EROS Data Center in Sioux Falls, SD in three formats: High Resolution Picture Transmission (HRPT), Local Area Coverage (LAC), and Global Area Coverage (GAC).
Albuquerque Seismological Lab [New Window]
The USGS Seismological Laboratory in Albuquerque installs and maintains a world network of seismograph stations, collects the seismic data, and evaluates seismic instruments. Site includes links to ASL publications, earthquake maps and seismic data.
Amargosa Desert research site [New Window]
Online reports, site description and photographs of the Amargosa Desert research site monitoring low level radioactive waste.
An interpretation of the 1977 Airborne Electromagnetic (AEM) survey, Fort Huachuca vicinity, Cochise County, Arizona [New Window]
Complex report on the interpretation of aeromagnetic data to study hydrogeology of the San Pedro basin, Cochise County, Arizona determining geologic structure, basin fill and depth to water. Online version of a CD-ROM publication.
Aquatic Ecology Branch, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
Programs of the Aquatic Ecology Branch on landscape ecology and GIS, molecular genetics, environmental contaminants, stream ecology, and other aspects of aquatic ecology in eastern United States.
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1002 Area, petroleum assessment, 1998, including economic analysis [New Window]
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) 1002 area's petroleum resource assessment. Text available in PDF and HTML formats.
PDF Atmospheric Deposition Program of the U.S. Geological Survey [New Window]
Document on the federally supported interagency National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) covering research on causes and effects of acid precipitation with the USGS as the lead agency for monitoring wet acid deposition.
Avian influenza news and disease information [New Window]
News regarding US efforts to monitor the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza, with links to bulletins, FAQ list, field guides, and other resources.
Benchmark glaciers [New Window]
Summary of the USGS benchmark glacier program to intensively monitor climate, glacier motion, glacier mass balance, glacier geometry, and stream runoff at three glacier basins, Gulkana and Wolverine in Alaska and South Cascade in Washington.
Biogeochemical and geohydrologic processes in a landfill-impacted alluvial aquifer, Norman, Oklahoma [New Window]
Discussion and links to research for the multi-disciplinary investigation on the Norman Landfill located on alluvium associated with the Canadian River in central Oklahoma.
Biological and ecotoxicological characteristics of terrestrial vertebrates residing in estuaries [New Window]
Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends (BEST) program is designed to assess and monitor the effects of environmental contaminants on biological resources with links to detailed information on specific species.
Biological resource status and trends: Survey design and methods [New Window]
Information concerning status and trends of biological resources, focusing on survey design and methods
Bird Point Count Database [New Window]
Perform custom searches for bird count and bird habitat data or enter your bird count and vegetation data.
Borehole geophysics as applied to geohydrology [New Window]
Project summary, photos of logging truck, and bibliographies on log interpretation techniques and instrumentation to record geophysical data in wells and test holes for studying ground water hydraulics and evaluate waste disposal sites.
PDF Born of fire: restoring sagebrush steppe [New Window]
USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center: fact sheet in Adobe PDF about the studies to restore sagebrush steppe
Boston Harbor Studies: the fate of sediments and contaminants in Massachusetts Bay [New Window]
Boston Harbor/Massachusetts Bay Studies research project conducted as part of Boston Harbor cleanup to predict the fate of contaminants and sediments introduced to Massachusetts' coastal waters from sources that include Boston sewage outfall.
Carolina slate belt gold deposits in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia [New Window]
Report of research on the Carolina slate belt and gold deposits in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia with geologic mapping, mineralogic, geochemical, and fluid evolution studies, radiogenic dating, and stable isotope studies.
Central California /San Francisco Bay Earthquake Hazards Project [New Window]
Information on earthquakes in central California and the San Francisco region with links to four types of field studies, deep seismic investigations, geotechnical investigations, shallow seismic imaging, and airborne geophysical surveys.
Chesapeake Bay activities [New Window]
Information on USGS studies of Chesapeake Bay, the nation's largest estuary, concerned with water quality, ecosystem history and change, vital habitat and biological resources, and land use studies.
Classification of natural ponds and lakes in the glaciated prairie region [New Window]
Presents a wetland classification system that reflects seasonal, regional, and local variations in the environment.
Coal-mine-drainage projects in Pennsylvania [New Window]
Studies by the USGS documenting the extent of surface-water and ground water degradation associated with coal mining in Pennsylvania and the effects of mining and reclamation practices. Includes map of mine sites.
Coastal Prairie Research Program, National Wetlands Research Center [New Window]
Coverage of the Coastal Prairie Ecology Research (CPER) Team, National Wetlands Research Center, providing scientific information to aid the conservation, management, and restoration of ecosystems in the greater coastal prairie region.
Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG) InfoBank [New Window]
Access to InfoBank, an online data catalog, to browse or retrieve coastal and marine geology program information, images, and data on gravity, bathymetry, seismic activity, magnetics, samples, facilities, cruises and equipment.
Coastal and Marine Geology Program [New Window]
Home page for Coastal and Marine Geology with links to topics of interest (sea level change, erosion, corals, pollution, sonar mapping, and others), Sound Waves monthly newsletter, field centers, regions of interest, and subject search system.
Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) online databases [New Window]
Links to Columbia Environmental Research Center online databases with text, data, and metadata on toxicity, Missouri River, biomonitoring of environmental status and trends, contaminants, and sediments.
Contaminant Biology Program [New Window]
The Contaminant Biology Program investigates contaminant exposure and effects on fish, wildlife, and other organisms, their habitat and ecosystems. Links include description of projects, research centers, and news.
Contaminant exposure and effects--terrestrial vertebrates (CEE-TV) database [New Window]
The information provided in the CEE-TV database profiles available geo-referenced information on contaminant exposure and effects in terrestrial vertebrates along the U. S. coasts. The database utilizes Microsoft's Access 2000 for Windows.
