1996-2007 MFE or related Publications

In some cases we have electronic versions of the papers, and in other cases just the reference to the item. These papers are from refereed publications, conferences, or lab reports.

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MTF Papers:


FRC Collaboration Papers:

H. Y. Guo, A. L. Hoffman, R. D. Brooks, Z. M. Peter, Z. A. Pietrzyk, S. J. Tobin, And G. R. Votroubek, "Formation and steady-state maintenance of field reversed configuration using rotating magnetic field current drive"". Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 9, No. 1, 185 (2002).
S. J. Tobin, W. A. Reass, L. S. Schrank, G. A. Wurden, H. Y. Guo, A. L. Hoffman, D. Lotz, "Rotating magnetic field oscillator system for current drive in the translation, confinement, and sustainment experiment", Rev. Sci. Instr. Vol 72, No. 9, 3528 (2001).

Diagnostic Papers:

Jaeyoung Park and Glen Wurden,   "Intense Diagnostic Neutral Beam for ITER". Presented at the US ITER Forum, College Park, MD, May 8, 2003. LA-UR-03-3228. Keywords: ITER, internal magnetic field diagnostic, CHERS, active spectroscopy.
E. Torbert,  I. Furno, T. Intrator "A Plasma Shielded Minature Rogowski Probe". Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74(12) no. 1, 5097 (2003). LA-UR-03-75013.  Keywords: internal magnetic field diagnostic, RSX, magnetic reconnection.
 A.J.H. DonnĂ© 1), R. Boivin 2), A.E. Costley 3), R Giannella 4), D. Johnson 5), E. Hodgson 6), A. Kislyakov 7), A. Krasilnikov 8), Y. Kusama 9), T. Leonard 2), A. Malaquias 10), G. Mckee 11), P. Nielsen 12), T. Nishitani 9), W. Peebles 13), F. Orsitto 14), R.A. Pitts 15), G. Razdobarin 7), J. Sanchez 6), M. Sasao 16), F. Serra 10), T. Shikama 17), V. Strelkov 18), T. Sugie 3), G. Vayakis 3), V. Voitsenya 19), K.Vukolov 18), C. Walker 20), G. A. Wurden 21), K. Young 5) and V. Zaveriaev  18), "Physics R&D in Support of ITER/BPX Diagnostic Development", . presented at the 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, in Lyon, France Oct. 14-19, 2002.  Paper CT/P-10. Also,  LA-UR-02-6363. Keywords: ITER, BPX, plasma diagnostics, R&D tasks.
Zhehui Wang and G. A. Wurden  "Hypervelocity dust beam injection for internal magnetic field mapping"". Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74(3), 1887 (2003). Keywords: internal magnetic field diagnostic, dust, spectroscopy, high-resolution imaging..
Zhehui Wang, Cris W. Barnes, G. A. Wurden, D. N. Hill, E. B. Hooper, H. S. Mclean, R. D. Wood, and S. Woodruff,   "Large amplitude density and H-alpha fluctuations in the sustained spheromak physics experiment". Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 42, pg. 643-652, (2002). Keywords: spheromak, visible fluctuations, magnetic fluctuations, density fluctuations, MHD activity.
R. J. Maqueda, G. A. Wurden, J. L. Terry, J. Gaffke,  "Digital-image capture system for the IR camera used in Alcator C-Mod"". Rev. Sci. Instr., (72)1, pg 927, (2001). Proceeedings of the 13th High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics Conference, Tucson, AZ, June 19, 2000. Keywords: Infrared imaging, 12-bit digital, Amber Radiance 1 camera, IR periscope, plasma diagnostics.
R. J. Maqueda, G. A. Wurden, S. Zweben, L. Roquemore, H. Kugel, D. Johnson, S. Sabbagh, R. Maingi,  "Edge turbulence measurements in NSTX by gas puff imaging"". Rev. Sci. Instr., (72)1, pg 931, (2001). Proceeedings of the 13th High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics Conference, Tucson, AZ, June 19, 2000. Keywords: Fast visible imaging, turbulence, filamentation, NSTX spherical tokamak, gas puffing, plasma diagnostics.
Zhehui Wang, G. A. Wurden, Cris W. Barnes, C. J. Buchenauer, H. S. McLean, D. N. Hill, E. B. Hooper, R. D. Wood, S. Woodruff  "Density and H-alpha diagnostics and results for the sustained spheromak physics experiment"". Rev. Sci. Instr., (72)1, pg 1059, (2001). Proceeedings of the 13th High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics Conference, Tucson, AZ, June 19, 2000. Keywords: spheromak, CO2 interferometer, density, H-alpha, fluctuations, plasma diagnostics.
Stewart Zweben, Ricardo Maqueda, Kenneth Hill, David Johnson, Stanley Kaye, Henry Kugel, Fred Levington, Lane Roquemore, Steven Sabbagh, Glen Wurden, "Visible Imaging of Edge Turbulence in NSTX"". LA-UR-00-684. Presented at the EPS Conference 2000, June 12-16, 2000, Budapest, Hungary.
 Ned Sauthoff, Charles Baker, Dan Baker, Roger Bengston, Everett Bloom, James Drake, Andy Faltens, Robert Granetz, James Lyon, Peter Mioduszewski, William Nevins, Dale Smith, Michael Ulrickson, James Van Dam, Glen Wurden, and Ken Young, "Technical Opportunities for International Collaborations by the U. S. Fusion Program".  Journal of Fusion Energy, 19(1), 65 (2000). Keywords: MFE, international collaborations, international agreement.
 M. Ono, S. M. Kaye, C. Neumeyer, ..... R. Maqueda, .....G. Wurden,  ... and the NSTX Team, " Making of the NSTX Facility", pg. 53,  IEEE # 99CH37050, ISBN 0-7803-5829-5. (Proceedings of the 18th IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Oct. 25-29, 1999). Keywords: Spherical tokamak, national collaboration.
G. A. Wurden, B. J Peterson "Development of Imaging Bolometery for Large MFE Experiments"PDF.GIF (204 bytes),    Rev. Sci. Instrum., 70(1), 255 (1999). Keywords: IR imaging bolometer, prototype, CHS, LHD, ITER.
G. A. Wurden, B. J Peterson "Imaging Bolometer Development for Large Fusion Devices", ITER Diagnostics Workshop, Varenna, Italy, Sept. 4-12, 1997. in Diagnostics for Experimental Thermonuclear Fusion Reactors 2, pg. 399-408, edited by Stott et al., Plenum Press, New York, 1998. LA-UR-97-3586. Keywords: IR imaging bolometer, prototype, CHS, LHD, ITER.

