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Sediment-Contaminant Database

Sampling Purpose: The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) deployed glass sediment traps in the Upper Mississippi (Pools 1-4), Minnesota, and St. Croix Rivers to collect composite samples of suspended sediment between 1987 and 1994. The objectives of this study were to assess the contaminant concentrations of suspended sediment, evaluate factors influencing contaminant concentrations, and assess temporal trends and compare contaminant concentrations in suspended sediments to recent contaminant investigations on the river. Samples were analyzed for volatile matter, organic carbon, total nitrogen, metals, and polychlorinated biphenyls. Note: Total nitrogen and some ammonia-nitrogen data should be treated as estimates only. As stated in the WDNR report, the holding time for ammonia-nitrogen was exceeded and there were problems with spike recoveries on several total nitrogen samples.

Quality Assurance Index: 1

Number of Observations (samples) in Data Set: 55

Institution Providing Data: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Data Set No. 22:

.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Data source variables
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Sample variables

Classes of Contaminants (in both data set 22 and other data sets)

Inorganic contaminants:
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Metals, metalloids, nutrients and others
Organic contaminants:
.txt file .xls file .wk4 file
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)


Content manager: Michelle Bartsch

November 17, 2000

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007