FYI from the NHLBI Index

December 2000: Vol. 1, Issue 3
Feature Articles

Message from the Director

The NHLBI staff are looking forward to the second annual meeting of NHLBI-related public interest organizations (PIOs). Invitations have been sent to over 70 organization leaders, and we have several dynamic presentations and breakout groups planned. I hope that all of your groups will be represented, since the meeting cannot be a success without you. Many members of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Advisory Council will be at the PIO meeting to listen to your comments and learn how the Institute can better meet your needs, and everyone is welcome to attend the public session of the Council which will be held on February 1, 2001.

In response to your suggestions from last year's meeting, the NHLBI has launched a new series of Web pages, called the NHLBI Express. This site was designed for you, and we are interested in hearing your comments. Please, let us know what you think by writing to us.

In addition to our upcoming public interest organization and Council meetings, we have many other exciting events planned for this winter. To help you recover from any overindulging that you might do over the traditional Winter holidays and to help you stay healthy for your loved ones, we're working with the American Heart Association (AHA) to bring you American Heart Month in February. Watch your local news sources for information about AHA-sponsored programs in your area. Remember, though, that healthy habits should be practiced throughout the year. Visit our "Aim for a Healthy Weight" page for tips on ways to prevent extra pounds from creeping up on you. Also, remember to get plenty of sleep. The NHLBI has teamed up with Garfield the cat to spread that message to youngsters, and we need your help in setting a good example. And most important, remember that all of us at the NHLBI want you to have a safe and enjoyable holiday season.

Sincerely yours,
Claude Lenfant, M.D.

Modified 12/7/00
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All Aboard the NHLBI Express

Do you find yourself baffled by the myriad of health information available on the World Wide Web? Do you need information about NHLBI activities that you can't find on the home page? The NHLBI Express was designed with you in mind. Hop aboard at and see where this new, user-friendly series of pages can take you.

The Express is divided into four main sections.

Visit Past, Present, and Future Research to access literature search tools, to learn about clinical trials, and to identify research areas in which the NHLBI is investing today and is planning to develop programs in the future.
Many of you asked us to provide information about congressional activities affecting the NHLBI; Your Government, Your Institute provides links to summaries of bills that have been passed recently or are under consideration as well as links to the home pages of congressional committees that determine the NHLBI's authority and appropriations.
If health information is what you need, Informed People, Healthy Lives is a good place to start.
Want to find Web pages for organizations focusing on a specific disease? Looking for an earlier issue of FYI from the NHLBI? Then the stop you want is the Public Involvement page.

And if you get lost, the navigational tools and information sources described in About Express should get you back on track.

Like the express train that doesn't stop at every station, the NHLBI Express doesn't link to all of the reliable information that is available. But, we hope this express site will give you a quick start to get on your way to you where you need to go.

Modified 12/7/00
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Spokescat for Sleep Program

Garfield, the NHLBI Star Sleeper

The NHLBI named Garfield a "Star Sleeper" and asked the clever cat to help spread the word that, when it comes to doing your best, a good night's sleep is hard to beat. Garfield credits his ability to outwit dogs and humans to the fact that he's had enough sleep. "Sleep is the perfect exercise," according to the famous kitty. "I wouldn't be where I am today without it."

Students in the Star Sleeper Contest will determine the final panel of this Garfield comic.

Garfield will help the NHLBI get the message to kids in grades 1-5 that a good night's sleep helps them feel and do their best. Over the next five years, the NHLBI will be working with Jim Davis and Paws, Inc., owners of Garfield, to develop and distribute contests, games, and activities promoting sleep. For starters, the NHLBI held a contest in which students were asked to complete the comic shown here.

If you know of an elementary school student who might be interested in entering the contest, visit Garfield's Web site for rules, entry forms, and other details. But you better hurry. The contest, which began in October, ends December 15, 2000. A trip to meet Garfield and his creator in Washington, D.C. is one of the prizes!

(Note: Visit the NHLBI Star Sleeper page to see the winning entries.)

Modified 4/10/01
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