G. A. Wurden, B. J. Peterson, Shigeru Sudo. Design of an imaging bolometer system for the large helical device. Review of Scientific Instruments, 68, No. 1, pg. 766-769 (1997). Keywords: stellarator, LHD, pinhole camera, segmented matrix, IR camera, multi-channel imager, plasma radiation and particles.

G. A. Wurden. "A radiation-hard, steady-state, digital imaging bolometer system". in Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol 34-35, 301-305 (1997). LA-UR-95-4339. Keywords: imaging bolometer, IR camera, fusion plasma, Toki Conference proceedings.

G. A. Wurden. " A rad-hard, steady-state, digital imaging bolometer system for ITER ", In Diagnostics for Experimental Thermonuclear Fusion Reactors, edited by P. E. Stott, et. al., Plenum Press, NY, (1996). Pg. 603-606. LA-UR-95-2993. Keywords: radiation-hard, IR camera, segmented matrix, plasma radiation detector.

S. Davis, D. Barnes, T. Casper, R. Fonck, T. Fredian, T. Gibney, M. Greenwald, P. Henliine, K. Keith, B. McHarg, W. Meyer, J. Moller, P. Roney, J. Stillerman, and G. Wurden "Experiences with Remote Collaborations in Fusion Research" (html), Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE) Conference, San Diego, CA. Oct. 5-10, 1997. LA-UR-97-4313. Keywords: remote control, videoconferencing, virtual control room, TFTR, JT-60U, Alcator, DIII-D.

 M. G. Bell, S. Batha, et. al. "Deuterium-tritium plasmas in novel regimes in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor", Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 4, No. 5, 1714-1724 (1997). Keywords: Tokamak, TFTR, deuterium-tritium operation, confinement, stability, reversed shear, lithium, transport.

