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Found 143 studies with search of:   "Burns"
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Burns:   143 studies
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A air sample
B biobrane
burn care
burn center
burn dressings
burn injury
burn scar
burn unit
electric burn
electrical burn
eye burn
full thickness burn
hand burn
partial thickness burn
second degree burn
thermal burn
treatment of burn
C cerium
cultured skin
D donor site
dressing change
burn dressings
dressing change
E electric burn
electrical burn
eye burn
F flammacerium
full thickness burn
G glutamine metabolism
H hand burn
I injuries
burn injury
thermal injuries
isotope study
M mafenide
mafenide acetate
P parenteral feeding
partial thickness
partial thickness burn
proline metabolism
S scar
burn scar
second degree burn
silver sulfadiazine
skin graft
split skin graft
skin grafting
skin substitutes
split skin graft
stable isotope
T thermal burn
thermal injuries
thin skin
treatment of burn
U us army
V virtual reality
W wound healing
X xeroform