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Catalogue: Medical Encyclopedias

Encyclopedias      Epitomes      Commentaries

dot A Note on Medical Encyclopedias
dot Kitāb al-Manūrī fī al-ibb   (MS A 28)
The Book on Medicine for Mansur
كتاب المنصورى فى الطب
by Abū Bakr Muammad ibn Zakarīyā’ al-Rāzī (d. ca. 925/313 H)
ابو بكر محمد ابن زكرياء الرازى
dot Kitāb al-Murshid   (MS A 88/I)
(The Guide)
كتاب الفصول
by Abū Bakr Muammad ibn Zakarīyā’ al-Rāzī (d. ca. 925/313 H)
ابو بكر محمد ابن زكرياء الرازى
dot Kitāb al-āwī fī al-ibb   (MS A 17)
(The Comprehensive Book on Medicine)
كتاب الحاوى فى الطب
by Abū Bakr Muammad ibn Zakarīyā’ al-Rāzī (d. ca. 925/313 H)
ابو بكر محمد ابن زكرياء الرازى
dot Kitāb Kāmil al-inā‘ah al-ibbīyah   (MS A 26.1;)
(The Complete Book of the Medical Art also known as Kitāb al-Malikī, The Royal Book)
كتاب كامل الصناعه الطبيه المعروف بالملكى
by ‘Alī ibn al-‘Abbās al-Majūsī (fl. 949-982/338-372)
على ابن العباس المجوسى
dot Kitāb Kāmil al-inā‘ah al-ibbīyah   (MS A 26.1;)
(The Complete Book of the Medical Art also known as Kitāb al-Malikī, The Royal Book)
كتاب كامل الصناعه الطبيه المعروف بالملكى
by ‘Alī ibn al-‘Abbās al-Majūsī (fl. 949-982/338-372)
على ابن العباس المجوسى
dot Kitāb al-Ghiná wa-al-muná   (MS A 11)
(The Book of Wealth and Wishes)
كتاب الغنى والمنى
by Abu Manūr al-asan ibn Nū al-Qumrī (d. shortly after 990/380 H)
ابو منصور الحسن ابن نوح القمرى
dot Kitāb al-Qānūn fī al-ibb   (MS A 53)
(The Canon on Medicine)
كتاب القانون فى الطب
by Abū ‘Alī al-usayn ibn ‘Abd Allāh Ibn Sīnā, known to Europeans as Avicenna (d. 1037/428 H)
ابو على الحسين ابن عبد الله ابن سينا
dot Tashrī al-a‘ā’ al-murakkab min kitāb al-Qānūn   (MS A 27, item 1)
(The Anatomy of the Parts Assembled from the Book of the Canon)
تشريح الاعضاء المركب من كتاب القانون
by Abū ‘Alī al-usayn ibn ‘Abd Allāh Ibn Sīnā (Avicenna)
ابو على الحسين ابن عبد الله ابن سينا
dot [Tashrī al-a‘ā’ al-murakkab min kitāb al-Qānūn]   (MS A 56)
(The Anatomy of the Parts Assembled from the Book of the Canon)
تشريح الاعضاء المركب من كتاب القانون
dot Zakhīrah-i Khvārazm’Shāhī   (MS P 5)
(The Treasure of Khvarazm’Shah)
ذخيره خوارزمشاهى
by Ismā‘īl ibn Muammad al-usayn al-Jurjānī (d. ca. 1136/531 H)
اسماعيل بن محمد الحسين الجرجانى
dot Qarabadhin az tatimmah-i Zakhīrah-i Khvarazm’Shahī   (MS P 14)
dot Jam‘-i Zakhirah-i Khvarazm’Shahī   (MS P 25 item 1)
(The Treasure of Khvarazm’Shah)
جمع ذخيره خوارزم شاهى
by Ismā‘īl ibn Muammad al-usayn al-Jurjānī
اسماعيل بن محمد الحسين الجرجانى
dot Kitāb al-Zubdat al-ibb   (MS A 81)
(The Quintessence of Medicine)
كتاب زبدة الطب
by Ismā‘īl ibn Muammad al-usayn al-Jurjānī (d. ca. 1136/531 H)
اسماعيل بن محمد الحسين الجرجانى
dot Aghrā al-ibb or al-Aghra al-ibbīyah   (MS P 1.1)
(Medical Pursuits)
كتاب اغراض الطب / كتاب الاغراض الطبيه
by Ismā‘īl ibn Muammad al-usayn al-Jurjānī (d. ca. 1136/531 H)
اسماعيل بن محمد الحسين الجرجانى
dot Risālah-i ifz al-iah   (MS P 29, marginal item 3)
(An Essay on the Preservation of Health)
رساله حفظ الصحة
by Ismā‘īl ibn Muammad al-usayn al-Jurjānī (d. ca. 1136/531 H)
اسماعيل بن محمد الحسين الجرجانى
dot al-Kāfī fī inā‘at ibb   (MS A 25)
(What is Sufficient for the Medical Art)
كتاب الكافى فى صناعه الطب
by Abū Nar ‘Adnān ibn Nar al-‘Aynzarbī (d. 1153/548 H)
ابو نصر عدنان ابن نصر العينزربى
dot Kitāb Bustān al-aibbā’ wa-rawa al-alibbā’   (MS A 8)
