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DAB Medicare Appeals Council Regulations

The DAB Medicare Appeals Council (MAC) currently operates under regulations issued by both the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA). These regulations may be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).

With a few exceptions, appeals to the MAC are governed by procedures at 20 CFR 404.967 (20 CFR 404) et seq., that were published by SSA when it handled appeals under both the Social Security and Medicare Programs. These procedures are incorporated in the HHS Medicare regulations governing the following appeals:

  • Medicare Part A Claims: Appeals of Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) decisions and dismissals filed by beneficiaries, providers of services and subrogees (such as Medicaid State agencies) concerning Part A fee-for-service claims. See 42 CFR 405.701 - 405.753 (42 CFR 405).
  • Medicare Part B Claims: Appeals of ALJ decisions and dismissals brought by beneficiaries, providers, suppliers, and subrogees concerning Part B fee-for-service claims. See 42 CFR 405.801- 405.877 (42 CFR 405).
  • Determinations by Managed Care Organizations: Appeals of ALJ decisions and dismissals concerning determinations made by health maintenance organizations and competitive medical plans governed by section 1876 of the Social Security Act, 42 USC 1395w-27, and 42 CFR part 417. These cases involve beneficiary requests for services or for reimbursement for services obtained "out of plan." See 42 CFR 417.600- 405.638. (42 CFR 417) (42 CFR 405).
  • Determinations by Health Care Prepayment Plans: Appeals of ALJ decisions and dismissals concerning determinations made by health care prepayment plans (HCPPs).See 42 CFR 417.830-417.840. (42 CFR 417)
  • Determinations by Medicare+Choice Organizations: Appeals of ALJ decisions and dismissals concerning determinations made by Medicare+Choice organizations. The Medicare+Choice Program was established in 1997 and is governed by regulations which may be found at 42 CFR part 422. These cases involve beneficiary requests for services or for reimbursement for services obtained "out of plan." See 42 CFR 422.560-422.622. (42 CFR 422)
  • Determinations by Peer Review Organizations (PRO): Appeals of ALJ decisions and dismissals brought by beneficiaries concerning PRO determinations made under section 1154 of the Social Security Act, 42 USC 1320c-3. These cases involve determinations that services furnished or proposed to be furnished to a beneficiary are not reasonable and necessary, or not delivered in the most appropriate setting. See 42 CFR 476.1 - 478.48 (42 CFR 476) (42 CFR 478). Also, while providers of services may not appeal the medical necessity aspect of a PRO determination beyond the reconsideration level, they may appeal a PRO's "limitation of liability" determination to an ALJ and the MAC under regulations codified at 42 CFR 404, subparts G and H. See 42 CFR 478.14(c)(2). (42 CFR 478)
  • Procedural Regulations Governing Review by the Medicare Appeals Council: Regulations beginning at 20 CFR 404.967 (20 CFR 404) regarding review by the SSA Appeals Council are applicable to review of Medicare appeals by the DAB Medicare Appeals Council.

Also, 20 CFR part 404 (20 CFR 404), subpart J (Determinations, Administrative Review Process, and Reopening of Determinations and Decisions) and subpart R (Representation of Parties) are applicable to Medicare appeals, except to the extent that specific provisions are contained in Medicare regulations.

***These regulations may be accessed through the designated Government Printing Office (GPO) links.

Medicare Operations Division/Medicare Appeals Council DAB Medicare Appeals Council Frequently Asked Questions


Last revised: July 10, 2008


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