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May 9, 2009   
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Revised Final FY 2002 Annual Performance Plan

1. Introduction

2. Overview of the DOL Strategic Plan

2.1 Mission

2.2 Vision

2.3 DOL Strategic Goals

2.4 DOL Organization

3. Strategic Goals and The FY 2002 Budget--A 21st Century Department of Labor

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Budget Highlights

3.3 Summary

4. FY 2002 Performance Goals, Strategies and Cross-Cutting Programs

4.1 DOL Strategic Goal 1--A Prepared Workforce

Outcome Goal 1.1--Increase employment, earnings, and assistance

Outcome Goal 1.2--Increase the Number of Youth Making A Successful Transition to Work

Outcome Goal 1.3--Improve the Effectiveness of Information and Analysis on the U.S. Economy

4.2 DOL Strategic Goal 2--A Secure Workforce

Outcome Goal 2.1--Increase Compliance with Worker Protection Laws

Outcome Goal 2.2--Protect Worker Benefits

Outcome Goal 2.3--Increase Employment and Earnings for Retrained Workers

4.3 DOL Strategic Goal 3--Quality Workplaces

Outcome Goal 3.1--Reduce Workplace Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities

Outcome Goal 3.2--Foster Equal Opportunity Workplaces

Outcome Goal 3.4--Reduce Exploitation of Child Labor and Address Core International Labor Standards Issues

5. Performance Measurement

5.1 Addressing Specific Performance Measurement Challenges

5.2 Linking Costs to Performance

6. Maintaining a Departmental Strategic Management Focus

6.1 Management Initiatives in the FY 2002 Annual Performance Plan

6.1.1 Financial Management

6.1.2 Information Technology Management

6.1.3 Information Security Program

6.1.4 Human Resources Management

6.1.5 Procurement Management

6.2 Program Improvement Opportunities and Management Reforms

6.2.1 GAO High Risk and Other Audits

6.2.2 Program Improvement Opportunities Identified by the OIG and DOL Management

6.2.3 Presidential Management Reforms

6.3 Enhancing DOL's Customer Focus

Appendix A. Details of FY 2002 Performance Goals, Indicators and Baselines

Appendix B. Summary of Goal Revisions

Appendix C. Relationship of Budget Activities to Outcome Goals

Appendix D. Cross-Walk of Congressional Committees to Strategic Goals

Appendix E. List of Acronyms

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