Continental shelf GIS for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary [New Window]
Interactive maps of the continental shelf of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary with GIS layers for sediment data, bathymetry, geology, bathymetry, sonar imagery, and tectonics.
Cruise report by Coastal Surveyor Cruise C-1-99-SC: multibeam mapping of the Long Beach, California, continental shelf [New Window]
Description of the work and results of a cruise by the Pacific Sea Floor Mapping project to map the Long Beach, California continental shelf based on data from high-resolution multibeam technology.
Determinants of breeding distributions of ducks [New Window]
Article from Wildlife Monographs no. 100 (1988) on the relationships of wetland habitat dynamics and life history to the breeding distributions of the various species of ducks with information on research methods and references.
Devils Lake, North Dakota [New Window]
Includes hydrographic information from 2000 to last seven days, water-quality data, elevation, area, and capacity data and publications on Devils Lake, North Dakota in the Red River of the North basin.
Discovery for Recovery: an International Pintail Recovery Initiative (Pinsat) [New Window]
Using satellite telemetry and field studies to track pintail ducks during spring migration north from California's Central Valley plus pintails in New Mexico and Texas. Includes links to migration maps, journal, duck calls, and field methods.
Drought watch - USGS state information on drought [New Window]
Map display that highlights states where the streamflow index at USGS streamgages, averaged statewide, were below normal for the past seven days with links to comparison of recent streamflow values with historic values.
Drought watch Pacific Northwest states: Washington, Oregon, Idaho [New Window]
Drought water homepage with links to maps showing streamflow conditions, drought definitions, resources, publications, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
Earthquake Hazards Program [New Window]
Information on earthquake activity, earthquake science, and earthquake hazard reduction with links to news reports, products and services, educational resources for teachers, glossary, and current U.S. earthquake activity map.
Earthquake Hazards Program - Central and Eastern U.S. [New Window]
Information on earthquakes in central and eastern United States with links to earthquake monitoring, published products, recent earthquake information, discussion group, and current projects.
Earthquake Hazards Program - Northern California [New Window]
Home page for Northern California Earthquake Hazards Program with links to earthquake news, real-time earthquake and shaking maps, earthquake probabilities, latest earthquake information, hazards and preparedness, research and special features.
Earthquake Hazards Program - Southern California [New Window]
Site for the Southern California Earthquake Hazards Program with links to latest quake information, real-time earthquake maps and shaking maps, general information, hazards and preparedness, research, networks, and earthquakes for kids.
Earthquake science explained--a series of ten short articles for students, teachers, and families [New Window]
Collects a series of short articles on earthquake science and related topics for students, teachers, and parents originally published as weekly features in The San Francisco Chronicle.
Earthquakes: Frequently Asked Questions [New Window]
Answers to a wide variety of questions (FAQs) about earthquakes, such as dictionary of terms, earthquake activity and probabilities, common myths, faults, plate tectonics, and earthquake measurement techniques.
Earthshots, satellite images of environmental change [New Window]
Satellite images of geographic areas of interest, cities, deserts, glaciers, geologic features, disaster areas, water bodies, and wildlife linked with articles, maps, and other images such as AVHRR, photographs, and special project images.
Ecological risk assessment of toxic substances in the South Florida ecosystem: wildlife effects and exposure assessment [New Window]
Project summaries and publications on wildlife contaminant exposures and prediction and monitoring of future restoration-driven exposures within the South Florida ecosystems.
Ecological studies in the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [New Window]
Description of cooperative ecological research associated with the National Water-Quality Assessment program with links to current projects, download data, publications, and publications on biological sampling, habitat and laboratory protocols.
End-of-month hydrologic condition reports for New York State [New Window]
Site to locate most recent or archive reports for end-of-the-month hydrologic conditions with descriptions, data, charts, and maps giving an overview of water conditions during the month for the state of New York.
Endocrine Disruption Found in Fish Exposed to Municipal Wastewater [New Window]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--cause and potential effects of wastewater on fish in streams is explored.
Environmental studies of the World Trade Center area after the September 11, 2001 attack [New Window]
Report describing the results of an interdisciplinary environmental study of the World Trade Center (WTC) area after the attack on September 11, 2001. The investigations included imaging spectroscopy mapping and laboratory analysis.
Estimated freshwater withdrawals in Oklahoma, 1995 [New Window]
1995 freshwater withdrawal estimates for Oklahoma by source and category. Withdrawal data from ground water and surface water for domestic, commercial and agricultural use.
Estimated freshwater withdrawals in Oklahoma, 2000 [New Window]
2000 freshwater withdrawal estimates for Oklahoma by source and category. Withdrawal data from ground water and surface water for domestic, commercial and agricultural use.
Fire ecology research [New Window]
Study of wildland fire history and fire ecology such as plants in the Sierra Nevada forests, California shrublands, the Mojave, and Sonoran deserts to develop management techniques that will reduce hazards.
Fish Health Branch, Leetown Science Center [New Window]
The Fish Health Branch, Leetown Science Center, investigates fish health and disease issues associated with genetics, pathogens and environmental stress. With links to workshops, leaflets, and announcements relating for fish health.
Florida Integrated Science Center - Gainesville [New Window]
Florida Integrated Science Center at Gainesville is the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies in Florida and southeastern United States. Site has links to projects on manatees, contaminants, invasive plants and animals, Everglades, and aquatic resources.
Florida Integrated Science Center - biological science poster presentations [New Window]
Poster presentations for Center for Aquatic Resource Studies projects related to Greater Everglades, marine and coral studies, ecotoxicology, manatees, coastal ecology, nonindigenous aquatic species, coastal ecology, freshwater fisheries, and herpetology.
