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Mush! Gee! Haw! Chippewa Law Enforcement Assist with Sled Dog Race

posted Thursday, January 1, 2009 by Melissa Rickers

White Oak Sled Dog Race

Chippewa National Forest law enforcement officers Kent Ledermann and Paul Nordeen worked with local sled dog race providing security and safe passage as the teams mush down th

Northern Minnesota offers a wide range of winter recreation, from snowmobiling to snowshoeing, but nothing matches the excitement (and sound) of a team of howling dogs ready to leap off the starting line of the 3rd Annual White Oak Sled Dog Race. Chippewa National Forest law enforcement officers Kent Ledermann and Paul Nordeen have been working with this popular race since it began, providing security and safe passage as the teams mush down the trail.

The White Oak Sled Dog Classic is a two-day, 130 mile "big dog" race that begins in Deer River, Minnesota and traverses the Chippewa National Forest north to Squaw Lake, Northome (the half-way point at 65 miles), east to Effie, south to Bigfork and straight to the finish line in Marcell. This year a record 70 teams registered in four different classes, included 6-dog recreational, 6 dog trophy, and both the 65-mile and 130-mile Pro Teams.

Nordeen and Ledermann partnered with Leech Lake Reservation Conservation Officers, Itasca County Sheriff and the Itasca County Search and Rescue team. Officers travel the trail by snowmobile, providing safe crossing for teams at road intersections and responding to incidents. The multi-agency enforcement team stays out until the last dog team is in.

The race is well organized and the officers enjoy the chance to get to know this growing Forest-user group. "Providing a safe experience is the key to the day. Safety for the crews, mushers, dogs and other Forest Visitors is our job at the races. said Nordeen, "It's also great to see the families outside, in the snow, enjoying the Forest and taking in this great winter pastime," The sport is growing on the Chippewa National Forest, with a second big race coming through at the end of January. The city of Walker , on the southern end of the Forest, will be hosting the "City on the Bay" Dog Sled Race on January 31. This is the first year for the Walker event, which includes 7 race classes, including junior races and a ski-jouring race as well. Mush on over to the Chippewa!