Cris W. Barnes, Hau H. Duong, D. L. Jassby, L. C. Johnson, A. R. Larson, G. LeMunyan, M. J. Loughlin, A. L. Roquemore, S. Sesnic, J. D. Strachan, S. von Goeler, and G. A. Wurden. "DT Neutron Measurements and Experience on TFTR". In Diagnostics for Experimental Thermonuclear Fusion Reactors, edited by P. E. Stott, et. al., Plenum Press, NY, (1996). Pg. 379-383. LA-UR-95-2655. Keywords: Tokamak, TFTR, neutron calibration, deuterium-tritium plasmas.

Cris W. Barnes, S. D. Scott, et. al., "Confinement analysis in low-confinement mode of hydrogen isotope experiments on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor". Physics of Plasmas, Vol 3, No. 12, pg. 4521-4535 (1996). Keywords: Tokamak, TFTR, isotope effect, confinement scaling, hydrogen, deuterium, ohmic heating, neutral beam heating.

Cris W. Barnes and A. R. Larsen, "Calculations of Neutron Activation Response for the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor, and Absolute Calibrations of Neutron Yield", Fusion Technology 30, pg. 63--72 (1996). Keywords: absolute neutron calibration, MCNP code, TFTR, tokamak.

 C. W. Barnes, et. al.Design Considerations for Neutron Activation and Neutron Source Strength Monitors for ITER, ITER Diagnostics Workshop, Varenna, Italy, Sept. 4-12, 1997. LA-UR-97-3587. Keywords: neutrons, ITER.

Cris W. Barnes and A. L. Roquemore, Neutron Source Strength Monitors for ITER", A paper for Review of Scientific Instruments for the 11th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (LA-UR-96-1651). Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 No. 1, (1997) 573--576. Keywords: ITER neutron diagnostics, uranium fission chambers.

Cris W. Barnes, Michael Loughlin, and Takeo Nishitani. Neutron Activation for ITER " A paper for Review of Scientific Instruments for the 11th Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (LA-UR-96-1608). Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 No. 1, (1997) 577--580. Keywords: ITER neutron diagnostics, absolute calibration, activation systems.

K. M. McGuire, C. W. Barnes, S. Batha, et. al. "Physics of High Performance Deuterium-Tritium Plasmas in TFTR", 16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 7-11, 1996. IAEA-F1-CN-64/01-2. Keywords: Tokamak, TFTR, deuterium-tritium operation, confinement, stability, transport.

 R. Maqueda and G. A. Wurden, "Fast Imaging of Visible Phenomena in TFTR". Accepted for publication in Nuclear Fusion, Oct. 1998.
 R. Maqueda and G. A. Wurden, "Images of Plasma Disruptions Effects in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor". Accepted for publication in the IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Special Issue on Images in Plasmas, for publication in Jan. 1999.
K. Tobita, T. Nishitani, H. Harano, K. Tani, M. Isobe, T. Fujita, Y. Kusama, G. A. Wurden, et. al. "Transport and loss of energetic ions in JT-60U". 16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 7-11, 1996. IAEA-CN-64/A5-6. Keywords: Tokamak, JT-60U, MeV ion confinement, tritons, 14 MeV neutrons, reversed magnetic shear, ripple loss.

T. Nishitani, M. Hoek, H. Harano, M. Isobe, K. Tobita, Y. Kusama, G. A. Wurden, and R. E. Chrien. "Triton burn-up study in JT-60U". Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Vol 38, pg. 355-364, (1996). LA-UR-95-3156. Keywords: Tokamak, JT-60U, scintillating fiber neutron detectors, 14 MeV neutrons, triton diffusivity, time-resolved measurements, toroidal ripple.

A. J. Allen, J. L. Terry, D. Garnier, J. A. Stillerman, and G. A. Wurden. The high resolution video capture system on the alcator C-Mod tokamk. Review of Scientific Instruments, 68, No. 1, pg. 947-950 (1997). Keywords: tokamak, Alcator C-Mod, video capture, frame grabber, fast fluctuations, plasma radiation.

Glen A. Wurden and D. O. Whiteson. "High-Speed Plasma Imaging: A Lightning Bolt" IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 24(1), pg. 83-84 (1996) Keywords: Lightning, gated intensified video camera, stepped leader. 

G. A. Wurden, A. J. Wurden, and I. M. Gladstone. "Plasma Tails: Comets Hyakutake and Hale-Bopp"PDF.GIF (204 bytes), IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 27 (1), pg. 142-143 (1999). LA-UR-98-3007. Keywords: plasma tail, dust tail, comet, bluish color, whitish color, photographs. 

