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PIMMS Version 3.1 Release Notes

New and updated features in PIMMS v3.1 are:

  • New in version 3.1c (Released 2001 May 03).
    • Fix for extrapolation bug for file-based models (such as Raymond-Smith), which existed in versions 3.0 through 3.1b and were occasionally severe if multiple file-based models were combined into a single model.
  • New in version 3.1b (Released 2001 February 27).
    • Clarification: Chandra HETG and LETG first order count rates are the sum of +1st and -1st orders.
  • New in version 3.1a (Released 2001 January 29).
    • Chandra AO-3 support.
    • Minor bug fixes and clean-ups.

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