Division of Water

Wisconsin water programs, in partnership with citizens, promote balanced use of waters for long-term protection and enhancement. Program strategic objecives outline how DNR works to attain this overriding goal.

Coastal Wetland, DNR Staff Photo.
Wisconsin's coastal region supports magnificant aquatic communities.

Success Stories

Great things are happening in Wisconsin for clean, healthy water. Water Success Stories is our way of sharing with you some of the highlights.

Annual Report

The 2008 Water Division Annual Report [PDF 1MB] highlights accomplishments of DNR staff and partners to achieve the state's strategic Water Program objectives.


Water Monitoring. The WDNR gathers environmental information to assess aquatic environmental health, evaluate environmental problems and to determine success of management actions that are intended to protect our aquatic resources. The state's Water Monitoring Strategy directs efforts to more efficiently address the variety of resource management decision making.

Mapping Wetlands

Locating wetlands is the first step to protecting them. Learn more about how you can identify wetlands in your area. Mapping wetlands

Basin Pages

The statewide watershed program focuses on managing resources by watersheds and basins. Find out what is happening in your basin through our Gateway to Basins page.

Wisconsin Water Quality Report to Congress

Wisconsin Water Quality Report to Congress highlights the status of waters in the state.

Contact Information

Bureau of Drinking Water and Groundwater - DG/2
101 South Webster St
PO BOX 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921
(608) 266-0821
FAX (608) 267-7650

Bureau of Fisheries Management - FH/4
101 South Webster St
PO BOX 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921
(608) 267-7498
FAX (608) 266-2244

Bureau of Watershed Management - WT/3
101 South Webster St
PO BOX 7921
Madison WI 53707-7921
(608) 267-7694
FAX (608) 267-2800

Last Revised: Monday October 20 2008