April 21, 2009 – ACC’s Progressive Bag Affiliates group announced a landmark commitment that will dramatically increase the recycling of plastic bags. This initiative sets an aggressive goal of 40 percent recycled content (25 percent postconsumer material) in all plastic bags by 2015. In addition, the effort will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 463 million pounds, conserve enough energy (mainly natural gas) to heat 200,000 homes, and reduce waste by 300 million pounds every year. Over the last several months, we’ve listened to consumers and policy makers and determined that innovation is the solution. Plastic bags require 70 percent less energy to manufacture, generate 50 percent less greenhouse gas emissions, produce 80 percent less waste than paper bags – and they’re fully recyclable. This is a significant and unprecedented commitment, and it’s just one of the many ways we’re demonstrating that plastics are too valuable to waste; they can be – and should be – recycled. To learn more, read our FAQs, view a diagram illustrating the plastic bag recycling process, get tips on how to recycle more plastic bags and wraps, or visit our "Too Valuable to Waste" recycling blog.

essential2workplace safety

Workplace Safety

The American Chemistry Council (ACC) is committed to helping our members enhance the safety and protection of our employees, neighbors and communities. Our members invest more than $3 billion each year to enhance safety at their facilities. Today, our member companies’ worker safety record is five times better than the average of the U.S. manufacturing sector and have reduced process safety incidents by 46% over the past decade.

ACC helps member companies go above and beyond safety regulations through the Responsible Care® initiative. Responsible Care is the chemistry industry’s global voluntary initiative under which companies work to continuously improve their health, safety and environmental performance and to communicate with stakeholders about their performance, processes and products.

Learn more about workplace safety.
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American Chemistry Council

ACC believes that information and dialogue have the power to create change: in our industry, in our communities, and in our world. Our member companies are investing in the future through community outreach projects, ground-breaking research, and initiatives that protect public health and the environment. Learn more about ACC and its programs and initiatives:

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Plastic Makers Agree

Plastics go in the recycling bin—not in the ocean!

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