Fluvial geomorphology studies in Kansas [New Window]
Report of completed studies that have investigated the response of river and stream channels in Kansas to a variety of human-caused and natural disturbances.
Flying by Night: USGS Scientists Put Technology to Work on Bats [New Window]
Short description of techniques used to monitor migration patterns and behavior of bats in New Mexico.
Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center: Fact Sheets [New Window]
Access to Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center fact sheets on fish, fish diseases, aquatic resources, and other projects and activities.
Fort Collins Science Center [New Window]
Homepage of the Fort Collins Science Center in Colorado with links to programs in ecological research programs, staff directory, products library, news and events, and research features and spotlights.
Forum on Wildlife Telemetry - Innovations, Evaluations, and Research Needs [New Window]
Papers from Forum on Wildlife Telemetry, Snowmass Village, CO, 1997 about innovations in transmitting and receiving systems, attachment techniques, collection of data using telemetry, data processing and analysis. Available as *.zip file to download.
From microbes to mammals - invasive species [New Window]
Articles from the July/August issue of People, Land & Water, the employee news magazine of the Dept. of the Interior, on lost natural resources, loss of biodiversity, and damage to our biological heritage by invasive plants, animals, and microbes.
Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project (FRIRP) [New Window]
Home page for the Front Range Infrastructure Resources Project, a demonstration study of the northern Colorado Front Range urban corridor and the entire Rocky Mountain Front Range urban corridor with links to projects, datasets, and publications.
GLORIA Mapping Program [New Window]
GLORIA is a digital sidescan sonar capable of producing digital image maps of the sea floor from reflected sound waves. Site includes description of digital processing, mosaicking, and links to samples of image maps.
Geologic hazards team office [New Window]
An organizational unit within USGS that studies earthquakes, landslides, and geomagnetism. Contact information and descriptions of current research projects.
Geomagnetic observatories [New Window]
Map showing geomagnetic observatories, with detailed information about each one
Geophysical products [New Window]
Links to products of magnetic, gravity, magnetotelluric, and multi-discipline reports and surveys of regions in the U.S. and Antarctica plus geophysical software tools. Some products are in PDF format.
Geothermal industry temperature profiles from the Great Basin [New Window]
Subsurface temperature, well temperature, and well data of geothermal resources in the Great Basin.
Global Seismographic Network [New Window]
Worldwide network of seismic monitoring stations coordinated by a variety of national and international organizations.
Global change research: a focus on mountain ecosystems [New Window]
Overview of interdisciplinary research studies in Glacier National Park to understand how this mountain wilderness responds to present climatic variability and other external stressors, such as air pollution, and links to detailed reports.
Grizzly bear and black bear ecology [New Window]
Summaries of research projects on black bear and grizzly ecology and ecosystems supporting the populations and bibliography of related publications.
Ground-water data for the Nation [New Window]
National Water Information System (NWIS) real-time data on selected ground water sites, ground water level data, site inventory of wells, test holes, drains, springs and excavations and ground water-quality data for the United States.
Ground-water flow and other computer simulations for Utah [New Window]
Identifies computer models in USGS publications developed to study ground water for many areas of Utah.
Groundwater geophysical technology transfer [New Window]
Site to provide USGS scientists with web-based resoures to transfer new geophysical knowledge and experience; includes methods, tools, publications and training.
Gulf of Maine internet map [New Window]
Gulf of Maine regional overview interactive map depicting research activities of the U.S. Geological Survey showing surficial sample sites, bathymetry, continental margin and coastal areas.
Gulf of Mexico Estuaries Integrated Science Strategy [New Window]
A white paper describing a plan for USGS research in Gulf of Mexico estuaries, developed in 2001 using Tampa Bay as an example with links to program strategy and design.
Gulf of the Farallones disposal issues: disposal and waste disposal [New Window]
Study of the effects on the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary resulting from the disposal of San Francisco dredged material and barrels of low-level radioactive waste with links to publications and atlas with digital images.
Gulf of the Farallones regional bathymetry and sidescan-sonar digital mosaics [New Window]
Remotely sensed image products covering the Gulf of the Farallones region west of San Francisco.
History and ecology of mangroves in the Dry Tortugas [New Window]
Fact sheet on the historic and current conditions of mangroves of Dry Tortugas National Park, a cluster of islands and coral reefs west of Key West, Florida. Mangroves and nesting frigate bird colonies are at risk to destruction by hurricanes.
Hurricane and extreme storm impact studies [New Window]
Homepage for programs of the Center for Coastal Geology on hurricanes and extreme storms with links to technology, related aerial photography, hurricanes, El Nino, northeasters, and specific storms.
Hydrates cruise in the Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Investigation of the upper- and middle continental slope of the Mississippi Canyon, including the Gulf of Mexico, for the distribution of gas-hydrate deposits with links to a DEM image map, bathymetry data, and research technology.
Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN): streamflow data set, 1874 - 1988 [New Window]
The Hydro-Climatic Data Network, or HCDN, consists of streamflow records for 1,659 sites throughout United States and its Territories. Records span the period 1874 through 1988, and represent a total of 73,231 water years of information.
Hydroacoustic methods [New Window]
Technical information on acoustic methods of measuring water currents and applications of hydroacoustic techniques to problems in surface water hydrology.
Hydrogeologic framework of Antelope Valley and Bedell Flat, Washoe County, west-central Nevada [New Window]
Description of the hydrogeologic framework of Antelope Valley and Bedell Flat in west-central Nevada north of Reno-Sparks area. Gravimetric and seismic-refraction methods were used in the study. Report available in PDF format or HTML format.
