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United States Department of Health & Human Services

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HHS Major Information Systems

HHS Unified Financial Management System
The UFMS represents a multi-year commitment by the Department win which considerable resources, both financial and staff, will be dedicated to unify and transform HHS financial management and reporting processes and infrastructure.

HHS Consolidated Health Informatics - HHS Contribution

HHS E-Records Management - HHS Contribution

FDA Central Accounting System
The Central Accounting System is FDA's primary financial management system. The General Accounting Office certified it on June 27, 1974..

FDA Travel Manager
Travel Manager is an off-the-shelf product for planning, authorizing, budgeting, monitoring, reimbursing, and reporting on employee and non-employee travel activities. This investment will be integrated into the Financial Enterprise Solution in FY 2005.

FDA Financial Enterprise Solution
FDA's Financial Enterprise Solution will integrate FDA's non-UFMS systems for travel, procurement and property management, allowing for integration with UFMS.

FDA CBER Electronic Document Room
The Electronic Document Room (EDR) is a collection of systems that e-business enables the regulatory process for industry and CBER. The EDR stores, retrieves, and distributes electronic submissions to reviewers...

FDA Regulatory Management Systems
RMS/BLA supports CBER's Managed Review Process for the review and approval of applications for biological derived drugs, blood products, and IVD Test Kits (the BLAs) that are regulated by CBER under 21 CFR parts 601 and 820, respectively...

FDA Automated Drug Info Management System (ADIMS)
The Automated Drug Information Management System (ADIMS) is being developed as a fully electronic information management system to receive, evaluate, and disseminate information...

FDA Drug Safety
The Drug Safety program encompasses the Adverse Event Reporting System (AERS) along with all systems that rely on AERS data or functionality. AERS remains the foundation of this program and was reported as a major system in the FY04 Exhibit 53...

FDA eRadHealth
Manufacturers of radiation-emitting products are required by law to submit regular documentation of their compliance. FDA/CDRH receives some 10,000 such reports per year...

FDA Mammography Program Reporting Information System
MPRIS supports implementation of the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA)...

FDA Image2000 Document Management
The Image2000 Document Management System assists in premarket review and related document-management activities such as archiving and FOI redaction. To do this, CDRH has utilized an in-house developed document imaging system (IMAGE) since 1991...

FDA Food Additives Regulatory Management (FARM)
FARM provides information management tools for food ingredient submission reviewers to maximize productivity. FARM expedites the submission review process and subsequent safety decisions.

FDA CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System (CFSAN AERS)
As part of the mission of assuring a safe food and cosmetic supply, CFSAN AERS will collect and monitor adverse events resulting from the use of food or cosmetic products regulated by the FDA...

FDA On-line Program Analysis System (OPAS)
The On-line Program Analysis System (OPAS) is a software application that extracts critical data from two data sources in ORA and performs computations on the data extracted to answer questions for planning purposes.

ORA Enterprise Portal
The ORA EP was initiated in 2001 as a result of a mandate by Congress to improve the process for reviewing regulated products for safety and admissibility prior to import into the US. Much inefficiency was related to the need to access multiple systems.

The mission Accomplishment and Regulatory Compliance Services (MARCS) System is a comprehensive redesign and reengineering of two core mission-critical systems at FDA: FACTS and OASIS.

FDA Emergency Operations Network Project
An Emergency Operations Portal that will provide the front end for all EO applications and information.

FDA Field Accomplishments and Compliance Tracking Sys
FACTS is a central data repository for workload management, sample collections, sample analyses, information about firms regulated by the FDA, investigative operations, and compliance operations.

FDA Recall Enterprise System
RES is a centralized database for all recall activity tha has substantially reduced the time it takes to collect, process, and track recall information. It has also eliminated the need for a variety of hard copy recall recommendation formats.

FDA Operational & Admin. Sys. Import Support (OASIS)
OASIS is a system used for regulation of imported products. It operates in conjunction with the US Bureau of Customs and Border Protection's ACS, which maintains information on imported products subject to tariffs or other restrictions.

FDA ORA Reporting Analysis and Decision Support System
ORADSS is a centralized data warehouse, which is being implemented to provide integrated decision support for regulatory compliance. It will provide a repository for ORA data that is shared across multiple systems and users in ORA and Centers.

The FDA yearly conducts 17,000 insp's. By law, the firm's mgmt gets written observations and the insp's end. Turbo EIR gives the investigators a db of citations, and assists in the prep of the 483 and EIR. Turbo EIR loads 483 data to a db for analysis.

FDA Electronic Laboratory Exchange Network (eLEXNET)
eLEXNET is the nation's first Internet-based data exchange system that allows Federal, State, and local laboratories to electronically share food safety sample and test data for various food-borne pathogens.

