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SAS-3 Bibliography

artist concept of SAS-3

* Publication list from ADS

The SAS-3 publication list through December, 1997 is the result of a query to the ADS service using the keyword SAS3 or SAS-3. Note: the following link is not section 508 compliant.

* Useful SAS-3 references

  • Instrumentation :
    Mission Overview: Mayer 1975, APL Tech Digest, 14, 14.
    Slat collimator: Buff et al 1977, ApJ, 212, 768.
    Tube collimator: Lewin et al 1976, MNRAS, 177,83P.
    Modulation Collimator: Schnopper et al 1976, ApJ, 210, L75.
    Low energy detector system: Hearn et al 1976, ApJ, 203, L21.

  • Science highlights:
    • Discovery of an X-ray QSO: Ricker et al 1978, Nature, 271, 35.
    • Optical candidates for galactic X-ray sources :
      McClintock et al 1977, Nature, 270, 320.
      Bradt et al 1977, Nature, 269, 21.
    • Discovery of famous X-ray sources:
      Schnopper et al 1976, ApJ, 210, L75. (Algol)
      Hearn et al 1976, ApJ, 203, L21 (HZ 43) and ApJ, 210, L23. (AM Her)
    • Discovery of several X-ray bursters:
      Lewin et al 1976, Ap. J., 207, L95. (Rapid Burster) and MNRAS, 177, 83.
    • SAS 3 survey of the soft X-ray background (0.10-0.28keV): Marshall and Clark 1984, ApJ, 287, 633.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 08-Oct-2003 19:02:56 EDT