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High School


2009 High School Winners

HSSB Winners - Santa Monica High School

The U.S. Department of Energy Congratulates Mira Loma High School from Sacramento, Calif.
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History of the National Science Bowl®

2004 National Event

Past Prizes and Winners

Launched in 1991, the National Science Bowl® (NSB) is a highly competitive science education and academic event among teams of high school and middle school students who compete in a fast-paced verbal forum to solve technical problems and answer questions in all branches of science and math. Each team is composed of four students, one alternate student, and a coach. Regional and national events encourage student involvement in math and science activities of importance to the Department of Energy and the Nation.

The National Science Bowl® for Middle School Students was started in 2002 and includes two types of competitions — an academic math and science competition and a model hydrogen fuel cell car race. The model hydrogen fuel cell car race provides the students with a “hands-on” science and engineering experience where the teams design, build ,and race their model cars.

Regional science bowl championship teams receive an all-expenses paid trip to compete at the national event. High school teams travel to Washington, D.C. in May and middle school teams travel to Denver, Colorado in June. The national events are several days of science activities, sightseeing, and competitions. Teams enjoy the entire science bowl experience and take home many prizes. There are cutting-edge science seminars and hands-on science activities.

In 2007, 30 middle school teams and 64 high school teams participated in the national events. To participate, visit the Web site to find a location near you. The 2007 events took place in 42 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.


Middle School

2009 Middle School Winners

MSSB Winners - Challenger School

The U.S. Department of Energy Congratulates Hopkins Junior High School from Fremont, Calif.

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MAC Users



National Science Bowl

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