FDA Demographic Information and Data Repository (DIDR)
The Demographic Information and Data Repository projects (DIDR) are a set of projects proposed in response to Congress' mandate to develop a database focused on women's health activities.

FDA PRISM Simplified Acquisition System
PRISM is intended to be an Agency-wide procurement system that will allow for electronic preparation and placement of contracts and purchase orders. This investment will be integrated into the Financial Enterprise Solution in FY 2005.

FDA Property Management System
Property management involves the tracking of assets dynamically throughout their life cycle, from the initial purchase request to their retirement. This investment will be integrated into the Financial Enterprise Solution in FY 2005.

FDA MDI Security System
The FDA MDI Security system is a state of the art controlled access system which is comprised of card access, intrusion alarms, maps, alarm points for over 70 FDA facilities nationwide,

FDA Agency Information Management System (AIMS)
The Agency Information Management System (AIMS) provides integrated, automated support for administrative, management, and mission-specific processes performed by Agency administrative support staff.

FDA Administrative Systems Automation Project
(ASAP/EASE) ASAP manages the Enterprise Administrative Support Environment (EASE), which provides all FDA employees desktop access to an integrated Agency-wide system of automated administrative processes and reporting.

FDA Unified Registration and Listing System
The FDA Unified Registration and Listing System (FURLS) supports the requirements of the Bioterrorism Act of 2002 (PL 107-188) as it relates to Food Facility Registration, Drug Facility Registration and Listing,

SCIENCE FIRST is a web-based knowledge management system that enhances the FDA's science base by providing state-of-the-art information technology to optimize knowledge management of scientific resources among the different centers

NPDB The National Practitioner Data Bank /HIPDB
NPBD encourage professional peer review and to restrict the ability of incompetent health care practitioners to move from State to State. HIPDB collects information on actions taken against healthcare providers, suppliers and practitioners.

National Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN)
The Organ Procurement Transplantation Network (OPTN) system's primary function is matching donated organs to recipients. It is the only system in the country that serves this function for heart, lung, liver, pancreas, intestine, and kidney transplants.

IHS - Integrated Financial Application System (IFAS)
The IFAS Project is an IHS business transformation effort designed to integrate with the HHS-wide financial management system as well as align the Agency's business processes with modern technological capabilities.

Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS) - Maintenance & Enhancements
RPMS is the Hospital Information System utilized by 49 hospitals, 221 health centers, 120 health stations, and 170 Alaska village clinics within the IHS.

IHS - National Patient Information Resource System (NPIRS) - - Maintenance and Enhancements
NIPRS is a centralized data warehouse for patient encounter and administrative data. Through the wide-area network (WAN) each health care facility feeds select information about patient encounters to the national data repository.

CDC Vaccine Ordering and Distribution System (VODS)
formerly Vaccine for Children Ordering System (VACMAN) The system processes orders from immunization providers for vaccines using Federal funds.

CDC Integrated Contracts Expert (ICE)
Formerly Automated Management Acquisition System (AMAS) AMAS fully automates the procurement process for simplified acquisitions and contracts.

CDC National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
NCHS exec management will decide new allocations for the FY04 and 05 IT investments funding increases. NHIS is an annual health survey designed to capture data from approximately 40,000 households per year and provides public output files.

Provides data/reports for Congressional testimonies, annual reports, answers questions from the public, management purposes. The system is important to CDC/ATSDR because it is the most comprehensive database of work being performed in ATSDR.

CDC WONDER (formerly CDC Data Web (WONDER))
CDC has formed a partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau to develop an innovative, Internet-based infrastructure for browsing and gaining access to data from a variety of sites.

CDC PHIN: National Electronic Disease Surveillance Sys(NEDSS)
NEDSS will be rolled into PHIN effective FY2005. NEDSS and the electronic communications systems which support it support the creation of integrated public health information and surveillance systems.

CDC National Vital Statistics System (NVSS)
Legal Authority for vital registration rests with states and territories. However, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) is authorized to produce national vital statistics by collecting data from the vital records of states.

CDC National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
NHANES is a series of cross-sectional national surveys conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). These surveys are designed to provide representative prevalence estimates for a variety of health measures and conditions.

CDC Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
The system compiles information on reports of adverse events following any U.S. licensed vaccine in all age groups.

CDC PHIN: Environmental Public Health Tracking Network (NEPHTN)
Major initiative will be rolled into PHIN effective FY2005. The NEPHTN deals specifically with non-infectious diseases and other health effects that may be associated with environmental exposures.

CDC PHIN: BioSense
(Funding for FY2004 and FY2005 is still being determined.)BioSense will become part of PHIN in FY2005. An initiative to significantly improve the nation's capabilities for early detection of a bioterrorism.

CDC Select Agent Transfer and Entity Registration Information System (SATERIS)
This system tracks select agents that are important and related to bioterrorism.