Hydrologic Instrumentation Facility (HIF), Stennis Space Center, Mississippi [New Window]
Information on the laboratory facility for the development, testing, calibration and storage of USGS hydrologic instrumentation.
Hydrologic conditions for Illinois: Drought perceptions, effects, and assessment [New Window]
Map of stream conditions and links to precipitation data, drought statistics, and information on floods and droughts in Illinois.
Hydrologic conditions for North Dakota [New Window]
Links by map location or station number to real-time stage and streamflow, real-time water quality, ground-water data, long-term hydrographs, and annual water-data reports to view and download for past and current water conditions in North Dakota.
Hydrologic studies in Long Valley caldera [New Window]
Hydrologic monitoring data for Long Valley caldera, California, on springs, streams, wells, fumaroles, and precipitation to study the natural hydrologic variations and the response of the hydrologic system to volcanic and tectonic processes.
Hydrologic studies in Oregon [New Window]
Links to water data studies for river and lake basins in Oregon including ground water and water quality studies.
Identifying predators and fates of grassland passerine nests using miniature video cameras [New Window]
Description of the use of a miniature video-camera system deployed at nests of passerine species in North Dakota to videotape predation of eggs or nestlings by animals such as mice, ground squirrels, deer, cowbirds and others.
Indiana hydroacoustics [New Window]
Use of hydroacoustics by the USGS in Indiana to make streamflow measurements using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs) and other hydroacoustic current meters.
Instantaneous Data Archive - IDA [New Window]
The USGS collects continuous stage, discharge, and other instantaneous time-series data on the nations rivers. This Archive provides streamflow data and historical data, often several years worth.
Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team (IGBST) [New Window]
Description of research program for immediate and long-term management of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) inhabiting the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Includes links to reports in PDF format and cooperating organizations.
Investigating the Chesapeake Bay impact crater [New Window]
Links to information on the formation and structure of Chesapeake Bay including online reports, recent field work, field work archives, cooperating agencies, bibliography, and links to articles about other terrestrial impact craters.
Lake Clark sockeye salmon research projects [New Window]
Summary of research on salmon fish resources in the Lake Clark area in Alaska with links to scientific projects, Native Alaskan intern program, lake core analysis, radio telemetry, genetics, subsistence fishing, and research staff.
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images (1982 to present) [New Window]
Links to Landsat Thematic Mapper images used in mapping regional and local eolian erosion vulnerability in Southwestern U.S.
Leetown Science Center (LSC) Fact sheets [New Window]
Links to Leetown Science Center (LSC) fact sheets on fish, fish diseases, aquatic resources, and other projects and activities.
Leetown Science Center (LSC): view research information by principal investigator [New Window]
Links to Leetown Science Center (LSC) projects and activities listed by principal investigator.
Limber pine communities [New Window]
Report on status and trends of limber pine communities with references.
Long Island Sound [New Window]
Long Island Sound interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Long Island Sound sidescan sonar mosaics [New Window]
Sidescan sonar image, surficial geologic interpretation, and bathymetry of the Long Island Sound sea floor.
Louisiana HydroWatch [New Window]
Homepage for the statewide real-time hydrologic monitoring network featuring the latest hydrologic information in Louisiana.
Louisiana continental slope [New Window]
Louisiana continental slope interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Maine drought information: drought watch [New Window]
Daily streamflow data and drought conditions for Maine.
Major drainage basins in Massachusetts and Rhode Island [New Window]
Location and geology of drainage basins in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Major quake likely to strike San Francisco Bay Region between 2003 and 2032 [New Window]
Study of the probability of a major earthquake in San Francisco Bay region with colored map and links to relevant publications. Text also available in PDF format and graphic available in Illustrator or Photoshop format.
Maps of distribution and abundance of selected species of birds on uncultivated native upland grasslands and shrubsteppe in the northern Great Plains [New Window]
Links to maps of breeding distributions of bird species on grasslands and shrublands in the northern Great Plains. Maps can also be downloaded from *.zip files in HTML format.
Maps of recent earthquake activity in California-Nevada [New Window]
Near-real-time maps of location, ground motion, and shaking intensity of earthquakes in California and Nevada for the past hour, past day, and past week and links to other earthquake information.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District home page [New Window]
Home page for the Massachusetts and Rhode Island District office for water resources with links to drainage basins, water, stream statistics, projects, publications, news reports, and location.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District projects [New Window]
List of all Massachusetts and Rhode Island District water projects with links to those with homepages.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District water data [New Window]
Links to streamflow, surface and ground water, water quality, flood, drought, and precipitation data in real-time and for historic time periods for Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Methods of installing United States National Seismographic Network (USNSN) stations: a construction manual [New Window]
Instructions on how to build a protective outdoor seismic vault used as stations for broadband seismic sensors that respond to seismic energy, temperature, and atmospheric pressure for the United States National Seismic Network in PDF format.
Mississippi Fan internet map [New Window]
Mississippi River alluvial fan interactive map with GIS data and imagery depicting core sites, depositional and channel interpretation, Gloria and SeaMarc datasets.
Moored time series data [New Window]
Oceanographic time-series data obtained from moored instruments, generally provided in NetCDF format.
Moths of North America [New Window]
Homepage for information on moths of North America with life history and habitats, photos, checklists, distribution maps, submitting new county records, identification tips, common questions, and references.
Multibeam data and socio-economic issues in west-central San Francisco Bay [New Window]
Webpage based on USGS Open File Report 98-139 links to information on the San Francisco Bay estuary to study dredge disposal effects, fish habitats, sediment transport, rock pinnacles and navigation, and consequences of a large oil spill.