M. E. Mauel, E. Eisner, A. Garofalo, T. H. Ivers, R. Kombargi, D. Maurer, D. Nadle, G. A. Navratil, A. Sainz, M. K. V. Sankar, M. Su, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, W. A. Reass , G. A. Wurden, Los Alamos National Laboratory. "Eddy-current characterization and plasma rotation control in wall-stabilized tokamak discharges". 16th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Montreal, Canada, Oct. 7-11, 1996. IAEA-CN-64/AP1-19. Keywords: Tokamak, HBT-EP, active feedback stabilization, MHD instabilities, plasma rotation control.

T. H. Ivers, E. Eisner, A. Garofalo, R. Kombargi, M. E. Mauel, D. Maurer, D. Nadle, G. A. Navratil, M. K. V. Sankar, M. Su, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, R. R. Bartsch, W. A. Reass, and G. A. Wurden, LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY. "Observation of wall stabilization and active control of low-n magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in a tokamak". Physics of Plasmas, 3 (5), pg. 1926-1934 (1996). Keywords: Tokamak, HBT-EP, modular saddle coils, active feedback, movable conducting wall, m=2 instability, rotation velocity modulation.

R. J. Maqueda, Cris W. Barnes, S. S. Han, P. A. Staples, and R. S. Wagner. "Proton recoil detector of fusion neutrons using natural diamond". Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 No. 1, (1997) 624-627. Keywords: neutron detector, energy resolving, diamond, tests at LANSCE.

H. A. Davis, J. C. Olson, W. A. Reass, Cris W. Barnes, and R. R. Bartsch; D. M. Coates, J. W. Hunt, and H. M. Schleinitz; R. H. Lovberg; J. B. Greenly. "Progress toward a microsecond duration, repetitively pulsed, intense-ion beam for active spectroscopic measurements on ITER". Rev. Sci. Instrum. 68 No. 1, (1997) 332-335. Keywords: ITER, beam-plasma systems, ion temperature, charge exchange, plasma diagnostic, high intensity pulsed beam.

W. M. Parsons, E. O. Ballard, R. R. Bartsch, et. al. "The Atlas Project", IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Vol 25, No. 2, 205-211 (1997). Keywords: Pulsed power, machine design, LANL, hydrodynamic experiments, high energy density physics.

 M. Tuszewski, R. R. White, and G. A. Wurden, "Relaxation oscillations of low-frequency Ar/SF6 inductive plasma discharges" ", Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 12 396-402 (2003). Keywords: plasma source instability, two-species, relaxation oscillation, high-speed video, langmuir probe.

 I. Furno, T. Intrator, E. Torbert, C. Carey, M. D. Cash, J. K. Campbell, Fienup, W. J., C. A. Werely, G. A. Wurden, G. Fiksel, "Reconnection scaling experiment: A new device for three-dimensional magnetic reconnection studies" ", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74(4)  2324 (2003). Keywords: magnetic reconnection, plasma gun, linear machine.



42nd Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, 2000 (Quebec City). Abstracts:

[BO1.004] High current non inductive toroidal current generation by CHI in NSTX*

R Raman (Univ. of Washington, Seattle), T Jarboe (U-Wash.), D Mueller (PPPL), MJ Schaffer (GA), R Maqueda (LANL), BA Nelson (U-Wash.), H Ji (PPPL), S Sabbagh (Columbia-U), M Bell (PPPL), R Ewig (U-Wash.), E Fredrickson, D Gates, J Hosea, S Jardin, R Kaita, SM Kaye, H Kugel (PPPL), R Maingi (ORNL), J Menard, M Ono (PPPL), D Orvis (U-Wash.), S Paul, M Peng, CH Skinner (PPPL), J Wilgen (ORNL), G Wurden (LANL), S Zweben (PPPL), NSTX Research Team