CDC ATSDR Geographic Information System
Geographic information systems (GIS), global positioning systems, remotely sensed imagery, and digital computer technology are tools advance their mission of protecting public health by locating health and environmental events spatially.

CDC Web Redesign
This project is tasked with delivering a user focused web experience that is based on citizen needs and implementing an interprise e-business infrastructure to support web publishing and presentation activities.

CDC PHIN: Health Alert Network Preparedness Program (HAN)
This investment will be rolled into PHIN effective FY2005. The Health Alert Network (HAN) is a national information technology (IT) infrastructure capacity building program directed by the Public Health Practice Program Office (PHPPO).

CDC Public Health Information Network (PHIN)
The system will be an electronic nervous system that supports monitoring and maintaining the public's health.

CDC PHIN:Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response
Major investment being rolled into PHIN effective FY2005. This is FY 2002 supplemental money for the IT portion of grants to be awarded in support of Public Health Preparedness and Response for Bioterrorism.

CDC PHIN: Environmental Health Tracking Network (Extramural)
This investment will be rolled into PHIN effective FY2005. It provides extramural funding for the states in support of the Environmental Health Tracking Network.

CDC PHIN: National HealthCare Safety Network System (Extramural)
This initiative will be rolled into PHIN effective FY2005 and represents extramural funding in support of the National HealthCare Safety Network System.

CDC Public Health Information Network (Extramural)
This investment represents the extramural funding in support of the Public Health Information Network.

CDC PHIN: Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response (Extramural)
Will be rolled into PHIN effective FY2005. This initiative represents the extramural funds being awarded in support of PHIN: Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response.

CDC PHIN: National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS) (Extramural)
NEDSS will be rolled into PHIN effective FY2005. This initiative represents the extramual funding in support of the National Electronic Disease Surveillance System (NEDSS).

CDC PHIN: Health Alert Network (Extramural)
This investment will be rolled into PHIN effective FY2005. It represents the extramural funding in support of the Health Alert Network and provides funding to the state and local health departments.

NIH CIT Central Accounting System (CAS)
Legacy system that processes all acctg and financial transactions for the NIH from systems: ADB, Central Payroll, PMS and IMPAC. The new NIH Business System #009-25-01-01-01-4601 is expected to replace the CAS (estimated 2007).

NIH CIT Administrative Database System (ADB)
The Administrative Data Base is a legacy ongoing system project that provides computer support for a broad range of NIH business (financial and administrative) functions including the purchase, receipt, and payment of goods and services

NIH OD NIH Business System (NBS)
The NIH Business System project covers the replacement of NIH legacy systems for central accounting, commercial accounts, acquisition, contracting, travel, property, inventory, supply and service and supply fund activities.

NIH OD Integrated Time and Attendance System (ITAS)
The Integrated Time and Attendance System (ITAS) is a Government developed system for the collection and verification of time and attendance information in support of the payrolling process.

NIH CC Clinical Research Information System (CRIS)
The Clinical Research Information System (CRIS) is a comprehensive effort to modernize the systems that support clinical care and the collection of research data for the intramural clinical research programs of the National Institutes of Health.

NIH CIT NIH Business Intelligence System
The NIH Business Intelligence System provides integration of and access to NIH's administrative data, crossing all business areas, for better decision making and analysis.

NIH OD NIH Intramural Database (NIDB)
The NIH Intramural Database (NIDB) is a collaborative enterprise-wide data management systems developed and maintained by the Center for Information Technology and supports all of the 22 NIH ICs with intramural research programs and the OD offices.

NIH OD Executive Secretariat System for Enterprise Records and Correspondence Handling (SERCH)
(combined with 4648 & 4662) Document Management System allows electronic transmission of documents to offices on and off NIH campus instantaneously. (Includes software and equipment costs.)

OAS National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
The National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) (formerly NHSDA) is the principal source of statistical information on the use of legal and illegal drugs by the civilian, non-institutionalized population.

OAS Drug and Alcohol Services Information System (DASIS) - D. Trunzo
DASIS is the only source of national data on substance abuse treatment services and the characteristics of individuals admitted for treatment.

OAS Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) - J. Ball
DAWN collects data from medical records on drug abuse related episodes in emergency departments from a nationally representative sample of hospital emergency departments.

CSAP Prevention Technology Platform PrevTech (formerly PreventionDSS) - J. Rolf
Assists in the devel of effective prevention programs at the community, regional, and State levels. Provides step-by-step guidance in applying what works in prevention. Will be reconfigured to relfect new Prev Tech Platform for Accountability program.

State Prevention Systems Management Information System (SPS-MIS) /Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Qu
The State Prevention System (SPS-MIS) is a component of the Decision Support System for Substance Abuse Prevention (PreventionDSS). This project funds the State portion while the PreventionDSS contract funds the community portion of this project.

