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Petersburg National Battlefield
Reams Station: The Last Hours

August 25, 1864
6:00 pm

Ream's Station - August 25, 1864










By 6:00 pm the assault had lost its momentum and in return Hancock reminded the Confederates why he was a worthy adversary.

Regrouping the II Corps he sent his men back down the lost trenches and across the field to Oak Grove Church. Initially successful, the counterattack failed. In the midst of this Hancock told a staff officer, "Colonel, I do not care to die, but I pray to God I may never leave this field!"

7:00 pm

Ream's station - August 25, 1864










Hampton and Hill are finally able to coordinate an attack upon the Union position and under this pressure the II Corps was swept from the field by 7:00 pm.


August 26, 1864

In Hill's triumph, Hancock realized his greatest defeat as a corps commander, losing nearly 3,000 soldiers as casualties or as prisoners. Though Hancock would have some measure of success at Burgess Mill he never quite recovered from Reams Station and relinquished command of the II Corps by Thanksgiving of that year.

The victory at Reams Station meant Lee, though unable to force the Union off the Weldon Railroad completely, had minimized further damage to the rail and had kept most of his supply line intact.


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Conestoga Wagon  

Did You Know?
The Conestoga wagon was the "tractor-trailer" of the 19th Century. Conestogas were designed to carry heavy freight. Brightly painted with red running gears, blue bodies and white canvas coverings, a Conestoga wagon pulled by a team of six draft horses averaged 15 miles a day along the National Road.

Last Updated: October 07, 2007 at 14:35 EST