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Questions and comments concerning the GRACE Science Data Products should be directed to

Related Links

University of Texas Center for Space Research (UTCSR) GRACE Page

The UTCSR site provides an overview of the GRACE Mission, Flight System, and Science. Also, the latest GRACE Gravity Model is available from this site.

GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ) Potsdam GRACE Page

The GFZ site provides GRACE Science objectives and results, as well as GRACE mission information. Also, the latest Combination Gravity Field Model is available from this site.

GRACE Tellus Page

The GRACE Tellus site provides user-friendly data products to analyze changes in the mass of the Earth's hydrologic components, including: water storage on land, ocean bottom pressure and deep ocean currents, and snow and ice in the cryosphere.

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. Physical Oceanography DAAC