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Division of Tribal TANF Management  

Native Employment Works Program

Program Instruction

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Family Assistance
Division of Tribal TANF Management
Washington, D.C. 20447

Transmittal No. NEW-ACF-PI-2007-03 TANF-ACF-PI-2007-09 Date: November 28, 2007


State Agencies, Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Organizations, and Tribal Consortia Administering the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program and the Native Employment Works (NEW) Program, and Other Interested Parties


Implementation of New Procedure for Disseminating Program Instructions (PIs), Policy Announcements (PAs), Information Memoranda (IMs), and Other Documents


Until now the Office of Family Assistance (TANF Bureau) has made PIs, PAs, IMs, and other documents available in both hard copy and on the Internet.  In an effort to effectively utilize the technology available to us, reduce printing costs, and improve our distribution network, we are with this IM announcing a significant change in our procedures. 


The TANF Bureau of the Office of Family Assistance is immediately implementing a new procedure to improve and expedite its dissemination of TANF and NEW information.  We have established a Listserv that will automatically email most new TANF and NEW information to State and Tribal agencies and other interested parties.  This procedure will replace our current practice of sending out hard copies.  However, we will continue to put electronic copies on our Internet website. 

In order to participate in this distribution system, it will be necessary to subscribe to the Listserve at the following website:

When there are changes in the email addresses to which PIs, PAs, IMs, etc. should be sent via the Listserv, it is your responsibility to notify us by resubscribing at the above website.

If at any time after a subscriber no longer wishes to be part of the Listserv, they may unsubscribe at the same website.

If a Tribal TANF or NEW grantee does not have the official capacity to receive email through this Listserv, you may request appropriate accommodations.  Any Tribal TANF or NEW grantee that wants this accommodation must notify the appropriate ACF Regional Office.


Inquiries should be made to the appropriate ACF Regional Office.


Sidonie Squier
Office of Family Assistance   




Administration for Children and Families/Office of Family Assistance Regional Office contacts for the Tribal TANF and NEW programs (PDF - 45KB)