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About the Superfund Enforcement Directory (SFED)

The Superfund Enforcement Directory ("SFED" or "Directory") provides a single resource that identifies Headquarters and Regional EPA personnel, and their particular areas of expertise, who are involved in the site remediation enforcement process. (Note: Those people listed in SFED may also function in other roles not reflected in the Directory, and may have formal job titles not directly related to site remediation enforcement.)

One of the central functions of the PRP Search Enhancement Team is to encourage and support the sharing of information and coordination of activities among various EPA organizations that are involved in the site remediation enforcement process. Because people with experience and expertise in topics relevant to site remediation enforcement are spread throughout EPA Headquarters and the Regions, it is often difficult to know whom to contact for information about a particular subject.

If you have any questions or comments regarding the Enforcement Directory, please contact Nancy Deck at deck.nancy@epa.gov.

For a more complete guide to SFED consult the "SFED "User's Manual."

Searching the Directory
Sort Tips
Group Email Lists
Sending Individual Emails
Providing Feedback
Mailing Labels

Searching the Directory

The Superfund Enforcement Directory is a searchable contact list of EPA professionals who are involved in the site remediation enforcement process. The SFED enables you to search for EPA personnel by name, Region, PRP search enforcement subject, or PRP search enforcement title.

To begin searching, select "Search SFED" from the left sidebar.

Search Methods:

Search by Name
The name fields allow you to search by name. Using the name fields, you can search for a person using all or part of his or her first or last name. Enter a complete or partial first and/or last name in the fields then click on the "Search Directory" button at the top or bottom of the page.  Everyone matching the search values provided will be displayed.

Search by Region/HQ
The Region/HQ drop-down list enables you to search for a particular region. Using the region drop-down list, you can view a complete list of SFED contacts by region or search for a name within a region. To view all SFED contacts for a region or for HQ, select a region or HQ from the drop-down menu. Only one region can be selected at a time. To execute the search, click on the "Search Directory" button on the top or bottom of the page.   All contacts in the selected region or HQ will be displayed.

Search by PRP Search Enforcement Subject
The subject checkboxes allow you to find individuals with knowledge/expertise in a particular subject area. To search by enforcement subject, select one or more subjects by clicking in the checkboxes. (To unselect a subject, remove the checkmark by clicking in the box.) To find a particular subject, click on the first letter of the appropriate subject in the alphabet bar or scroll down the page. Once a subject has been selected, you can find additional subjects by using the "Return to Top" links in each subject section or by scrolling. Once you have selected all the subjects you want, execute the search by clicking on the "Search Directory" button at the top or bottom of the page. Everyone with knowledge/expertise in any of the selected subject area(s) will be displayed.

Search by PRP Search Enforcement Title
The title checkboxes at the bottom of the Search page enable you to search for individuals by job title. To search by title, select one or more titles by clicking in the checkboxes. Once you have selected all the titles you want, execute the search by clicking on the "Search Directory" button at the top or bottom of the page. Everyone currently holding the selected title(s) will be displayed. Certain titles vary from region to region. Your search might be more conclusive if you search by subject.   Note:  At this time SFED includes primarily EPA staff.   The directory will be expanded in the near future to include staff from state, tribal, and other organizations who are involved in the site remediation or PRP search enforcement process.

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Sort Tips

Your search results can be sorted in two ways from the results page:

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Once a search is complete, click on "Print Version" from the view results line to generate a printer-friendly list of records. To print the page, select the "Printer Icon" on your browser or click on the "File" menu and select "Print." To return to your search results, click on the "Back" option on your browser.

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Group Email List

To generate a group email list, click on "Email List" from the view results line. After the email list has been generated, highlight the list by holding down the left button of the mouse while scrolling through the email list from beginning to end.  Another way to copy the entire email list is to select "Select All" from the "Edit" menu on your browser.  The entire email list should be highlighted.  Copy the list by selecting "Copy" from your browser's "Edit" menu.  Open your email program and paste the email list into the "To:" field in your email account.

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Sending Individual Emails

To send individual emails through SFED, click on the appropriate underlined email address under the Phone/Email heading. An email form will appear. Provide your name in the "Your Name" field, your email in the "Your Email" field, your mailing address in the "Your Address" field (optional), the email subject in the "Subject" field, and your email message in the "Message" field. After completing your email, select "Submit Query" to send.

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Providing Feedback

To contact a regional PRP Search Enhancement Team member and the Headquarters PRP Search Enhancement Team leader with concerns/questions concerning SFED by email, click on the "SFED Feedback Form" option on the left sidebar of the Main Page. The SFED Feedback Form will be displayed. To populate the Region/HQ drop-down list, select a region from the drop-down list or click on the appropriate region on the map. Then enter your information in the feedback fields provided. To send your comments, click on the "Send Comment" button.

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Mailing Labels

SFED Mailing labels are optimized for use with Internet Explorer and require use of a generic label format of size 1 x 2 5/8 (Avery 8160 or equivalent template).

Mailing label instructions are available on the SFED Mailing label instruction page.

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