Multibeam mapping of the Pinnacles region, Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Report on multibeam sonar imaging to produce bathymetric mapping of the reef tract known as The Pinnacles, northern Gulf of Mexico with links to images (ASCII or ArcInfo formats), data, metadata, ArcExplorer 2.0 project, and cruise report.
Multibeam mapping of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Georeferenced high-resolution mapping of bathymetry of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico of areas suspected to be critical benthic habitats for fisheries. Includes links to images, data, metadata, and TIFF image files.
National Petroleum Reserve Alaska Legacy Data Archive [New Window]
Access is provided to seismic data, image files of seismic data, well logs, and cores of petroleum reserves in Alaska from the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, and (NPRA) Legacy Data Archive.
National Streamflow Information Program [New Window]
National Streamflow Information Program home page describing the operation and maintenance of 7000 streamgages, overview of the program, system for collection of streamflow data, maintaining of historic streamflow data, and available reports.
National Water-Quality Assessment data warehouse [New Window]
Data warehouse for national water quality program with links to chemical, biological, and physical data for water, sediment and animal tissues, nutrient, pesticide, and VOC levels, streamflow, and ground water levels from national study units.
National Wetlands Research Center [New Window]
Homepage for the National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, Louisiana with links to general information, staff, issues and capabilities, library, publications and data.
National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) publications and research products [New Window]
List of National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, Louisiana publications.
National water conditions [New Window]
Historical maps and animations of maps for monthly and annual streamflow conditions by water year showing generalized contour patterns of streamflow conditions. Maps are for the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
New Jersey District - surface water information [New Window]
Links to water data for New Jersey including streamflow, sampling stations, and water-quality data with links to reports on stream gages, hydrology, networks, and floods.
New Jersey drought watch [New Window]
Update on daily streamflow conditions and drought situation in New Jersey.
North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) [New Window]
North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is a cooperative program that monitors the status and trends of North American bird populations. Includes files of results, analyses, route collection maps and raw data.
Northern Divide Grizzly Bear Project [New Window]
Project to assess the grizzly bear population size, trend, and survival in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem (NCDE) in Montana to improve the long-term survival for this threatened species. With description, DNA identification means and photos.
Oculina Bank - geology of a deep-water coral reef habitat off Florida [New Window]
Brief report on sidescan sonar data, sediment sampling, and submersible and video photography studies of destruction of deep-water coral pinnacles where fish spawn off east-central Florida in the Oculina Bank in order to restore and protect the habitat.
Optical Science Laboratory [New Window]
Site for the Optical Science Laboratory specializing in expert calibration of aerial mapping cameras with links to fees, scheduling cameras for calibration, historical camera database files, USGS aerial camera specifications, and how to visit.
Osage-Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research Project, Lake Skiatook, Osage County, Oklahoma [New Window]
Study of the effects on the environment of hydrocarbons and produced water (brines) at Skiatook Lake, Osage Reservation, Oklahoma, with links to maps, photos, and data.
Ozone in our air - friend or foe? - depends on where [New Window]
Article on ozone layer and ozone as a pollutant from the weekly newsletter Volcano Watch (Hawaiian Volcano Observatory) for August 20, 2001.
Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center [New Window]
Geographical isolation of the Hawaiian Islands has resulted in the evolution of endemic species unique in the world. Research at the Center aims at preventing the further extinction of these species. Links to projects, publications and other data.
Pacific Seafloor Mapping Project [New Window]
Homepage for the Pacific Sea floor Mapping Project with links to images, downloadable data, applications, fly-by movies, products, publications, and contacts for studies of San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, Lake Tahoe, and other Pacific areas.
Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter [New Window]
A presentation of bird photographs, songs, identification tips, distribution maps, and life history information for North American birds, and a forum for commentary and discussion on birds.
Patuxent bird population studies [New Window]
Links to ornithology programs at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, MD, including large scale survey analysis of bird populations, research tools, datasets and analyses, bird identification, and seasonal bird lists.
Patuxent's effects of ecological processes and human impacts on biological resources--invasive species [New Window]
List and brief abstracts on research projects on invasive species, the ecology of introduced species, and developing management strategies at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center.
Pharmaceuticals, Hormones, and Other Organic Wastewater Contaminants in U.S. Streams [New Window]
Describes and illustrates that a broad range of chemicals found in residential, industrial, and agricultural wastewaters commonly occur in mixtures at low concentrations downstream from areas of intense urbanization and animal production.
Priority ecosystem studies initiative [New Window]
Description of the priority ecosystems studies initiative with links to projects in Chesapeake Bay, Greater Yellowstone, Mojave Desert, Platte River, Salton Sea, San Francisco, and south Florida.
Publications of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island District [New Window]
Lists of publications of the Massachusetts and Rhode Island District on water resources with links to online publications.
Radio tracking manatees to assess the impact of hydrologic changes in southwest Florida [New Window]
Report on the Sirenia Project use of a radio tracking study to determine manatee movement patterns and habitat to develop ecological models to understand and predict the effects of hydrologic restoration on manatees in Southwest Florida.
Radio-tracking amphibians: lessons from implant and external attachment procedures [New Window]
Paper from Forum on Wildlife Telemetry, Snowmass Village, CO, 1997, describes technique for implanting radio-transmitters for tracking amphibians such as frogs with telemetry.
Real-time seismogram displays [New Window]
Description of seismograms and how they are produced by drum recorders and electronic instruments with real-time seismograms for Northern California and Long Valley, California and representative seismograms for types of earthquake activity.
Salvinia molesta, Salvinia weevil, Salvinia minima [New Window]
Life history and identification of Salvinia species, a floating, rootless tree fern and a noxious aquatic weed. Site includes posters, instructions on submitting sightings, how to subscribe to a listserv on the weed, and a bibliography.