The favorable properties of the ST arise from its very small aspect ratio (A less than equal to 1.5). To minimize the aspect ratio, elimination of the central solenoid is a consideration for future ST designs. Coaxial Helicity Injection (CHI) on NSTX produced 130kA of toroidal current without the use of the central solenoid. Results demonstrate that there are no fundamental obstacles to applying CHI in a large plasma device. The July to September CHI campaign is expected to produce toroidal currents in excess of 200kA using the full CHI injector current capability of 50kA at 1kV that is now available. Improvements to the MFIT and EFIT computer codes will be used in efforts to detect the generation of closed flux in an optimized plasma configuration. * Work supported by U.S. DOE contract DE-AC02-76CH03073, DE-FG03-99ER54519

[BO1.001] Experimental Spherical Torus Equilibria in NSTX

S.A. Sabbagh (Columbia University), D. Gates, S.M. Kaye, B. LeBlanc, E. Mazzucato, J. Menard, D. Mueller, S. Paul, and the NSTX Research Team (PPPL), A.H. Glasser, R.J. Maqueda, G. Wurden (LANL), L.L. Lao (General Atomics)

Experiments have been conducted to examine the operational domain of NSTX and the equilibrium response to plasma phenomena. Limiter, double-null and single-null diverted configurations have been created. The equilibria have been reconstructed using an automated version of the EFIT code and cover the range 1.6 < \kappa < 2.3, 0.25 < \delta < 0.45, 0.3 < l_i < 1.6 at B_t < 0.3 T, and an aspect ratio A = 1.3, with peak I_p < 1 MA. Pulse duration at nominally constant I_p is typically 4 - 5 energy confinement times. Induced currents in the vacuum vessel wall and conducting plate structure are significant (up to 0.3 MA) and must be included in the analysis. Ohmic plasma stored energy, W_tot has reached 48 +/- 10 kJ (\beta_t = 8.7 percent), with peak energy confinement time of 25 ms (18 ms at peak W_tot). Equilibrium dynamics during startup, internal reconnection events, vertical instabilities, and other gross plasma phenomena are reproduced.

[MP1.101] Temperature Measurements and Beta Limits in SSPX

H.S. McLean, D.N. Hill, E.B. Hooper, C.T. Holcomb, B.W. Stallard, R.D. Wood, S. Woodruff, E.C. Morse, A. Ahmed (UCB), C.W. Domier, Y Roh (UCD), G. Wurden, Z. Wang (LANL)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551. Recent SSPX operations have produced plasma discharges sustained for 2msec with I_P\simeq 600kA, B_pol\simeq 0.25 T, and n\simeq2e20m^-3. Shots with good wall conditioning show clear evidence of impurity ‘burn-through’ and increased magnetic decay time to \simeq1msec indicating higher temperatures. These higher T_e discharges are terminated by a rapid event evidenced by an increase in magnetic field decay-rate and H-alpha emission, and may result from high a \beta instability (also observed in CTX^1). Additionally, the possibility of encountering a \beta--limit during the driven phase will be explored. Direct measurements with a Thomson scattering diagnostic will allow these phenomena to be studied. Initially, a single spatial measurement will give T_e in the core, and ultimately, ten spatial channels will provide temperature and pressure profiles. 1. Wysocki et al Phys. Rev. Lett. V61, No.21, p2457 (1988). This work was performed under the auspices of the USDOE by UCLLNL under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48.

[MM1.005] Observations Concerning the Injection of a Lithium Aerosol into the Edge of TFTR Discharges.

D.K. Mansfield, D.W. Johnson, B. Grek, H. Kugel, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, R.A. Budny, C.A. Bush, E.D. Fredrickson, K.W. Hill, D.L. Jassby, R. Maqueda, H.K. Park, C.H. Skinner, G. Taylor, G.A. Wurden (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

A new method of actively modifying the plasma-wall interaction was tested on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor. The use of a laser to introduce a directed lithium aerosol into the discharge scrape-off layer allowed the plasma-wall interaction to be influenced in situ by external means. Significant improvement in energy confinement and neutron production rates as well as a reduction in the plasma Zeff have been documented. The introduction of a metallic aerosol into the plasma edge increased the internal inductance of the plasma column and also resulted in prompt heating of core electrons. Preliminary evidence suggests that the introduction of an aerosol may lead to the formation of an edge transport barrier.