CSAT Block Grant Application System (BGAS)
This investment is an Web-based tool used by all States to apply for, and report progress on, their Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) block grants awarded by Congress. This report is required by PL 102-321.

CSAT Treatment Improvement Exchange
The TIE Forum website provides access to substance abuse links to Fed homepages and other substance abuse related websites. Provides info exchange among CSAT staff,State and local alc and substance abuse agencies,grantees,contractors.

The NMHIC ( and NCADI ( websites provide information to U.S. citizens seeking help for mental health and substance abuse problems.

CSAT Web Infrastructure for Treatment Services (WITS) - R.Thoreson
Centrally hosted, admin data processing sys designed for reuse by State subst abuse and mental health services agencies and SAMHSA services grantee programs. Supports realtime data processing starting w/data collection at SA treatment clinics.

CSAT Services Accountability lmprovement System (SAIS)-K.Mulvey
Web-based system which will consolidate GPRA reporting and related activities for CSAT's entire discretionary program for use in conducting accountability and performance assessments.

National Patient Safety Network
The National Patient Safety Network, a project directed by the Patient Safety Task Force, membership including AHRQ, CDC, CMS and FDA, is an IT streamlining effort.

Medical Expenditue Panel Survey (MEPS)
MEPS is the major federal data source for high quality data used for both point and distributional estimates of health care use, expenditures and sources of payment for medical care.

CMS Healthcare Integrated General Ledger Accounting System (HIGLAS) - 222, 417
HIGLAS will provide a uniform system to account for the billions of dollars CMS and its contractors spend each year in Medicare benefits and in program management funds.

CMS Managed Care Systems Redesign (No Yr. $) 407
Redesign and maintenance of the managed care family of systems. The GHP, PICS, APPS, RECON and risk adjuster payment system are integrated in a monthly payment system that captures enrollment in managed care plans and calculates payments and adjustments.

Virtual Call Center Strategy 475
The Virtual Call Center Strategy will provide Medicare callers with clear & accurate information about Medicare claims, policy & procedures. The objective is to create a virtual call center that is efficient & standardizes operations across all sites.

Medicare Fee-for-Service Claims Processing Systems--Operations
Under legislative authorities, CMS supports the operation of fiscal intermediaries/carriers processing Medicare fee-for-service claims. These systems provide the framework from which data is derived for Medicare program integrity efforts.

CMS Modernization of the Medicare Fee for Service (FFS) Claims Processing Systems
The investment will modernize CWF claims validation and processing system and shared systems for processing claims by enabling standard application of program requirements, addressing security risks and supporting implementation of legislative changes.

CMS Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act - 300, 301, 139, 413, 465
Includes developing and implementing the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) to provide unique IDs for all health plans and providers and implementing and enforcing administrative simplification provisions at CMS and Medicare contractor.

CMS Development of Quality Improvement & Evaluation System (QIES) National Development - 37
QIES collects provider and beneficiary-specific outcomes of care and performance data across various delivery sites, to improve the quality and cost effectiveness of services provided by Medicare and Medicaid.

CMS Modern Data Warehouseing Environment (Modern Databases) (Group 700)
To support key business decision-making, the Modern Databases project provides for the migration of data from legacy systems to an integrated, relational Data Warehouse environment that supports CMS transaction processing needs under Medicare & Medicaid.

ACF Expanded Federal Parent Locator Service (OCSE)
FPLS provides critical support to state & local child support agencies & to other federal agencies. Efforts are underway to develop a new target architecture that will take advantage of new technologies and approaches.

Core Accounting System (CORE)
The Core Accounting system (CORE) is the official PSC accounting and financial management system. CORE is a heavily modified version of Federal Success, which was an off-the-shelf federal accounting package.

Debt Management and Collection (DMCS)
DMCS is a Core Accounting System feeder system used to manage loans and accounts receivable.

Travel Management System (TMS)
TMS is a Core Accounitng System feeder system which is used to mange travel. TMS manages the entire travel cycle, from the travel request through the payment of the travel voucher.

Accounting for Pay System (AFPS)
AFPS is a Core Accounting System feeder system used to distribute payroll costs.

Commissioned Officers Personnel and Payroll System (COPPS)
Note: This system is now reported totally under this HR category. This is the personnel portion of the Commissioned Officers Personnel and Payroll System (COPPS).

HHS Enterprise HR IT Investment
The HHS Enterprise HR IT Investment includes the fully implemented PeopleSoft Enterprise Human Resources and Payroll System (EHRP) as well as newer initiatives covered under the HR consolidation of 40 personnel offices into 4 (40 to 4) realigned sites

POIS/Service Tracking Management Modernization
(POIS) is the FOH-wide enterprise information system used for service tracking and management of reimbursable services delivered under interagency agreements with several hundred federal agency customers.

Last revised: June 20, 2005


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