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ETA News Release: [September 15, 2008]
Contact Name:
Phone Number:
Jennifer Kaplan
Terry Shawn
 U.S. Department of Labor releases nearly $2.6 million to assist
 trade-affected workers in Kentucky

WASHINGTON – U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today announced the release of $2,572,905 in Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) reserve funds to the commonwealth of Kentucky.  The funds will serve approximately 1,402 trade-certified individuals in the state.

“The nearly $2.6 million in funding that the U. S. Department of Labor is providing will help Kentucky workers to access skills training, job search assistance and additional employment services to secure new job opportunities ,” said Secretary Chao.

The funds will support participants currently enrolled in training; individuals with an approved training plan; participants who have requested job search and relocation allowances; and individuals expected to enter training before Sept. 30.

Congress allocates approximately $220 million annually for TAA training. Each year, the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration allocates 75 percent of available TAA funds, or $165 million, on Oct. 1. The remaining 25 percent of funds is reserved for qualifying states experiencing large, unexpected layoffs during the year. States may request additional money from the reserve account after they have spent at least 50 percent of the TAA funds initially allocated.

Last October, Kentucky received a fiscal year (FY) 2008 base allocation of $4,813,599 to train trade-affected workers and cover administration costs. The Kentucky Department of Education and Workforce Development will be the recipient of the funds being released today and will provide services to trade-certified individuals through Sept. 30, the end of FY 2008.

For more information on Trade Adjustment Assistance, visit


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Created: October 14, 2008
Updated: January 13, 2009