[MP1.119] Progress on the Los Alamos High-Density Field Reversed Configuration Experiment

J.M. Taccetti, T.P. Intrator, G.A. Wurden, F.J. Wysocki, M. Tuszewski, R. Siemon (Los Alamos National Laboratory), J.H. Degnan, W. Sommars, D. Gale, T. Cavazos (Air Force Research Laboratory)

We present the status of the LANL high-density Field Reversed Configuration (FRC). This FRC will be the target plasma for Magnetized Target Fusion (MTF) experiments; heating it by compressing it inside an imploding flux conserver should allow access to fusion conditions.We present our current experimental setup to study the pre-ionization, formation, and translation phases of the FRC. Diagnosing of this plasma is challenging due to the short timescales, high energy densities, high magnetic fields, and restricted access. Our goal is an FRC with n\sim10^17cm^-3, T\sim100-300eV, B\sim5T, and a lifetime of 10-20\mus. According to previous experience, the pre-ionization process is crucial for good FRC formation. We will show initial results of the pre-ionization experiments, which ionize the gas by impressing a rapidly oscillating (\sim300kHz) axial magnetic field over a slower-timescale magnetic bias field of comparable magnitude. This occurs just prior to the theta pinch coil magnetic field reversal. This is a much (10\times) larger field that radially contracts and forms the closed field lines for the FRC. (PDF File of the Poster)


[MP1.142] Gas Puff Imaging of edge turbulence in NSTX

R.J. Maqueda, G.A. Wurden (LANL), S. Zweben, L. Roquemore, D. Johnson, H. Kugel, S. Kaye (PPPL), S. Sabbagh (Columbia University), R. Maingi (ORNL), X.Q. Xu (LLNL)

Turbulent filaments in visible light emission have been observed in NSTX with similar characteristics to those seen in TFTR, ASDEX, Alcator C-Mod, DIII-D, and MAST. These filaments were observed by viewing a localized gas puff with a fast-framing, intensified, digital visible camera (i.e., Gas Puff Imaging). The views employed are either in the toroidal vs. poloidal or radial vs. poloidal planes. Initial results in NSTX show that the turbulent filaments are well aligned with the magnetic field (EFIT reconstructions), which can be up to 45^o from the horizontal at the outer midplane of NSTX. The dominant wavelength perpendicular to the magnetic field is \sim7-11 cm, corresponding to a k_\perp\rho_s of \sim0.3 at an assumed T_e=25 eV, and the frequency spectra has a typical broad shape characteristic of edge turbulence extending to about 100 kHz. The characteristic radial scale-length appears to be in the 3-5 cm range. The experimental result will be compared with those from the BOUT turbulence code of LLNL.


[WP1.071] Some Analytical Solutions to Steady-state Axisymmetric Magnetohydrodynamics Equations with Flow

Zhehui Wang, Cris W. Barnes, G. A. Wurden (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

High-speed plasma jets and cosmic wind are common phenomena in the universe. In fusion experiments, when a lot of external energies are used to heat the plasma, plasma motion, such as rotation and flow along the magnetic fields, have been observed routinely. These diverse phenomena are believed to be described by the magnetrohydrodynamics (MHD) equations. With assumptions of steady-state and axisymmetry, the MHD equations reduce to the generalized Grad-Shafranov (or Grad-Schluter-Shafranov) (G2S/G2S2) equations with flow. We have solved the G2S/G2S2 under various assumptions. Implication of the solutions to spheromak and magneto-plama-dynamic (MPD) acceleration are discussed.

[MP1.122] Power Coupling of the Rotating Magnetic Field to the Plasma in the Translation, Confinement and Sustainment Experiment

Stephen Tobin, Louis Schrank (Affiliation), Glen Wurden (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Bob Brooks, Ed Crawford, Houyang Guo, Alan Hoffman, Dan Lotz, John Slough (Affiliation), George Votroubek (Redmond Plasma Physics Laboratory), Los Alamos National Laboratory Collaboration, Redmond Plasma Physics Laboratory Collaboration

Experimental results utilizing the rotating magnetic field (RMF) current drive system at TCS are presented. The procedure at TCS is to form a hot, FRC (RFTP method); translate it to the confinement chamber; then drive a poloidal current in it with a RMF so that the magnetic flux is sustained. The goal is to sustain the flux so that the lifetime of the FRC becomes limited by particle inventory rather that resistive flux losses, as is presently the case. In addition, the RMF can form FRCs from a pre-ionized gas fill. Experiments to date have been conducted with the following properties: RMF field strengths of about 25 G (1 mWb flux), densities of about 0.5x10^19 m^-3, electron temperatures of about 100 eV, and external fields of 150 G. This poster will address the coupling of the RMF power to the plasma, in particular, how this coupling varies with density and RMF properties (field strength, frequency, pulse width and relative phasing).

