Office of Educational Technology (OET)

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Harnessing Innovation to Support Student Success
Share Your Ideas on Technology's Role in Education
Ed Tech Fact Sheet
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Helping Practitioners Meet the Goals of NCLB
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Teacher's Guide to International Collaboration on the Internet

The Office of Educational Technology (OET) is responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of the Department's educational technology policies, research projects and national technology summits. The Office's main goal is to maximize technology's contributions to improving education through developing national educational technology policy and implementing policy department-wide, to support the goals of No Child Left Behind.

The School 2.0 eToolkit is designed to help schools, districts, and communities develop a common education vision and explore how that vision can be supported by technology.

In 2005 OET produced the publication The National Education Technology Plan, which provides a summary of the challenges in our schools, the importance of technology, current student attitudes regarding technology and recommendations for meeting the challenges of No Child Left Behind through technology.

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Last Modified: 03/24/2009