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Rocky Mountain National Park
Planning Process & Documents: Elk Vegetation Management Plan


Because elk migrate through the park and neighboring areas, a regional approach is essential to develop a meaningful, long-term management plan. Therefore, the NPS is working in partnership with nearby land managers and other federal, state, and local agencies to manage elk and vegetation in the vicinity of the park. An interagency planning team was formed to develop the plan. The team members and their roles are:
  • The National Park Service, the lead agency, is responsible for all aspects of developing the plan and EIS, including selection of a preferred alternative and preparing a record of decision.
  • The Town of Estes Park and the Estes Valley Recreation and Park District are on the core planning team and have participated in all aspects of developing the plan and EIS.
  • The Colorado Division of Wildlife, Grand County, Larimer County, the Town of Grand Lake, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, and the U.S. Forest Service are on the extended planning team and have provided expertise and data on pertinent topics and reviewed appropriate portions of the draft plan and EIS.
In order to develop a full range of reasonable alternatives, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires that issues, concerns, and ideas related to the project are identified as one of the initial steps in the planning process. An EIS is prepared to evaluate the effects of different management alternatives on resources and values so that well informed management decisions can be made. Under the guidance provided by NEPA, public involvement plays a large role in evaluating the effects of potential management alternatives. In the initial phase of scoping, you were asked to review potential management tools and suggest additional management actions. Your responses were then considered in the development of the draft alternatives.
In the second phase of scoping, which took place in fall 2004, you were asked to review the draft alternatives, including an alternative which is a continuation of current management policies.
A draft plan/EIS was prepared to analyze the natural, social, and economic impacts of the alternatives that were developed. The draft plan/EIS was available for your review for 75 days following publication of the Notice of Availability by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the Federal Register on April 20, 2006. The comment period on the draft plan/EIS closed on July 4, 2006. During this time, the National Park Service received over 1,400 responses on the draft plan/EIS in the form of letters, emails, internet responses, comment forms, and petitions.
The National Park Service and partners are in the process of reviewing all comments received on the draft plan/EIS and responding to substantive comments. Substantive comments are those that raise an issue regarding law or regulation, agency procedure or performance, compliance with stated objectives, validity of impact analyses, or other matters of practical or procedural importance. Based on the responses to substantive comments, the draft plan/EIS will be revised as needed and released as a final plan/EIS in the first half of 2007. An electronic copy of the Final plan/EIS will be available for review and/or download at the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment website, Planning, Environment and Public Comment. Following publication of the Notice of Availability of the final plan/EIS by the EPA in the Federal Register and a 30-day no action period, the National Park Service will sign a Record of Decision (ROD), which will also be made available at the internet site referenced above. After publication of the ROD, the NPS will begin implementation of the plan.
The approximate schedule is as follows:
Fall 2003 – Fall 2004
  • The project was initiated and scoping was conducted on issues and concerns. Preliminary alternatives were developed and public workshops were held to solicit comments on the alternatives.
Summer 2005
  • The range of alternatives and the details associated with those alternatives were finalized and preliminary analyses of their effects on natural, social, and economic resources in the project area were made.
Winter 2005/2006 and Spring 2006
  • The Draft Elk and Vegetation Management Plan and EIS was prepared and published for public review and comment.
Fall 2006 – Fall 2007
  • The NPS and partners reviewed, consolidated, and responded to public comments received on the draft plan/EIS and the Final Elk and Vegetation Management Plan/EIS were prepared.

December 2007

  • The Final Elk and Vegetation Management Plan and EIS, including response to public comments, were published and released.
  • Prepare the Record of Decision.

Early 2008

  • Notice of Availability of a Record of Decision published by the EPA, and ROD posted to this website.

Planning Documents

To download a printable version of the final plan/EIS or the Executive Summary, click here

Elk line drawing
Elk Vegetation Management Plan
Background, research and ways to get involved.
Background: Elk Vegetation Management Plan
History of Elk Vegetation Management Plan
Research: Elk Vegetation Management
Extensive research was done to produce the management plan
Public Involvement: Elk Vegetation Management
The public is encouraged to comment on the management process
a graphic logo of a ranger and kids,a graphic logo of a ranger and kids,a graphic logo of a ranger and kids,a graphic logo of a ranger and kids  

Did You Know?
Rocky Mountain National Park has a cool site for kids. What do you know about the park? The Web Ranger Challenge tests your knowledge!

Last Updated: February 08, 2008 at 15:09 EST