San Francisco Bay change detection and mapping: use of Landsat Thematic Mapper Multitemporal images to detect and map changes in the San Francisco Bay area [New Window]
Remote sensing images of San Francisco Bay and Delta region.
Schlumberger soundings at the Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nevada [New Window]
Report presenting the data, automatic interpretations, cross sections, and resistivity maps of direct current electrical soundings at the Amargosa Desert Research Site near Beatty, Nevada using a Schlumberger array.
Sea-floor mapping technology [New Window]
Integrated shipboard data collection, processing, and archival system for digital sidescan sonar and seismic data used in mapping the inner continental shelf.
Sea-floor morphology between Año Nuevo and Santa Cruz, California [New Window]
Report with preliminary sea floor map displaying submarine rock exposures found along the northern part of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, extent based on side-scan sonar records, seismic-reflection records, and underwater video.
Seafloor image map of the Monterey Bay region: USGS Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Project [New Window]
Monterey Bay sea floor image maps.
ShakeMap [New Window]
ShakeMap sites provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) projects by topic [New Window]
Links to explore South Florida and the Everglades ecosystem projects arranged by topic and subtopic, including proposals, project summaries, scopes of work, work plans, publications, and contacts.
Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) [New Window]
Homepage for the Southern California Integrated GPS Network (SCIGN) Pasadena Field Office involved in operating GPS stations, data recording, and supplying of earthquake data. Links to GPS data analysis, photos, and technical information.
Spectroscopy of rocks and minerals, and principles of spectroscopy [New Window]
Technical review of the principles of spectroscopy and its use in identifying minerals and other materials.
Status and trends of biological resources [New Window]
Description of the Status and Trends program, which monitors the abundance, distribution, productivity, and health of the Nation's living resources, detecting and evaluating changes in these variables over time.
Status and trends of biological resources program [New Window]
This program integrates monitoring programs that track the abundance distribution, productivity, and health of the Nation's plants, animals, and ecosystems.
Status and trends of the Nation's biological resources [New Window]
This report is major publication on national biological resources that compiles and presents status and trends information for use by resource managers and the public. Presents detail information on ecosystems, plants, and animals.
Stream-gaging program of the U.S. Geological Survey [New Window]
Description and history of the stream-gaging program of the USGS with information on the networks and monitoring stations, data-collection process, uses of streamflow data, and evaluation of the program.
Streamflow statistics of Massachusetts [New Window]
Streamflow statistics and basin characteristics for most streams in Massachusetts using the Streamstats program. Data for areas can be selected from maps displayed by an interface (Java applet) and by an automated process. Includes a tutorial.
PDF Studies and trends of selected inland lakes of the Great Lakes Cluster National Parks [New Window]
Report on the status of the biota and ecological factors of the inland lakes of the Great Lakes Cluster Parks: Indiana Dunes, Sleeping Bear Dunes,and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshores and Isle Royale and Voyageurs National Parks. (PDF file, 321 p.)
Summary of suspended-sediment concentration data, San Francisco Bay, California, water year 2000 [New Window]
Suspended-sediment concentration data were collected in San Francisco Bay during water year 2000 using optical backscatterance sensors and water samples. This report presents the data-collection methods, data, and calibration plots.
Surface water information pages [New Window]
Lead page for detailed United States surface water information with links to real-time and historic streamflow data, suspended sediment data, USGS programs and facilities, publications, techniques, and featured news releases.
Surface-water data and statistics from U.S. Geological Survey data-collection networks in New Jersey on the world wide web [New Window]
Streamflow-gaging and water quality sampling sites with real-time and historical surface-water data for many of the sites in New Jersey.
Surface-water data for the Nation [New Window]
Homepage for USGS national surface-water data with more than 850,000 station years of time-series data for stream levels, streamflow (discharge), reservoir and lake levels, surface-water quality, and rainfall plus real-time data and tutorial.
Surface-water reports [New Window]
Links to Office of Surface Water reports on streamgaging, streamflow data and information, current meters, sediment, modeling, journal articles, and techniques.
Survival of adult female northern pintails in Sacramento Valley, California [New Window]
Report on the population of northern pintails between 1979 and the 1990s in Sacramento Valley, California, including methods of study including radio telemetry, causes of mortality, morphometrics, survival rates, and management implications.
Suspended-sediment database: daily values of suspended sediment and ancillary data [New Window]
Enables searching by state, hydrologic region, basin, time period, and length of record to retrieve suspended sediment data for the United States.
Tampa Bay Estuary Interactive Mapping System (IMS) [New Window]
Interactive Mapping Service (IMS) is an Internet based Geographic Information System designed to provide users with online mapping capability of habitats, land use and land cover, and seagrass for areas of Tampa Bay.
Tampa Bay estuary digital library [New Window]
Database entry page to search keywords and product type (document, map, data, metadata, photos, video, animation, aerial photo) for information on the Tampa Bay estuary and related research studies.
The Chesapeake Bay bolide: modern consequences of an ancient cataclysm [New Window]
Presentation that the location of Chesapeake Bay may have been predetermined by a Eocene bolide, an extraterrestrial body, impacting the Earth in the vicinity of the Delmarva Peninsula at high velocity and exploding to create a large crater.
The U.S. Geological Survey and the Chesapeake Bay - the role of science in environmental restoration [New Window]
Summary of a circular on USGS environmental research and Chesapeake Bay with links to full document. Includes discussion of the problems of the estuary, restoration efforts, water quality, and effects on ecosystem.
The Virtual Fish: Semipermeable Membrane Device (SPMD) basics [New Window]
Paper by Duane Chapman for the 6th International SPMD Workshop and Symposium on a semipermeable membrane device (SPMD) measures contaminants in water by mimicking the parts of fish that cause concentration of specific chemicals in fish tissues.