(The Garden of the Physicians and the Meadows of the Wise)
كتاب بستان الاطباء وروضه الالباء
by Muwaffaq al-Dīn Abū Nar As‘ad ibn Ilyās Ibn al-Murān (d. 1191/587)
موفق الدين ابو نصر اسعد ابن الياس ابن المطران
dot al-Irshād li-maāli al-anfus wa-al-ajsād   (MS A 22)
(Guidance for the Welfare of Souls and Bodies)
الارشاد لمصالح الانفس والاجساد
by Abū al-Makārim Hibat Allāh Ibn Jumay‘ al-Isrā’īlī (d. 1198/594 H)
ابو المكارم هبة الله ابن جميع الاسرائيلى
dot Kitāb al-Asbāb wa-al-‘alāmāt   (MS A 83/I, item 1; MS A 60, item 2)
(The Book of Causes and Symptoms)
كتاب الاسباب والعلامات
by Abū amid Muammad ibn ‘Alī ibn ‘Umar Najīb al-Dīn al-Samarqandī (d. 1222/619 H)
ابو حامد محمد ابن على ابن عمر نجيب الدين السمرقندى
dot Fī saqy al-summūm   (MS A 60, item 2)
(On drinking poisons) [final portion of al-Samarqandī's Causes and Symtoms]
فى سقى السموم
by Abū amid Muammad ibn ‘Alī ibn ‘Umar Najīb al-Dīn al-Samarqandī (d. 1222/619 H)
ابو حامد محمد ابن على ابن عمر نجيب الدين السمرقندى
dot aqā’iq asrār al-ibb   (MS A 16, item 1)
(The Truths of the Secrets of Medicine)
حقائق اسرار الطب
by Mas‘ūd ibn Muammad al-Sijzī (fl. before 1334/734 H)
مسعود ابن محمد السجزى
dot aqā’iq asrār al-ibb   (MS A 84, item 1)
(The Truths of the Secrets of Medicine)
حقائق اسرار الطب
by Mas‘ūd ibn Muammad al-Sijzī (fl. before 1334/734 H)
مسعود ابن محمد السجزى
dot Kitāb al-āwī fī ‘ilm al-tadāwī   (MS A 18)
(The Comprehensive Book on the Art of Curing)
كتاب الحاوى فى علم التداوى
by Mamūd ibn iyā’ al-Dīn Ilyās Najm al-Din al-Shirazi (d. 1330/730)
نحم الدين محمود ابن ضياء الدين الياس الشيرازى
dot Kitāb al-āwī fī ‘ilm al-tadāwī   (MS A 18.1)
(The Comprehensive Book on the Art of Curing)
كتاب الحاوى فى علم التداوى
by Mamūd ibn iyā’ al-Dīn Ilyās Najm al-Din al-Shirazi (d. 1330/730)
نحم الدين محمود ابن ضياء الدين الياس الشيرازى
dot Kitāb al-āwī fī ‘ilm al-tadāwī   (MS A 87, item 12)
(The Comprehensive Book on the Art of Curing)
كتاب الحاوى فى علم التداوى
by Mamūd ibn iyā’ al-Dīn Ilyās Najm al-Din al-Shirazi (d. 1330/730)
نحم الدين محمود ابن ضياء الدين الياس الشيرازى
dot Kifāyah-i Mujāhidīyah   (MS P 28, item 4)
(The Sufficient [book] for Mujahid)
كفايه مجاهديه
by Manūr ibn Muammad ibn Amad ibn Yūsuf Ibn Ilyās (fl. 1380-90)
منصور ابن محمد ابن احمد ابن يوسف ابن الياس
dot Khulāat al-tajārib   (MS P 11, item 1)
(The Summary of Experience)
خلاصة التجارب
by Bahā’ al-Dīn [or Bahā’ al-Dawlah] ibn Sirāj al-Dīn Shāh Qāsim ibn Muammad al-usaynī Nūrbakhshī (d. ca. 1508/914 H)
بهاء الدين [بهاء الدوله] ابن سراج الدين شاه قاسم ابن محمد الحسينى نوربخشى
dot Risālat al-nuzhah al-mubhijah fī tashīdh al-adhhān wa-ta‘dīl al-amzijah   (MS A 52)
(Pleasure and Delight in Sharpening the Intellect and Correcting the Temperaments)
رسالة النزهة المبهجة فى تشحيذ الاذهان وتعديل الامزجة
by Dā’ūd ibn ‘Umar al-Anākī (d. 1599/1008 H)
داود ابن عمر الانطاكي
dot Zubdat al-bayān fī ‘ilm abdān (MS P 7, item 3)
(The Best Explanation in the Science of Bodies)
زبدة البيان فى علم الابدان
by ‘Abd Allāh ibn Amad ibn Muammad al-Asfarā’nī, known as Abū Bakr (before 1826/1241 H)
عبد الله ابن احمد ابن محمد الاسفرائنى المشتهر بابي بكر
dot Muhimmāt al-dalā'il wa-ummahāt al-masā'il   (MS A 84, item 5)
(Important Symptoms and Basic Problems)
مهمات الدلائل وامهات المسائل
dot [Untitled medical fragments]   (MS A 87, item 15)
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