[NP1.052] Reconnection Scaling Experiment (RSX) – 3D movies of magnetic reconnection in linear geometry at Los Alamos National Laboratory

T. Intrator, C. Sovinec, D. Begay (Los Alamos National Laboratory), S. Calloway (Northern New Mexico Community College), C. Werley (Los Alamos High School), B. Lasley (Norfolk State Univ.)

The physics of magnetic reconnection is a major unsolved issue in MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD) and plays a fundamental role in changing the magnetic field topology for many astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. Magnetic flux annihilates and transforms into plasma kinetic energy beyond the scope of ideal MHD. We are presently building the linear Reconnection Scaling Experiment (RSX) at LANL to access the scaling between collisional and collisionless reconnection regimes. Plasma gun technology developed at the Univ. of Wisconsin generates high density (>10^14cm^-3) high current (J\sim300A/cm^2) ohmically heated (T_e>15eV) channels. As the reconnection region sweeps down a 4 meter plasma column we create 3D movies of magnetic reconnection from many repetitive shots. We will attack problem with the experiment, modeling using 3D fluid (NIMROD) and particle simulations of the reconnection region. This approach represents synergistic collaborations across divisions within the LANL community and has a substantial student participation.

40th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, 1998 (New Orleans). Abstracts:

"Measurement of MTF Target Plasma Temperature Using Filtered Photodiodes", J. M. Taccetti, F. J. Wysocki, G. Idzorek, H. Oona, R. C. Kirkpatrick, I. R. Lindemuth, P. T. Sheehey, F. Y. Thio.  

"Divertor surface heating in Alcator C-Mod", R. J. Maqueda, G. A. Wurden (Los Alamos National Laboratory), J. L. Terry (Plasma Science and Fusion Center MIT).

"Field Reversed Configuration Target Design for a Magnetized Target Fusion Experiment",  G. A. Wurden, K. F. Schoenberg, R. E. Siemon, M. Tuszewski, F. Wysocki (Los Alamos National Laboratory), R. D. Milroy (U of Washington).

"Magnetized Target Fusion Proof-of-Principle (PoP Proposal)", R..E. Siemon, R.J. Bartlett, R.R. Bartsch, C.A. Ekdahl, R.J. Faehl, J. Finn, R.A. Gerwin, R. Kirkpatrick, I.R. Lindemuth, R.W. Moses, R.E. Reinovsky, K.F. Schoenberg, P.T. Sheehey, J.S. Shlachter, M.G. Tuszewski, G.A. Wurden, F.J. Wysocki (LANL), J. Degnan, G.F. Kiuttu, E.L. Ruden, P. Turchi (AFRL), P. Parks (GA), J.H. Hammer, R. Moir, D. Ryutov (LLNL), Y.C.F. Thio (Massey Univ, New Zealand), R.D. Milroy (U. Washington), L. Green (Westinghouse)


39th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, 1997 (Pittsburgh). Abstracts:

[dMopP3.18] High Beta Resistive Wall Modes and Plans for the HBT-EP Smart Shell and ICRF Heating Systems M. Mauel, C. Cates, D. Maurer, D. Nadle, G. Navratil, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao (Columbia University), W. Reass, G. Wurden (LANL), M. Okabayashi, J. Rogers (Princeton University)

[dMopP3.27] Control of Toroidal Plasma Flow With External Magnetic Perturbations on HBT-EP E. Taylor, E. Eisner, M. Mauel, D. Maurer, D. Nadle, G. Navratil, Q. Xiao (Columbia University), W. Reass, G. Wurden (LANL), S. Paul (Princeton University)

[dMopP3.13] Magnetic Feedback Experiments on MHD Instabilities in HBT-EP D. Nadle, C. Cates, M. E. Mauel, D. Maurer, G. A. Navratil, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao (Columbia University), W. Reass, G. A. Wurden (LANL) 

[dMopP3.12] Overview of HBT-EP Experimental Program and Plans (INVITED TALK by Navratil). HBT-EP Group, G.A. Navratil, C. Cates, M.E. Mauel, D. Maurer, D. Nadle, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao (Columbia University), W.A. Reass, G.A. Wurden (LANL), J. Rogers (PPPL)