The challenges of capturing and tagging manatees along west coastal Florida [New Window]
Description of method of capturing and tagging manatees in western Florida for tracking by satellite telemetry. Presented at a forum on telemetry.
The crustal structure of China from deep seismic sounding profiles [New Window]
Summary of results of Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profiles in China with links to a sample DSS profile, contour map of China with crustal thickness, crustal columns and maps showing profile locations and seismic data.
Tides and inflows in the mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) [New Window]
Links for the Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) project on the effects of freshwater and tidal flows on the Everglades mangroves. With links to software & manuals, time data, photos, animations, and bibliography.
PDF Two decades of research at Crater Lake [New Window]
Research brief for resource managers on the ecology of Crater Lake.
U.S. Atlantic East Coast [New Window]
Atlantic East Coast interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
U.S. Gulf of Mexico Shoreline Change [New Window]
Interactive map of the Gulf of Mexico coast reflecting shoreline changes.
U.S. Pacific West Coast internet map server [New Window]
Interactive map of the U.S. Pacific West Coast with data layers of Gloria sidescan data, multibeam backscatter and shaded relief imagery.
USGS Wildlife and Terrestrial Resources Program [New Window]
Homepage of the USGS Wildlife and Terrestrial Resources Program with links to projects, centers, and cooperative research units.
USGS activities in Texas: Texas sites by basin [New Window]
Real-time water data, interactive maps, and flood reports for river basins in Texas.
United States National Strong-Motion Program (NSMP) [New Window]
National Strong-Motion Program home page with links to program news, recent events, and datasets of digitized accelerograms downloadable as PC (*.zip) and Unix (*.tar.z) files, data processing, stations, research, publications, and personnel.
Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center (UMESC) [New Window]
Homepage for Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center, LaCrosse, Wisconsin, with links to data library, geographical search, science programs, partnerships, long-term resource monitoring program, reports and publications, and education.
Use of remote sensing to study and monitor wetland restoration at the Sonoma Baylands in San Francisco Bay [New Window]
Digital satellite images, digitized aerial photographs, and ground-based digital camera photographs monitoring the changes in wetland restoration.
Using remote sensing to detect active dust storms and map areas vulnerable to eolian erosion [New Window]
Links to remote sensing images monitoring dust storms and wind erosion.
Water data for Illinois [New Window]
Links to streamflow, surface and ground water, water quality, flood, drought, and precipitation data in real-time and for historic time periods for Illinois.
Water resources applications software: NCALC, Manning's n value calculation program [New Window]
Software for calculating Manning's roughness coefficient values in stream channels with installation instructions for Unix and DOS systems.
Water resources data for Washington [New Window]
Access to data on water resources of Washington including surface water, ground water, water quality, water use, GIS, and biological datasets and access to reports.
Water resources data in Wyoming [New Window]
Access to surface water data and ground-water data for Wyoming.
Water resources data, Wyoming, Water Years 2000-2003 [New Window]
Access to PDF files of annual water data for Wyoming for surface water and ground water 2000 to present.
Water resources for Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. [New Window]
USGS water resources home page with links to detailed hydrologic information for Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia on ground and surface water, water quality, real-time records, news releases, local weather, and reservoir levels.
Water resources of Alabama [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Alabama with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, surface water, drought conditions, rain, and water quality.
Water resources of Alaska [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Alaska with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and historic data on streamflow, ground and surface water, glaciers, and water quality plus research activities, publications, and contacts.
Water resources of Arizona [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Arizona with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and well levels plus current conditions, publications, and projects.
Water resources of Arkansas [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Arkansas with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, water use, and rain with links to publications and research partners
Water resources of California [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for California with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus links to online reports, current issues, data archives and image archive.
Water resources of Colorado [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Colorado with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, snowpack, sediment, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus publications, news, and drought watch.
Water resources of Connecticut [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Connecticut with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, streamflow conditions, gage stations, and drought.
Water resources of Florida [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Florida with links to detailed hydrologic studies with real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality, plus publications and products, projects, news, and water watch.
Water resources of Georgia [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Georgia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and floods, plus drought watch, current projects, and connections.
Water resources of Hawaii & the Pacific. [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Hawaii, Micronesia, and American Samoa with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, rainfall, water use and current issues.
Water resources of Idaho [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Idaho with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and water use, plus drought watch and relevant publications.
Water resources of Illinois [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Illinois with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, flooding, and water quality with highlights and project information.
Water resources of Indiana [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Indiana with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, drought, and water quality plus GPS ground station data and publications.
Water resources of Iowa [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Iowa with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and historical data on floods, streamflow, ground and surface water, sediment, precipitation, and water quality plus news releases, publications and contacts.
Water resources of Kansas [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Kansas with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and historical data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus flood watch, drought watch, publications, and district news.
Water resources of Kentucky [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Kentucky with links to detailed hydrologic studies, real-time and historical data on streamflow, ground and surface water, flow duration, and water quality plus program highlights, contacts, and news.
Water resources of Louisiana [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Louisiana with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, water quality, and water supply with publications, contacts, and current conditions.
Water resources of Maine [New Window]
USGS water home page for Maine with detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, snow, and water quality plus drought watch, press releases, projects, and contacts.
Water resources of Massachusetts and Rhode Island [New Window]
USGS water resource home page for Massachusetts and Rhode Island with detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, basins, floods, droughts, and water quality, plus district news.
Water resources of Michigan [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Michigan with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, weather, water management, droughts, floods, and water quality.
Water resources of Michigan - programs and projects [New Window]
Brief descriptions of categories of USGS research programs and projects on water resources in Michigan with links to more detailed information on projects.
