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New Brochure Helps Protect Sylvania Wilderness from Invasive Species

posted Thursday, February 2, 2009 by Susan Trull

Invasive species brochure cover

In order to help protect the Sylvania Wilderness, a brochure describing invasive species was produced.

The Ottawa National Forest Botany Program developed a brochure describing eight non-native invasive species which threaten the health and integrity of Sylvania Wilderness, an 18,400-acre area of lakes and woods, popular with canoeists and hikers. The brochure includes descriptions and photos of garlic mustard, Japanese barberry, European swamp thistle, Eurasian watermilfoil, purple loosestrife, spotted knapweed, rusty crayfish and exotic earthworms. The brochure also discusses effects of invasive species and provides steps visitors can take to help protect the Wilderness.

The brochures were printed with financial assistance from the Ottawa Interpretive Association. Brochures are distributed at the entrance station to the Wilderness as well as at the Forest Visitor Center, Ranger District offices, and by members of the Western Upper Peninsula Cooperative Weed and Pest Management Area during their outreach programs. The brochures are successfully raising awareness of visitor effects on invasive species.