[oThaP2.23] Fast Visible and IR Imaging in Alcator C-Mod R. J. Maqueda, G. A. Wurden (Los Alamos National Laboratory), J. L. Terry, J. A. Stillerman (PSFC-MIT), S. J. Zweben (PPPL)

 [dMopP3.15] Plasma Rotation Control using Multiple Helicity Saddle Coils in HBT-EP D. Maurer, C. Cates, M.E. Mauel, D. Nadle, G.A. Navratil, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao (Columbia University), S. Paul (Princeton University), W. Reass, G.A. Wurden (LANL)

 [gTuaP3.16] Experiment and Modeling of Atmospheric Pressure Arc in Applied Oscillating Magnetic Field Max Karasik, L Roquemore, S.J. Zweben (Princeton Plasma Physics Lab), E. May (UNC Chapel Hill), G.A. Wurden (Los Alamos National Lab)

38th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, 1996 (Denver). Abstracts:

"Fast Imaging Diagnostic on TFTR", G. A. Wurden, R. J. Maqueda, G. Lemunyan, D. Long, and S. Medley.
"Disruptions and Runaway Production in TFTR", R. J. Maqueda, G. A. Wurden, E. D. Fredrickson, and Z. Chang.
"Study of the Lithium Deposition Profile on the TFTR Inner Bumper Limiter in Discharges with Li-Pellet Injection", K. W. Hill, D. K. Mansfield, M. G. Bell, B. Davis, H. W. Kugel, S. S. Medley, A. T. Ramsey, C. H. Skinner, J. D. Strachan, C. E. Bush, J. Hogan, G. A. Wurden, and W. Tighe.
"Recent Results with the Penning Fusion Experiment (PFX)", T. B. Mitchell, M. M. Schauer, D. C. Barnes.
"Beyond the Brillouin Limit with the Penning Fusion Experiment (invited talk)", D. C. Barnes.
"Magnetic Feeback Experiments on MHD Instabilities in HBT-EP", D. Nadle, E. Eisner, A. Garofalo, T. H. Ivers, R. Kombargi, M. E. Mauel, D. Maurer, G. A. Navratil, A. Sainz, M. K. V. Sankar, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao, W. A. Reass, G. A. Wurden.
"Overview of HBT-EP Experimental Program", HBT-EP Group, G. A. Navratil, E. Eisner, A. Garofalo, T. H. Ivers, R. Kombargi, M. E. Mauel, D. Maurer, D. Nadle, A. Sainz, M. K. V. Sankar, M. Taylor, Q. Xiao, W. A. Reass, G. A. Wurden.
"Plasma Rotation Control using Resonant Magnetic Perturbations from Single- and Multiple- Helicity Saddle Coils", T. H. Ivers, E. A. Eisner, A. Garofalo, R. Kombargi, M. E. Mauel, D. Maurer, D. Nadle, G. A. Navratil, A. Sainz, M. K. V. Sankar, M. Taylor, Q. Xiao, W. A. Reass, G. A. Wurden.
"Magnetic Feeback Experiments on MHD Instabilities in HBT-EP", D. Nadle, E. Eisner, A. Garofalo, T. H. Ivers, R. Kombargi, M. E. Mauel, D. Maurer, G. A. Navratil, A. Sainz, M. K. V. Sankar, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao, W. A. Reass, G. A. Wurden.
"Analysis of Feedback Experiments for the Control of Rotating Resistive Modes in HBT-EP", M. K. Vijaya Sankar, E. Eisner, A. Garofalo, T. H. Ivers, R. Kombargi, M. E. Mauel, D. Maurer, D. Nadle, G. A. Navratil, A. Sainz, M. K. V. Sankar, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao, W. A. Reass, G. A. Wurden.
"Plasma Response to Static and Single-Phase Oscillating Resonant Magnetic Perturbations", D. Maurer, T. H. Ivers, E. Eisner, A. Garofalo, T. H. Ivers, R. Kombargi, M. E. Mauel, G. A. Navratil, A. Sainz, M. K. V. Sankar, E. Taylor, Q. Xiao, W. A. Reass, G. A. Wurden.

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Last updated:08/22/07

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