Water resources of Minnesota [New Window]
USGS water resource home page for Minnesota with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data for streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of Mississippi [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Mississippi with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data for streamflow, ground and surface water, precipitation, local weather, and flooding plus current events, projects and reports.
Water resources of Missouri [New Window]
Water District homepage with links to detailed real-time and long-term water resources data for Missouri on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality.
Water resources of Missouri - Missouri District cooperating agencies [New Window]
Links to the web pages of federal, state, regional and local agencies and university cooperating with the USGS in the collection of water-resources data and the conduct of interpretive hydrologic investigations in Missouri.
Water resources of Montana [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Montana with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, and water quality plus publications and district information.
Water resources of Montana - our cooperators [New Window]
List of federal, state, tribal, and local agencies cooperating with the USGS on water resources studies of Montana.
Water resources of Nebraska [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Nebraska with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus publications and related natural resources information.
Water resources of New Hampshire and Vermont [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for New Hampshire and Vermont with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality plus publications and district information.
Water resources of New Jersey [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for New Jersey with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, weather, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of New Mexico [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for New Mexico with links to hydrologic studies and real-time and long-term data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus map of basins.
Water resources of New York [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for New York with links to current news and features, real-time and long-term data on acid rain, suspended sediment, ground and surface water, streamflow and water quality.
Water resources of North Carolina [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for North Carolina with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, droughts, precipitation, and water quality plus district information.
Water resources of North Dakota [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for North Dakota with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Ohio [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Ohio with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, weather, water use, and water quality, plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Oklahoma [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Oklahoma with links to hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, climatology, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Oregon [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Oregon with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, geographic information, and water quality plus district and publications information
Water resources of Pennsylvania [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Pennsylvania with links to hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, map/GIS information, and water quality plus district and publications information
Water resources of South Carolina [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for South Carolina with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, GIS information, acid rain, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of South Dakota [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for South Dakota with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Tennessee [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Tennessee with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Texas - USGS activities in Texas [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Texas with links to historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, floods, droughts, coastal storm surge, lakes and reservoirs, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Utah [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Utah with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Virginia [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Virginia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, flooding, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Washington State [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Washington State with links to detailed hydrologic studies and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus GIS data, district and publications information.
Water resources of Washington State - projects/studies [New Window]
List of links to USGS research and studies on the water resources of Washington, which can be searched by subject, basin and county.
Water resources of West Virginia [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for West Virginia with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus district information and press releases.
Water resources of Wisconsin [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Wisconsin with links to detailed hydrologic studies and historic and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, water use, and water quality, plus district and publications information.
Water resources of Wyoming [New Window]
USGS water resources home page for Wyoming with links to detailed hydrologic studies and long-term and real-time data on streamflow, ground and surface water, droughts, and water quality plus district and publications information.
Water resources of the Caribbean [New Window]
USGS home page for the Caribbean, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico with links to projects, GIS data, publications, and real-time data for streamflow and rainfall of Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
Water resources of the United States [New Window]
Primary homepage for USGS programs in water resources with links to water data, publications and products, technical resources, major programs, and water information services.
Water resources real-time data for the Nation [New Window]
Access to national water resources real-time data typically recorded at 15-60 minute intervals, stored onsite, and then transmitted to USGS offices every 4 hours. Select for site information, ground water, surface water, and water quality.
Water use in Tennessee [New Window]
Tennessee water-use information including links to a fact sheet, data, charts, and maps.
Water, Energy, and Biogeochemical Budgets (WEBB) [New Window]
Describes the studies of five small watersheds, four in the U.S. and one in Puerto Rico, under the WEBB program to understand the processes controlling water, energy, and biogeochemical fluxes with links to other watershed research.
Water-Level Changes in the High Plains Aquifer, Predevelopment to 2002, 1980 to 2002, and 2001 to 2002 [New Window]
Data from some 7,000 wells monitoring annual water level changes in the High Plains aquifer indicting changes in water level 1980 to 2002.
Water-related scientific programs in Micronesia and American Samoa [New Window]
Overview of water-related scientific programs in Micronesia (Northern Marianas, Guam, and Palau) and American Samoa. Links to programs on hydrologic data collection, ground water availability, and surface runoff.
Waterfowl identification in the Central Flyway [New Window]
Identification manual with colored photos of species of puddle ducks, diving ducks, geese, mergansers, swans, cranes, herons, egrets, pelicans and cormorants. Also includes information on ordering print copy and downloading as *.zip file.
West-central Florida erosion study [New Window]
West central Florida erosion interactive map with GIS datasets to download including geologic interpretative layers, samples, bathymetry, and imagery.
Western Ecological Research Center (WERC) [New Window]
Links to research at the field stations of the Western Ecological Research Center with direct links to web pages for wildlife videos, satellite telemetry, fire ecology, invasive species, herpetology field guide, and coastal ecosystems.
Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology Program [New Window]
Site for Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology Program conducting scientific research in the coastal and offshore areas of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, and other U.S. Pacific Islands.
Western lake catchment systems - Bear Lake region, Idaho-Utah [New Window]
Homepage for project on Bear Lake, Idaho-Utah, to study past climate change and effect on lake catchment basins. Includes link to summary, personnel, geology, methods used including coring and seismic surveying, and publications.
Whales and walrus: tillers of the seafloor [New Window]
Report on sea floor marks in the Northeast Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea that were identified as pits and furrows caused by whales and walruses in the process of feeding on bottom crustaceans.
Whitebark pine communities [New Window]
Report on status and trends of whitebark pine communities with references to related publications.
Wyoming drought watch [New Window]
Gives map of streamflow conditions in Wyoming with access to streamflow data, real-time, daily and historic, plus information on drought analysis and management.

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